
Harmony: Need subtitle

26 Dec 2017

1006 Facebook Friend…

1006 Facebook Friend… 16… Letter P. Em Yi… Em means The name Em is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Em is: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German ‘ermin’ or ‘irmin’, meaning universal. E.M..E… Full Circle… 11 1…K A. YI… Means Happy… Mr Happiness’ From Chinese ? (yí) meaning suitable, proper, ? (yì) meaning resolute, decisive, firm, ? (yì) meaning justice, righteousness, ? (yì) meaning profit, benefit, ? (yí) meaning joy, harmony (which is usually only […]

25 Dec 2017

10:17 p.m.

10:17 p.m. Chikodi Annuobi…. I broke this code Down years ago… CHI.. KO… DI… Annu nu.. Obi… The Energy Chi informed the IS.. That the People heard the call of the Heart .. Obinna… ( Ukah Alex Obinna) of the One Father.. But chose to ignore the call of his heart.. ( Awaken and release me from this Prison of the Role of God… which you created to Bind and Entomb me… I am the Creator… Director… Conductor Artist Scientist.. […]

17 Dec 2017

I Bring Out the Worst in People,

I Bring Out the Worst in People, By appealing to that which is the Best in them.. Namaste and refusing to acknowledge anything or any other version of that person as real apart from that person… I was willing to play a Guide, to demonstrate how They are Not in Their right mind, and how to come back to themselves… Their Senses by coming back to their Sensies ( Intelligence Introspection.. I I… Intuition Instinct… I I) .. But I […]

17 Dec 2017

From Ugo Nwamama… U.N.

From Ugo Nwamama… U.N. i saw no further code to decipher…. I had 23 Dollars in my wallet at the end of the evening… I was saddened, Still in this play I went down stairs… I was alone, and I simply looked up at the Sky.. i was communing with Nnamdi David… Roman Nicholas… Recall my post recounted quite a few times of how we conversed one day, in the lower east side by the apartment he and I were […]

14 Dec 2017

8:12 p.m.

8:12 p.m. 12-14-10..1O H.L.. L.N..A.O. Hello… A very quick post.. I just wished to demonstrate the alignment of the World now to the E codes. So at least now, you the People as Individuals ( Snow Flakes.. It is snowing here in New York) can at least witness the true Alignment of the Universe and the Plan-E.T at the very end. Recall that I had 71 and 107 then 17 on the tops of the Starbucks coffee cups… 71… Do […]

13 Dec 2017

At 998 Face Book Friends..

At 998 Face Book Friends.. I am Done!!!!! Proving the My Source Codes and Evolution Awakening… I am Done!!!! Tamika Rivera… Tamika means People and Rivera means River…. The Full Circle is a River… A river runs through us… Linking is conection us in a Unified Field O.. of the Full Circle… That Stream of Consciousness and Knowing is what I was coerced into proving here infront of you after I knew my mission was complted in 2012-2013… Instead I […]

09 Dec 2017
09 Dec 2017

11:15 p.m.

11:15 p.m. K.O… Code Knock Out…. ‘All The World Ills in One Sitting… Ï read this, on Todays New York Times Weekend Art Section… Under the Queen Sized Scandals about the new series called The Crown… And then I saw Prince Cromwells likes… And then recalled the play which took place a few hours ago with Peter who sat infron of Jay ( the Twin) and Leoardo…. L.J… 10 12… 22.. V.. with Peter Nyarko…and then the coffee cup with […]

06 Dec 2017

I saw his Poor Copy in this reaity today

I saw his Poor Copy in this reaity today on a T.V Talk Show… Todderick Hall… T.H.. Really the Twins.. Thantos Hypnos in Greek Mythology in the West.. He plays Bill Fylnn… B./F… *( Yes yes.. you have linked FB.I.. Michael Fylnn.. devilish chuckle..) Will I am Flynn…. B.F.. Best Friend Harmony… PS I am in Harmony… In my personal story I met this look alike in 1988-89 in London his name is Lawrence…. from the Carribean but born in […]

04 Dec 2017

9:18 p.m

9:18 p.m New York Times Travel Section…. Title… The Inescapable Poet… ( T.I.P). Ruben Dario… (R.D..B.A..R D) is remembered in his Homeland… And below… and continued on page 7 Where Exhaustion Can Lean to Awe.’.. ( W.E…C…LA!) I am Exhausted…. I.A.E… Last Year..Dec 3rd.. Dee +Elvis… D=4..E=5… i wish to speak with you i Informed Dee… I did not realize until after that I had just completed he Pi equation.. Thraxed Texlix TT… 2020 Vision… Offor Ugochukwu Chidiebere… O.U.C.. Oh […]