
Harmony: Need subtitle

06 Jan 2018

Justice League…

Justice League… J.L.. Clark Kent.. C.K. Link the reflection in this play and portal Edmund Kent Friedman E.K..F This is the movie, I arrived just as Raheem, who never brings movies to the Movie room not do I ever watch movie here put on. 1:18 a.m. Also the seat available for me to sit when I arrived was right beside him. 18 is Letter R… And I knew I was seeing the Reflection of the E play finaly aligned with […]

05 Jan 2018

8:48 p.m.

8:48 p.m. Fully Ready for This Moment New York Times… 1-5-20 18… 2O 18… 2O 9…29 11…2 1… Joseph Carey’s last text to me was at 2:01 p.m. 21… 3-21-2001… 8:41 p.m a man told me as I stood outside… Harmony D.A… Moving through Allen Murray… I wondered why the young man was moved to tell me the time.. But I knew why in the higher play… Allen Murray A.M had given me the code yesterday of 58 26 41… […]

04 Jan 2018

17… was aligned to Allen Murray.. A.M.

17… was aligned to Allen Murray.. A.M. 18 to Raheem.. Link Dexterine Fugar… Two Faces.. Creation.. A.M.. Destruction.. of the R… Reflection on the Mirror or Wall – peoples Prohections.. Self Projections… Not True… 686 is the code on the Coffee Served here to me… It is 68 and 86 Full Circle… Link David Paulie.. Dawn Piercy and Victor S.P 86… It is not what lies in the Trojan Horse but what lies within.. I am just observing a play […]

03 Jan 2018

I saw a Face on Eric N page…

I saw a Face on Eric N page… and I could not help but move to explore this persons page… A sort of recognition without trying to hard to recall from which this E.T play is about…. Thomas Thurnherr….T T…. It is the Eyes.. Father… like Eric N… I recognize the Spirit Energy… but I always require more evidence… ( Do you blame me, considering the hell I have been put through proving the Evolution of Human Consciousness and Body […]

02 Jan 2018

From Elizabeth Clarizio…

From Elizabeth Clarizio… H UES… Beautiful…. Anthony Bienke and I have 24 Mutual Facebook Friends… 24 X… ( Jace Horsford arrived and is here he is age 24… see sacred portal 24…i am 6 8/ 86…Fact.. Harmony… Harmony Fact … See sacred portal 24… And 86… Which to my disbelief played out to coffee cup 97.. Today with Hector of Bed 4-010… Instigated by the Evil Diseased 4-007… as the lie of Old Age… Allah God Existence… E… Will tell […]

02 Jan 2018

From Anthony Bienke… See the Time… 21:10…9:10 pm.

From Anthony Bienke… See the Time… 21:10…9:10 pm. I noted yesterday that I woke up at 9:10 am.. am.. p.m.. He sent me a message about Presidents.. D.P.T…. Duerte Putin Trump… Rodrigo Rody Roa Duterte, also known as Digong, is a Filipino lawyer and politician who is the 16th and current President of the Philippines. I am presently at 1016 Facebook Friends… My 1016th facebook friend is called Goodness Sampson… See what the code Anthony Bienke BIEN..E.K. i sent a […]

02 Jan 2018

From Ish Kumarr.. I.K.

From Ish Kumarr.. I.K. There is a reason I shared this picture… Sadanandam Krishnakumar… Abel De Yeshua Yeshua…. S.A.. He releases that story from its Agony… I passed through the portal of the Krshna movement first in 2005 where I suggested to Axel Love Anderson.. A-A.. To house me there which he did.. Sponsoring my stay there before moving me to 17th Street… Then Marianne moving me to Hells Kitchen… And did so again but releasing the Georges-Philippe Roc from […]

30 Dec 2017

Sacred Portal 98/89…

Sacred Portal 98/89… Ola Oladunjoye… O O… It was never a Yoruba Play… Or Igbo… I was just thinking of Kemi Sara and the code 22 which was linked to her for a long while before it moved to 275… 27 E… Blue Green Expression is 5th 4th Colors Spectrum…E is Purple Royal) Being … all the E line are Royal beings no matter what circumstances they are thrown into.. you recognize then by their Bearing.. Grace Exquisite Taste… 22 […]

30 Dec 2017

Look at this picture carefully

Look at this picture carefully Do you see the rings form emanating from it? I got the 60.00 USD After once more being in the ridiculous Pkwy. 11;31 am.. Right now 11;32 am It involved The code of 31 USD sum total commission to Allan. And 400 USD from Joe. And the balance of 369 for me. The New York Post. Cover 138 mins of Hell.. 60 secs… 60 USD. 13. M 8 H Manifest Harmony Back page One Giant […]

29 Dec 2017

From Ugo Nwamama…

From Ugo Nwamama… He reminds me of Nenad M.Djurdjevic in his link to the story… I was writing a comment to Kemi’s I.F ON… E Fire…O Gun man with the Golden Gun Equation of which I found myself recounting how I recall coming into the Story… P..V.I…/ I V P… Of the planet. And how the Planet is actually the 5.O… Call it color Blue and Transparent White Light O…E… Which then gave birth to Red with Blue as the […]