
Harmony: Need subtitle

03 Feb 2018

8:27 p.m.

8:27 p.m. 2-3-2018…. H.B G… B-C-T.R…. Harmony Blair G… AN-D.R..E.VV.S. Before Consciousness Creation Christ-Followers of the WAVE.. TR..E? T R U E…? Hello, As you are well aware, I am rather bored and disgusted with translating and transcribing this Script from the sum total of Book and Mind, expressed through out Time by Humans and all other Unseen Beings who have existed in Earth. That I can read it, is obviously apparent by the efficiency of the response. But the […]

03 Feb 2018

If a Matrix is a Cocoon… a Womb…

If a Matrix is a Cocoon… a Womb… Would that not mean that Humanity is not yet really in Existence… And thus have never been born….. As I had stated over and over again… That they are in a Womb… And can be aborted at any time… ? 9 Planets 9 Months in a Womb… But if Woman is not even real since that idea is being informed by our experience in the Womb, Or in a Rock.. which is […]

02 Feb 2018

9:08 p.m.

9:08 p.m. 98. I.H… Infinity is Harmony. ..You might have noticed that I am now at 1056 Facebook Friends. Brittany Angelornah… B.A. Tochukwu Abafor.. T.A. Pepi L’Faith P.F. Nkasi Sainti Chukwumgborie N.A.C. B.T.P.N… A A F C…. Beautiful Truth Perfection Naturalness… A-A. Awareness Attained Full Circle First Contact… Brittany means The name Brittany is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Brittany is: Originally the ancient duchy of Bretagne in France. Celtic Bretons emigrated from France […]

30 Jan 2018

Facebook Post..

37 year old Joe Kennedy…. 737 Code from Amoza Born…373… 37-3… 42 00 112… Is it in the true script…. Joe Kennedy… J K… 10 11… E Ga La XY… This is what is playing on the T.V right now… the speech of the state of the Union. In my script, I was not allowed to pass through the portal out of this dimension without first ensuring that If the E Harmony I represent is real and true… that it […]

30 Jan 2018

From Jeffrey Carbal..

From Jeffrey Carbal.. I hope you do not mind me sharing this, I always share an image from any new facebook friends page…. And this is a great image of what I consider the Weary Heroic warriors of Life’s battle grounds…Heroes… True Hero’s warriors of Spirit…. Yes, they do exist these mythic Beings, but you do not hear from them, you do not see them in the news. or in the Movies… Instead caricatures of the ideas of hero’s. 3:45 […]

30 Jan 2018


Hello… Over the next few days, I will begin to move away from what has been my Focus for the last 17 years in New York. It will be a relief to no longer have to focus my attention on Evil and Horror…. I never expected anyone to belief what I was stating that I am, was being put through, but I had at least felt that people would pay attention to the Facts, the sequence, the echo response which […]

28 Jan 2018

Facebook Post..

11:28 p.m. Yes that time is the date of my birth. Is anyone looking and what is going on in the World? The non stop Revelations No One is Being Allowed ( or encouraged) to see the Evidence of the Beautiful Truth And Love… This is not a celebration of Beauty ( Symmetrical Perfection the Full Circle OH) Not Truth- which is Manifestation as Solid Fact…. Nor Love which is the ability to CEE.. See Beyond sight but everything… Instead, […]

25 Jan 2018

8:19 p.m

8:19 p.m H.S. 1-25-2018… A Y…T R….U E.. My greatest torment through the years, and every single night… That which has been my greatest battle and struggle, which stops me from sleeping is not only that I am being forced to constantly turn my focus on this play, which is like looking into an endless abyss at what I have been put through. That this is not simply real, true fact… But this was allowed, such a play was orchestrated […]

25 Jan 2018


Contd. I am solving an Riddle and an Equation… In this reality it is linked to the Riddle of the Sphinx…. Equation of the Architect of the Matrix… Riddles of Existence… Meaning of Existence…. It has been going on for a long time… And I was literally moved to this portal in 2012 to begin making public the Equation I found myself solving. I could not stop, my body literally vomitted out the knowledge in a stream of consciousness. My […]

23 Jan 2018

8:27 p.m.

8:27 p.m. From Wikipedia whom I honor and express gratitude for using your site and not be able to donate because of I.D constraints but believe me, your are being blessed and you came into being in this Awareness Matrix U S A M….E…. E U S… A M E… Architect Matrix A.M.. Harmony Allen Alan… moved my the E consciousness Wave to bed 4012 4010… and with Al with Conscious Awareness Embodied in Being played out before you all […]