
Harmony: Need subtitle

08 Aug 2018

From Tejumola Raheem Osazee

From Tejumola Raheem Osazee Yes, it is true… so true this statement.. Tejumola Raheem Osazee I commend your works with these sharings, I have been observing your shares, and based om my empircial experiening, most of your posts are knowledge applied proved literally true, not just ‘Mind Logically true. I do not live in this Reality, and never have, I have always been aware that I am undercover, and the mission of what Robert has called the Agents who come […]

07 Aug 2018

8:36 a.m.

8:36 a.m. 8-7-2018. H C F… H G T R… B O A.H… Hello….. The more I express, the more the Equation moves to its Fruition. You have heard me protest, incredulous that such a script can exist. This is the reality and actuality which was demanded by Laws of Cause and Effect and force which is the rep of the Sum Total. This is the surprise of that which should not have manifested but did- an anomaly that one […]

05 Aug 2018

Jesus…. Your aligned with the play… Tejumola Raheem Osazee..

Jesus…. Your aligned with the play… Tejumola Raheem Osazee.. You must understand, I trust no one because to many people have assumed to understand the play and script which I have been decoding. And so many have assumed to know. 11:42 p.m. It is an Eternal Expression moving people of Truth through Time linked to Infinity. Each momemt ( and I mean 24/7) I am made aware, forced to be made aware of the Links and the Pieces of the […]

03 Aug 2018

From Tejumola Thermo Osazee…

From Tejumola Thermo Osazee… Perhaps this is a response to my post?. If so what makes you believe I am referring to you? There is no doubt that the biggest problem this species have been facing is people who post words phrases without embodying them. I call such people Big Mouths because it is so easy to post and quote people who have gained this knowledge through great trials and then offered it as a gift. The responsibility then lay […]

27 Jul 2018

1166 Face book friends.

1166 Face book friends. 66 Coffee from Jace Kareem Hortsford. J K H.. Links to E G A LA XY.. I O I I.. 8… It links to Sacred Portal 66…Which depicts myself as the Beautiful Devil, leaving the dimension called the Back Hole.. B.H.. Billy Hung.. 6 years.. The Tunnel of Love with the two Culprits Heads.. The Great Witch and the War Lock-Hypnotis played by Thanos Hypnos.. Two Men.. Man Woman… 1966… 11 28.. Age code 66.. 51.. […]

25 Jul 2018

7:07 p.m.

7:07 p.m. 77 7-25-2018. G.G. G E T.. R…U E. G G is that not the third Author, in the 4 part share of Isabelle Ilic which I shared as the approach equation reflected of the appearance of the Epiphany Coudre Foudre Thunder and Lightening of the collective Ah!!!! Aw!!!! Its is,, I believe, the Third in the series of 4… J C N L G G J C Full Circle which then when it is completee it heralds a […]

24 Jul 2018

6:18 p.m…

6:18 p.m… F R… Smile…. Page 618 Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol Recall that is the page when instant manifestation took place. in a brief pause from my putting the book down, to turning and walking a few steps to find the Ball with Concentric Circle and the Circumpunct … Which means that if my E Harmony has linked naturally to this time.. Then that which was Fiction.. is confirmed now as entering the World.. Your Consciousness Awareness as Fact… […]

22 Jul 2018

From Awawa Kalu Agwu

From Awawa Kalu Agwu A.K.A. I wish to make a bried coment about the Money Play and How People and the Satan’ Character who was really Alien Father- ( Dark Matter as a Conscious Intelligence) set things up to create an illusion of Lack – Material Lack to demonstrate and reveal the Truth of People. In the Novel by Daniel Brown- The Lost Symbol- in Noetics- the Science there was a moment in the Novel when Katherine Solomon ( Link […]

21 Jul 2018

From Jimmy Segarra

From Jimmy Segarra YES…! B F H… Best Friend . Harmony… 7:49 p.m… 7.. S P 49…7 7 7 7 7 7 7… How many times can one forgive.. does it say in the Bible… O.K… Bed 49.. 2015… 007.. 2016… Enough… 7:50 p.m.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

19 Jul 2018

6:52 p.m.

6:52 p.m. Bringing The World Up To Speed. That is what I have been doing.. Speeding up Everything with expression, words, posts.. being. Bringing you to the Present. A Gift. Seabolo is sitting besides me…. his name means The Gift You may have noticed that I had stopped speaking in Codes. Using numbers .. Coffee Cup Numbers, and Name Codes. The last portal was moving Africa from its stance.. Africa Pangea is, was the World Spirit. And that is what […]