
Harmony: Need subtitle

02 Jul 2018

So I was at 1163…. And this was a battle for my Sister line linked to Nnamdi…

So I was at 1163…. And this was a battle for my Sister line linked to Nnamdi… At 1164 Facebook friends again. The Blue Print is my Life… ( Our Lives) and I have been finding myself being interrogated on the full circle of my Life and my entire Existence spanning this life right to my Inception as E. Page 6…. 8 22 5 11 3 is the line up of the Spanish team of the World cup who lost […]

02 Jul 2018

12:52 a.m.

12:52 a.m. L.E.B. I am not sure where to even start. I left Starbucks with the number 98. Yes Isabelle Ilic… I and I… Also link the code Isabelle O’Brien I.O. The last coffee before was 148 again. That is the same number before I took a two break of not buying coffee there. Sacred Portal 148 is Lady Harmony E withholding the Infinity Harmony symbol until… ( I see now, I finished the code of Father… Alien Father as […]

01 Jul 2018

5:21 p.m.

5:21 p.m. E.U… E B A. 5:22 p.m. E.V.. E .B. 7-1-2018. Temp 92 Degrees. For the past 12 years since I realized that I was in a Game and that I was based on Numbers, to make sure I was really in a play ( despite all my knowing this) -to satisfy Cartesian Mind, and sense of Logic I noted that no matter the situation, certain basic amenities were always provided. Provided to continue the work- meaning the solving […]

29 Jun 2018

From Isabel Ilic…

From Isabel Ilic… H O M E… H O M M E… She sent me this along the some words when she courteously sent me a message to be accept her facebook request invitation… In 1998, I saw every things like symbols and I recognize the same in your words. Sorry my english is basic. Sacred portal 98 is Diamond Hearing… D H… 4 8…. 12… 1200… 3… I saw a little boy with his parents with the number 98 […]

25 Jun 2018

8:09 p.m.

8:09 p.m. Mission Complete was what the child sitting in front of me to reveal what was in his computer Screen. Underneath it is his book bag with the words Blaze- as a Fire. He is a second son. His older brother sits besides him. His father to his right and his mother, dressed in Blue and she in Black. I knew this was about Family… Just before I came here I sat at Taylor Avenue posting. There was no […]

24 Jun 2018

4:49 p.m.

4:49 p.m. I read my post and no matter how low in the Pit at Delta Manner illusion created for me as 0 in the Matrix. ( Self Worth Value Truth sucked from you by the shadow expressions of ppl all around you pretending or not to care.. Hypocrisy Deception Betrayers Thieves Jealousy Etc… Toxic Waste) I Rise. I am fully aware of the power of my Posts. And recall many people have publicly testified about what the posts have […]

24 Jun 2018

1:25 p.m.

1:25 p.m. 6-24-2018. Hello… Can you see the script moving to its apex? It is about the Harmnious Bodies Rising. Micheal spoke about his Well in his space he is moving to in the Woods, about the Well. Only moment after I had spoken to Kyle Murphy about the true meaning of the Purge. And as I spoke about the Well Being as the soul which is the source of the water, the sacred pool.. The true source of the […]

23 Jun 2018

From Kasper Lomholdt Serup

From Kasper Lomholdt Serup perfect … Hersey Gossip. / P I.. SS * See sacred portal the two Beings representing the Two sides of the Isosceles Triangle – are pissing in sacred portal 45 P is Perfection/ Plan-E..T/ Planet…Truth =Transparency… O.G… Y E S… R E… H…Harmony… P.Y.. Planet is the Y… Tongue of the Serpent Dragon Z Portal… H G.. 8 7… MW87.. Milky Way Classification code by NASA… Yes Kyle Murphy he is the one I was speaking […]

21 Jun 2018

7:55 p.m.

7:55 p.m. 6-21-2018…. 1163 Face Book Friends… * See Akil Apollo Davis share for 6-30 @ 3. 63 3… Tell me what do you think of this… I left the building and it was Kyle Murphy who stood at the entrance, with a security guard called Raphael… Both greeted my, but I only truly acknowledge Kyle, because he is real to me, while the security guard has proven to me that he is a shadow ( Hypocrites.. People who wear […]

21 Jun 2018

From Theia Divina T D.

From Theia Divina T D. I really had no inclination to share anything, but when I saw this… I have a True Story about this, literaly invovling the story of the Black Panther and this Woman who It ( I ) came to Kill. And she wished to Die, she had provked an anger and rage which brought the Rage of Exitence into the story of Creation which She had meddled with. She was the Earth as an Android- the […]