
Harmony: Need subtitle

12 Nov 2017


Ahhh!!! 993 Face Book Friends… I..I.C… Nasa Galaxy 1101 I.C has been reached and aligned to the E Consciousness portal as E GA.LA..XY…C.I..1O 11 C.I. Welcome my Two New Face Book Friends… Archer Kalia Nancy Hakim Benmeddah… A.K.N… H.B…. 1 11 14…8 2…. 1 11 Nnamdi…Harmonies Being 1982 he passed into Death. Emeka Nnamdi… E.N… 5- 14… 19…S…1O…A.O… And emerges from Death- The Black Hole of Smelly Idea’s of Existence and Being. Sacred Portal 66… I receive my Benefits Card […]

05 Nov 2017

11:46 p.m.

11:46 p.m. 11-4-10…1O. President Donald Trumps Twitter account was disabled for 11 days… J.D Jonn Delguidce John Dudley J.=10… D= 4.. 101010 represent the Binary system of the Computer and Alogorthim age. 1-9-0 Is the the foundation of the World Economic, Cultural and Financial ( and Moral) system. 1-7-8 is the Spectrum of Color Wave Lengths *Many of the sounds we associate with white noise are actually pink noise, or brown, or green, or blue. In audio engineering, there’s a […]

03 Nov 2017

11:05 p.m.

11:05 p.m. K.O.E. 11-3-10….1O K-C-J… A.O. Hello.. That is the code of what this post is meant to be about.. ….I have no idea what I am going to write, nor do I have any desire to write, but a series of events seamlessly linked to bring me to the computer Screen in Delta Manor… … So, I noticed that there were 3 likes which appeared as I opened my Page and read the comment of Anthony Bienke, Left Right […]

02 Nov 2017

10:55 p.m.

10:55 p.m. J.E.E. A O E E… Good Lord… I truly have nothing to say…. The Computer here at Delta Manor was suddenly made available, so I thought perhaps there was something…. Nada… My body and my spinal chord is aligning and stretching, ( once again), despite my desire to say Ho Hum…again.. the experience is still alarming… Made more so by the fact that it is something which I have been proving into existence and it aligns to sacred […]

23 Oct 2017

999 Facebook Friends

999 Facebook Friends I I I….. 6:32 p.m, 10-23-10… Hello, As stated earlier, i am using Robert Vlaun’s computer, which is an Macbook Air computer, just as was Leo’s Leo Robert… 17 22…. 39… C.I. i just sent a text to Lisa Natalie Johnson as a witness i told her that Father Mother, my Brother Sister line are Absolute selfishness and they are the source of Evil… Because such Selfishness as this and script has shown me.. such Power Control….. […]

20 Oct 2017

Brittany Mightbe

Brittany Mightbe Lamin Adan Jadama… B.M. L.A. J. Hello…. The Equation and play of course, was meant to be over once all three of my Machinesshut down at the same time. i am using Leo, the 17th year old computer because i had to send a message to Lisa Natalie Johnson, another set up about the code 20… and yes today is the 20th. And Lisa Natalie Johnson just arrived in a perfection of harmony, but i already knew what […]

13 Oct 2017

Last Code of E Triangulation….

Last Code of E Triangulation…. ( Not Strangluation…) Elation Triangulation… G O O G L E… M A P S… S.P….. A.M….. G O O G…E.L.. Sacred Portal A.M… 7- OO7….Full Circle… Emeka Luke… E Lisa Natalie Johnson….right in front of me… J.B… James Bond… Under Cover…. And the Spy who Loved E As I sat in front of Taylor and Mcgraw… ( Tom McCoy… T.M… TOM… My Twin is White… Jamel White Beauty is Caucasian just as David Roman […]

12 Oct 2017
11 Oct 2017

A Broader Stage For Love

A Broader Stage For Love Taylor Stanley and Daniel Applebaum in Justin Pecks The Time Are Racing. -For the New City Ballet 12:04 p.m. 10-11-10 Its About Time. Perfect Timing Symmetrical Perfection. Harmony. Proven activated by an Example chosen selected to Activate, Explain and Demonstrate it, publicly transparently naturally with out awareness ( Blind) until gradually seeing by growing conscious and aware of what He ( I ) am doing by going through the prcoess. Basically, used as his own […]

09 Oct 2017