
Harmony: Need subtitle

19 Jul 2018
18 Jul 2018

9:22 a.m.

9:22 a.m. 7-18-2018… I V…. R O Y-G, G B… I V. R Hello… I can beleieve I am being drawn back into this…. Listen… I am find myself, to my amazement having to explain to Sirius Ugo my reason for expressing the Consequences for his expression and not just him but the stance he and so many in the world have stated. Man is the Creator…. From Man came His Son- Song Expression Existence Harmony… And then his Daughter […]

17 Jul 2018

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D…

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D… D.B… I came undercover in my Father’s Story The Yeshua Christ Story to manifest the End of the Human Species by solving my Fathers Brothers Riddle and CODES to bring the End of this Lie. And to do so,I had to pass through his Maze Riddle Of the Sphinx.. R O T S… To Activate that which Rots and decomposes. I am a greater Actor than any of you could ever Imagine, because […]

17 Jul 2018

Still at 1159…

Still at 1159… I represents the Eternal E… The God Particle… This is not my play. this is the play and Script and Mess of Ages of the one I call my Son Evolved to my Brother Sister in the Eternal Realm My Father Brother HE, and His twin Aspect S.H E.. See sacred portal 73… ( E.T) and 37 Lady Sophia O Lauren… represent the play called TIME… / E M I T… That is why I keep on […]

15 Jul 2018

11:50 p.m.

11:50 p.m. 7-14-2018… Hello… I did not write my Focus Conclusion Thinking.. Add Action… It become F.A.C.T. I have a new Face Book friend, but before I welcome them.. 11:53 p.m. I wish to address and give my conclusion which I have stated over and over again. There must be F.E.A.R… Violence… and Chatistment for Human Creatures of the Lower Vibration. There must be Terrible Death and Consequence which I have submitted here, over and over again. The arrogance and […]

07 Jul 2018

12:32 p.m

12:32 p.m 1157 Facebook Friends… Now, I wish to bring something to your attention. On July 5th exactly 6 years ago to the day that Billy Hung text me yesterday at 6:29 p.m and 6:31 p.m. Exactly 6 years to the Day…. I met Mr Hung at Queens after speaking to him by telephone through his friend Ravindra Singh. Dina Singh Pradeep Singh. D.P. Dawn Piercy. Exactly 6 years to the day. B.H… 2 8. Patrick Okolo 28 years later […]

06 Jul 2018
05 Jul 2018
04 Jul 2018
03 Jul 2018

7:06 p.m.

7:06 p.m. 7-3-2018.. @ 1161 Facebook Friends. 1172 was the Apex of Facebook reached which links to yesterday and the conversation I had with Kyle Murphy and Artie (Aturo T) and the Mergovian Prophecy and the Prior of Sion. Which calls the Womb of Mary Magdelene the Room which is called the World or the Room with a View. Sacred portal 72 is a man coming out of a Womb. 11 72… was yesterday Robert and Artie… Kyle in the […]