
Harmony: Need subtitle

10 Oct 2018

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge John 18:36… I am on Bed 18. Fritz Venneiq is 36. I spoke of that Kingdom being not of this world but as the True World. And he witnessed and experienced it. That was in 2010… 8 Years ago. 44..8 I came here with my Brother Jon Jason Lee first, in Dec 1999… J J L… 10 10 12… 32… 3-20-2001… Bed 3-002…. 2012…32… My Name is Emeka Kolo, and I am Nnamdi Nature -Fritz Venneiq and […]

07 Oct 2018

From Busayo Alonge B A..

From Busayo Alonge B A.. I sent Busayo a face book request because Gabriel Binky Signar suggested that I do so… But I waited and checked, despite my trusting Gabriel Binky Signar proven Harmony linked to Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic.. I waited not even knowing why I waited… But then today I saw the alignment… 5B 3 A 4B 5A 4A 4B…. 53 454 4…. 8 13…4…H M… D B A….. B A A B… Busayo Alonge… We have TEN […]

06 Oct 2018

Facebook Post..

R.C.C… In Spanish the meaning of the name Ria is: From the river’s mouth. ‘mouth of a river’; Hebrew meaning ‘bitterness’; the Old Greek for ‘to flow’ or ‘stream’ and Latin for ‘poppy. Christi means Follower of the W.AV.E.S… Words Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme… *Casement Name Meaning. Manx: Anglicization of Gaelic Mac Asmuint ‘son of Asmundr’, an Old Norse personal name meaning ‘god protector’. 1A window or part of a window set on a vertical hinge so that it opens […]

05 Oct 2018

Oh! no… I had to share this…

Oh! no… I had to share this… Axel Love liked my last post an he has Swedish Origins… And he was the one I was sent to met when I was brought back into this play in 2005, from Augusta Georgia where I had gone to visit my late Uncle and my fist cousins the third and last time ( and yes Tiger Woods.. T.W…Two.. Twins…) April 2nd 2005… 4-2-2005…25. I had finished the play in 2004 when the family […]

02 Oct 2018
28 Sep 2018

12:54 a.m.

12:54 a.m. I reached 1173 Facebook Friends. We moved past 1172 which was the highest point this Play Game Match’ on my page had ever reached in 6.9 years. 117 3.. / 3 711…. 11 73/ 37 11… 84 48….. 12… I was at 12 likes. One year… I am now at 1171 Facebook friends after the BEACH W E EK post Judge… Brett M Kavanaugh versus Christine Blasey Ford… Who is telling the truth… And why is the Truth […]

23 Sep 2018

8:32 p.m.

8:32 p.m. Amazing.. still not at H.E… 8 3+2= 5.. 8 5.. H E… Which is the code for Response with Recognition and I would not be here posting on Face Book, and definitely not still in a shelter… We of course, have reached 5 already, but just as I stated earlier that I am being used. * Mark Bradbury M.B.. Sent me a message after I do not know how long- and asked me to solve the riddle of […]

23 Sep 2018

Fron Susanta Nayak

Fron Susanta Nayak The Riddle of the Sphinx was always answered…. 8 sided… 2,330.000 What is the Mystery… Created solve the riddle of manifesting Eternal Law… Activate the wave length of Eternal Harmony by reaching the portal and opening that door.. That wave freqency current… Literally changes the World…. 58.. Roger Attaway… R,D… A.H… Roger That…. R T Original Facebook Post: Click Here

22 Sep 2018

P A W Patrol…

P A W Patrol… I picked up a card on my way back with Victor Hudson today. I got the 60 usd from Lawrence Avenue. It went seamlessly, but I was aware that I had made it seamless having earned it by spending all day yesterday coding, encoding, linking and solving before I could even my page. Linking Fritz Venneiq Roger Attaway and even Stephen Filgueira who said he would send a donation gift when he got back… I knew […]

22 Sep 2018

My Word!!!

My Word!!! How have I not got insane with this trying of my patience… Victory… Comfirmed.. From Fritz Venneiq M.T C.N..Code 132 42 66 929…! He sent me 35;00 usd. 35.. C E… ( Link the code sent by Isabelle Ilic 80 Euros.. 8.. 88.. 16… 64… 80… and 8… 808… 88 EMEKA K OLO…= 88.. USD… 89 35…. ) Roger Attaway 4 77 4 56 30 76! Not sure of the amount yet… LOOK AT THE CODES!! Confirmation from […]