
Harmony: Need subtitle

24 Nov 2017

Chukky Ijioma…

Chukky Ijioma… C.I. I am sitting at the Delta Manor S 24 E 450 Computer Jamel is sitting a 10 feet from me, we are the Two left in a play which began in the B.R.C Shelter with scores of people, who were trapped in the system. All of them have been sent home, through Divine Intervention D.I ( Bed 49 B.R.C) where my Son Father sent me here into the Black hole of the Shelter system where Society punishes […]

22 Nov 2017


996… O1234567890 Zero to 0 Oval Office to I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI 1 11 111 1111 11111 111-111…1111-111 1111-1111 11111-1111 11111-11111…O 111111111111111111189…Infinity… We Ascend the we Descend…then we reach a Balance.. O…Angels Divine Messengers Be it line of Lisa Natalie Johnson line or Nenad.. or Angela Dawn… We are not simply messengers, a post office to the Demonic side of our Selves called the Ego/ Oge… Projections Reflections projected on those around us […]

22 Nov 2017

5:06 p.m.

5:06 p.m. 11-22-2017. 56… E.F. 11 11-22-33…6 2017….8 8..Stop. 16..64…( past present as Creation World meaning Galaxy Universe Planets Matrix…) 80… H.O.e… in Harmony Joy. For those who will not rise as the E but do it effort by passing through the proverbial Belly of the Beast Manifest. Lisa Natalie Johnson was here at the appointed time and handed me the last of the money codes- through Kemi Sara. She is E.T. and the last of their Kind. For She […]

19 Nov 2017

9:10 p.m.

9:10 p.m. 11-19-8 I O.A. K-S…H T.O…E… E.O.T T= 20…O= 15… E=5 The One Existence…. To E End of Times… *The end time is a future time-period described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions, which believe that world events will achieve a final climax. The word arises from the Greek ?s?at?? eschatos meaning last and -logy meaning the study of, first used in English around 1844. The Oxford English Dictionary defines eschatology as the part of theology concerned […]

19 Nov 2017

10:44 p.m.

10:44 p.m. This is crazy… insane… But I will post it.. anything to end this hellish script and get me home and out of this…. There are no words for this Script and Set up… No words… But it has taught me a lesson which I will never forgive nor forget and it Creator ( Not The Creator), will experience the True Meaning of Regret…. After, I realized that I was meant to meet, Brenda… Something occured to me, I […]

18 Nov 2017

Grr… This Play is driving me nuts…

Grr… This Play is driving me nuts… 8:47 p.m. I have Two New facebooks friends… Mustafa Al Saqr… M.A.S… M.. AS E… Code Angela Dawn.. Linked to Benedict Allen…Allen Mur-Ray… A.M…D..E…P.T…Is I.E…H… Eternal Harmony… Mustafa is the primary transliteration of the Arabic given name, Mu??afa. The name is an epithet of Muhammad that means, The Chosen One. It is a very common male given name throughout the Muslim world. Al… means The in Arabic… Arabic Meaning: The name Saqr is […]

18 Nov 2017

989…. I.H.I… Full Circle…. OE….

989…. I.H.I… Full Circle…. OE…. 1:13 A.M… A.M/ A.M… H.R.C… Hueman Race Conscious… M.S.Y. H.M. H.O.M.E…. R.S…..R.I.S.E…. C.Y….Consciousness-Youth…. M.H… Manifest Harmony…. M A H A R.S….Reflection Supreme… R O S E…. Y.C… Yeshua Christ…. Y.A. C.E….. Lisa Levine Luke Simon portal Maha Rose 97 Green Street, Green Point Avenue. I sang the song publicly for the first time the Question the True Riddle of Existence..Can you tell me why you are Beautiful? M.R.Y….MR Y .M…Y.. ROOM is Y chromosome Male […]

16 Nov 2017

From Angel H. Downs…

From Angel H. Downs… 5:55 p.m. Anyone reading my page, will understand how literally true these words are… Angela Dawn wrote a code to me on comments about the poet Johnny Donne… Donne means Give…. Johnny Deep through Angel H Downs ..( A.H! D…) completes what that Message of Light Which is the meaning of the name Angel… Dawn means Time to wake up…sent this morning… Don’t Give… Donne a Shit what anybody says, just Do.. Why? because Donne means […]

15 Nov 2017
14 Nov 2017