
Harmony: Need subtitle

22 Jan 2018

8:54 p.m.

8:54 p.m. Cover of U S A TODAY… 1-22-2018. Forces of Chaos, Of Change. By David Waters….Memphis Tennessee. 1968 The Year which transformed a Nation. Let us strive, then to, inaugurate the year of grace nineteen hundred and sixty eight- the year of faith transformed to hope- by praying for peace- said Pope Paul VI said in a New Years Message to the world Grant us Peace! There was nothing peaceful about 1968… 68 was a war. From your lips […]

21 Jan 2018

12:28 a.m.

12:28 a.m. L-B H. 1-21-11 1… 1-21-2 1-21-1 A-U-B….. A-U-A Hello…. I have no idea how I am going to write what just took place… Its is not simply the exhaustion of solving each equation within a Set up but having to prove it, explain it while living in its cruelest expression. That this continues to be so manifest, this sort of Awareness for 28 years.. 16.10 in this play… 60 months on face book… What can of Evil.. what […]

17 Jan 2018

9:19 AM

9:19 am. I S. ( Ah look at that… the two people first to like my last past are Ish Kumarr and Susanta Nayak I.S K.N…..iD, IS 11 14 ..25…Y..Nnamdi Kolo S.I…Yes.. it also refers to the two i noted as Sacred Portal 148, 149..who challenged me the new Lady Harmony N.H, Natures Harmonyand Alien Father Alphawho played the roles I first incarnated. You can see them both as the tormentors in sacred portal 94.) Kemi Sara posted on my […]

16 Jan 2018


Hello… I really do not think, that I require to prove, provide evidence, Link and Weave into this Awareness and Existence-Created the E any longer… It has been such a great War to manifest into this quarantined zone called the this World. – The Battle has been ridiculous, finding the source of WAR (Yes, represented by Bed 4-007 Edwin Dominic.. The urge to Win by Dominating and go to whatever length and doing whatever it takes. How far will you […]

15 Jan 2018

This is playing right now at Starbucks..

This is playing right now at Starbucks.. on Man In the Mirror… The Man in the Mirror in this case is the World. And the Reflection .. and responsibility of the entire Human Population, is President Donald Trump, President of the Free World. U.N. I would suggest, especially after the Play of Last Night and Delta Manor Shelter of the Spirit World coming from out from Undercover… ( From the sheer relentless force of my proving them into Existence in […]

14 Jan 2018

Tomorrow is Sunday…

Tomorrow is Sunday… My New Face book Friend is called Sunday Mbah Mbah in OINri Igbo means No… Mbah Afo Ocha.. I say No… To Igbo the Forest People… M B A H… And yes to Manifest Beauty Awarness Harmony Original Facebook Post: Click Here

13 Jan 2018

..7:00 usd…

..7:00 usd… Yes, I owe the guy at the Arab Bodega 7 usd. Thus Minus 7… G… – God… This battle to rid the World of God.. Humans acting like they are God.. than no one can correct them, that they can do say enact anything they wish even if it brings the Misery Suffering Torment of an Entire species. Even if their expression leads to injustice inequality, rooting of the Supreme Y.. Trinity in One… S T O R […]

12 Jan 2018

9:09 p.m

9:09 p.m 99.. Sacred Portal 99. Victor.. again as Sacred portal 86. 680 usd… 11 22 68… 11 22 47.. David Cecilia… My Mother and my brother…. They tested the line of John Jason Lee.. J J L.. 32… 56 Elgin Avenue Maida Vale.. 18 Mountain View..M.V. Valdrino Meta… V.M/ M V. M V.. MO V E… Movement Exodus… M.V.. M 5.. M.E.. To ME.. To Me…. To Manifest Expression as I know how to do… But first you must […]

12 Jan 2018

6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m. 7Hello… Joseph Carey J.C. Allen Murray.. Obumneme… my youngest brother. First letters of their names forms an code and informs. J.A…O. C. M.K. J.C… A.M… O.K. My Brother was born…. 5-20-1973. E.T…S.G.C…. Extra Terrestrial South Georgia Cee… Eternal Truth Supreme G-ode of Creation This alludes to South Caro J.A.O… J=10…1=A. 0 is O.. 10=1 O. I have solved this riddle, proven that the Zero 0 does not exist. and that 0 is really the Full Circle. I also […]

06 Jan 2018

What this means is that I was representing the Beautiful Truth of all that is best in Human Kind.

What this means is that I was representing the Beautiful Truth of all that is best in Human Kind. In an Unseen Play of the the A.lien Council. Earning Evolution of the Species playing the Journalist Chukwuemeka Kolo Clark Kent Kente This is what my conversation and test with the Avatars Tone and Latoya was about today. 2;12 am S is the 19th letter in the Alphabet. Alpha B.E.T.. Are Beautiful Extra Terrestrials The Original Humans called Harmonies.. Bad Ass. […]