
Harmony: Need subtitle

21 Oct 2018

From Isabelle Ilic

From Isabelle Ilic The Language of Frequency then has to be translated into a Language which can be read heard and understood. The Human Body is a Transfomer, A Satelite when in its Natural state, it is able to Translate and Transform these frequencies in a Langauge of Expression in this reality, a language whose DATA Banks contain archive of Information which links with the Eternal truth. Dna and Dne I call it. When the Frequency which I call the […]

20 Oct 2018

9:18 p.m.

9:18 p.m. From 1172 Facebook Friends K G B… Keith Grant Being of bed 53 and back to who was moving him… 1169… A.A.F.I… A-Lien Awareness… Father Infinity… K..NN AM D I… I FA-A… Page 1 2C… Todays New York Times… Long, Flashy Road to Farewell.. L F R T F../ F TR F..L.. Yellow Brick Road…. Y B R… Y.. 218 Euros Isabelle Ilic Robert Kyle Murphy Good Bye… G B It shows A Youth passing through a Framed […]

20 Oct 2018

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Chucke… No Roar of Laughter… lol… Now, now… I do agree that knowledge is meant to be shared, and that post which you do not own the copyright or you are not the Author of the post- then it should not be an issue… And I have never understood the fuss about knowledge which is universal except give credit where credit it due… But I learnt something during the years of this play in which certan people […]

19 Oct 2018

10:36 p.m.

10:36 p.m. Back at 1169.. with the arrival of Des Wheeler D.W. Desiderio was the full name of actor/producer Desi Arnaz. Norse Meaning: The name Desiderio is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Desiderio is: Desired. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Desmond is: From South Munster. An Irish surname referring to Munster: (one of ancient Ireland’s five regions.). An Irish surname referring to Munster: (one of ancient Ireland’s five regions.). Desmond is a […]

16 Oct 2018

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge TRUE… But that is allot of work for The One… … And a great deal of Assumption Responsibility and Expectation placed on The Ones shoulders… 8:42 p,m Phoenix Mode.. P.M. That caught my attention… Myself and Robert Kyle Murphy are wearing black… Anthony Manino and Mark Watkins were wearing Red… E R… A . M… And it is Rob Barr’s birthday today… He is the one I met 16 or 15 years ago at a cafe at […]

16 Oct 2018

H W…

H W… Home Work… From Wilbur.. K Two… Ball Point Pen… B P P… 4 Colors with 3 on the packet… Just saw 43 likes on my page so I knew that despite reaching the code represented by Ejaz Saim, Vincent Ponnet, and Sienna Holmes…with the message decoded through the meaning of each name, as well as the code number as a Facebook Friend they arrived as .. 1168 69.. 1170… 117O/ 711..O… 7-11-2018 is when Robert Kyle Murphy received […]

14 Oct 2018

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge I like this is… L.V.B. … I found earlier on, in my life line, that I did not wish to speak and declare things without demonstrarting how i knew what I was saying was true. I did not wish to add the Worlds, choas and Babble.. Confusion. I did not wish to add to the Chaos and Cacaphony of the worlds commincation channels- Already clogged with thosuands of years of opinions, some even true, so few transformed […]

13 Oct 2018

Quantum Applications Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Applications Quantum Mechanics Of the E… 8:06 p.m. 86 See sacred portal 86.. Victor.. Light Of Existence. Q.A. Q.M. Quantum Leap Quantum Jump… Q.L. Q.J.. Welcome Flora Rainbow F R. Jennifer Cone J C. Leland Johnson ( Again Leland Ave.) L.J. Cleveland Warren C.W F R.. J C… L.J…C W… F J L C….6 10 12 3…. 61 O 123… F A..O.. A B C… R C J W… R C J Double V. From 1162 Facebook Friends and […]

13 Oct 2018

From Dana Hawkins

From Dana Hawkins 10-10-2018 @ 9:29 p.m. DI AN A.H. ART EM IS Angela Marie Alexander… and I. D.I.A… Meaning ‘Day N NA… Meaning Father Day of Father… Archer I Know What Love Is.. I K W L I. It is the Ability to Cee… to be Cosciousnes, Full Circle. It Percieves everything and knows the difference between True Love ( T L 20 12.. 32… 5…. Which all my personal script has responded to and has been proven in […]

12 Oct 2018

9:22 a.m.AME AM cA

9:22 a.m.AME AM cA 10-12-2018 I V. J L… T R/ B R 10+12= 22 I V. V B R O…. I know what Love IS… This was never about Love… I stated this over and it is about Truth. And to be True and thus a representation of the Eternal Truth you must be conscious. To be Conscious is to Cee… And to Cee, Be Conscious of Expression is to me in perfect alignment, in perfect timing with C- […]