
Harmony: Need subtitle

18 Mar 2018

12:17 p.m.

12:17 p.m. Check Mate. C M. Cosmic Chess C.C. Crossing Death C D. God is Death Infinite Harmony is Life. C.M 3 13 E =C Me 4/3 C C 3 3 2 usd from Nicola Robinson C.D 3 4 Time which Leland Johnson sent me the image of the 100 usd he found LB 144..V * My Govt Phone is back on Tel No: 13 47 313 (Symetrical ) 67 78 (Flip…87 76…M W87 MW 69..S.P. 76.. On the Ground […]

18 Mar 2018

Rajiya Talib R T…

Rajiya Talib R T… Excellent Healer ( Maduabuchi Henry Excellent) Nicola Robinson.. R.T. E.H.. N.R… R E N… EE…. T H R… E E… Rebirth of the 3… Sacred Portal 76 The 123 CockSure of The First Dawn Awakening… Dear lord… I am still solving… ! Hello… I am tagging each of you because you represent the end of an equation which I have been solving 25 years consciously. I began working on it in 1989, but it was not […]

16 Mar 2018

11:22 p.m.

11:22 p.m. Yes, My Mother and David Nnamdi’s birthdays… The 11… 47 68….4 76 8… There that is the correct equation… my last coffee was 706.. Seventy Six.. 7O6… 76… S S.. 19 19 = 38… 38/83…. 383…. Full Circle.. Flipped The Script ( F T S… with Facts.. F- 6..T.S.. 20 19 39.. CI… Linked to both Dawn Piercy and her son, to Flip J Hendrixs post March 9.. 39 C.I… Consciousness I.. See my Line of E) Erik […]

15 Mar 2018

8:16 p.m.

8:16 p.m. H.P. 3-15-2018… 3-15-18 C-O-T.R…U E… C.O R….E… C.O.B.R…A… C O .. B R O … T H E.. R ( T=20… 2O… B.O..) At 1083 with the arrival of Nuala Evans via Gay-Marie Bradshaw. Merge the two names initials… – G.N../ N.G… M.B.E…/ E B M… Hello… Hello…Once again, to my consternation I find myself moved by this Evil Script in which I find Myself having to defend the Existence and right for the Truth of Humanity called […]

11 Mar 2018

6:12 p.m.

6:12 p.m. F.L. I am nursing a Coffee from Kyle at Starbucks ( Brown- Black Kyle) age 19, The time is now 6:13 p.m, the number on my Coffee is 6 13 the Time this post started is 6:12 p.m. I saw the time as I started, and saw that it was nearing the time of the my Coffee number. I could have cheated and waited for the time to reach 6:13 p.m but then I would only be cheating […]

11 Mar 2018

Thank you Teo Miguel Bouça T.M.B…

Thank you Teo Miguel Bouça T.M.B… I.C.E – VII… I C E .. 5 2… 2 5… 7… G.. I C E G… That is how deeply They Buried My Truth 610- 800. Center of the Earth…. Sacred Portal 3.. 3-2… Tyrone Mellville Being… is sitting right besides me, in fact he relinquished his seat for the second time round. Tyrone M who is seated besides me and a good friend of Cleveland just took one look at this post […]

09 Mar 2018
04 Mar 2018

6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m. 3-4-2018… Reginald age 26 is sitting to my extreme left. Rahul age 32 is sitting to my immediate left.. he is watching Ragnarok…. I am sitting at Starbucks. waiting for Flip J Hendrixs. I woke up from a nap and for some reason I called him. I say for some reason because I had left a text earlier stating that it was getting just too frustrating getting to meet up with him the second time to complete the […]

04 Mar 2018

9:55 a.m.

9:55 a.m. 3-4-20 18. Universal Simulation Awareness. I had been stating publicly while navigating through it, that this reality is not real. That it is a Universal Simulation… a Test of Humanities right to Evolve by Meriting it and Earning it Themselves through a testing… Of Awareness. A non stop test of Awareness-running through a guantlet of Ilusions, projections, fractuals and moving through the correct portals while gathering the fractals and pieces, then weaving and linking them together to form […]

28 Feb 2018