
Harmony: Need subtitle

18 Nov 2018
16 Nov 2018

From Isabelle Ilic I.I.

From Isabelle Ilic I.I. Transparent White light To Rainbow Spectrum. Back to Light But now Diamond Light. D L. 8:16 pm. Snow Flakes Remarkable. Pools of the Source Reflections Formed into Solid Individuals … 8:18 p.m. H.R . Harmony Renee Re Born. 8:19 p.m H.P. H.S H H. P. S 8:20 p.m H T. . H.B.O Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Nov 2018

10:29 a.m

10:29 a.m And there, behind the Knight. (Templar) who stands behind the Tiger Druid/Sorcerer/Magician is the F Block which shifted to reveal the hole in the wall A cruel play is it not, 43 years later since I wrote the Truth of my Understanding and Memory.. That for the next 43 yrs of my life, That without realizing it, that by penning that Truth, I would spend the rest of my life first aware then unaware of why I was […]

10 Nov 2018

1:27 a.m.

1:27 a.m. 127… @ 1:27 p.m. I sent Stephen Filgueira a text at that time after our conersation and I had hang up and saw an older message sent which I responsed to. 127 Is Thor in my Sacred Portals. Link Roger Attaway 1-27-1960.. Roger That.. And then the begining of the play with Fritz Venneiq and Stephen Filgueira appearing in perfect harmony to the response to my message sent months before. He was in Hawaii.. 50 State. 7 75 […]

10 Nov 2018

New York Times

New York Times Weekend Arts I Of the same caption from the New York Times…. N Y T/ T Y N Weekend Arts.. W A./ A.W. The Mess That Roared T.M.T.R… 20 13 20 18. 2013 2018. 33 38 It shows the Musical remake of the 1933 King Kong movie. It shows actress Christianu Pitts as Ann D-arrow and a 20 foot King Kong in Purple Violet setting. It is in Purple.. The same color as this image. But this […]

08 Nov 2018

From Kyle Murphy

From Kyle Murphy Yep this is Kyle Murphy.. Notice his Look? Isabelle Ilic.. Stephen Filgueira Eric James Murphy I S… E ( Stephen he is one you should call and talk to… get in touch with him. We have been here for a while… And yes he really knows the play but pisses me off my chaneling perfectly and letting me do all the work… Ah.. but he does his own work and he has carried a load that was […]

06 Nov 2018

From Stephen Filgueira..

From Stephen Filgueira.. Harmony Awareness of Meaning of Everything.. And the Mind Being Explode in a Extase Bliss.. Which brings brings back the Original Orgasm OH.. And more the A.H! Not only do I Feel! But I See and Consciously Understand what I am experiencing from top to bottom Expanse and depth Through Light and Dark Life and Death Expanse and Wieght Height Depth. As Art and came break it down to see the Science Ever see the movie Limitless.. […]

02 Nov 2018

See Stephen Filgueira this is Pan.

See Stephen Filgueira this is Pan. See Facebook Friend Goat O His name is William and I passed through his portal. I was even used in the thesis of his room mate Beau who interviewed me and submitted to his University. it as his Thesis for the company he was interning at A.B.C. … See my comments on what Harmony looks like, is .. Reading . A B C. Learning how to Read. First the Sounds are taught the symbols.. […]

01 Nov 2018

1:21 a.m.

1:21 a.m. 11-1-2018.. I do no have much I wish to add… Though I have so much more intel, and data on what is going on. But I have said it all before so many times that it has become my torment and torture, posting. -Struggling between my exhaustion of 17 years 7 months and 11 days… of posting explaining, over and oer again while literaly decoding and deciphering an unexpected play of riddles and a battle beyond belief with […]

30 Oct 2018

I do not have the words to convery what took place with Stephen Filgueira today…

I do not have the words to convery what took place with Stephen Filgueira today… I knew Harmony Eternity had landed- not through me but through the Family of E. The E.C.H.O. of E. Those who recognize that frequency. I told Kyle Murphy that today I would know if it had really landed by how smoothly the day went.. Meaning harrmony is flow and fluidity, Music Waves, a which has meaning which makes it a song… I do not have […]