
Harmony: Need subtitle

29 Nov 2018

Sacred Portal 50.

Sacred Portal 50. Recall that this is the portal which aligned to Stephen Filgueira at Hawaii.. 50th State. It’s where Stephen met Shagan, Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp. On the Mountain. Tree Sage.. see the name of this portal it is Ego-Oge Monety – Dawn The Man who sold the world because he could not contain the challenge given to him to evolve man from state of Animal Rage to Hue-Man Being, who instead Tempers Rage to become a Sword of Truth […]

29 Nov 2018

From Ariana Gradow AG….

From Ariana Gradow AG…. Add Alex Vidaud… A G A V …V= 5 Roman Numerals Rome O- 5 is E. A G A V E… Shaggy- Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp Peter Bragino Stephen Filgueira. Kim ( Tree Sage) The name Agave is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Agave is: Mother of Pentheus. Brilliant Noble Good Agave is a genus of monocots native to the hot and arid regions of Mexico and the …. Common names […]

28 Nov 2018

10:22 p.m.

10:22 p.m. I went to Manhattan today, so much took place. Last night Stephen Filgueira had an experience with the other realms, a realm above this reality and one in which he experienced the Ancestral Pangea story of the American Spirits as the Moors as well as the Taino Arawak conflict and of course, the True First American Spirits The Eternals or the Evolved First Contact. As he articulated the experience, I knew he had met Death as Fear. We […]

28 Nov 2018

10:10 p.m.

10:10 p.m. Yes, its a code.. 3 hours and 10 mins I have been waiting now to meet up and go to New York to sign papers for a passport. Through 57 Human Portals- and through each, I have been forced to wait. Waiting for them, waiting for my equation formula to manifest, waiting for my body to stop, moving, waiting to be free of this cursed script which makes me wait, tosses me about from one place to the […]

26 Nov 2018

1:55 p.m

1:55 p.m Sacred Portal 155 the last and first sacred portal 1 55, 15 5 15 5 ..O.E. E O 5 O. The portal from which I linked with Stephen Filgueira, who was in Hawaii 5Oth State whom I linked to Fritz Venneiq 33 USD. through Roger Attaway and Isabelle Ilic To reach 50th State in the present to 33 State in the past now a number.. linked to Fritz and I at Pelham Bay Park, Bronx 2010 – Vision […]

24 Nov 2018

1176 Facebook Friends…

1176 Facebook Friends… to 11 83…Facebook Friends. 76 is Sacred Portal The 123 Cocksure Of the First Dawn Awakening 83 is Sacred Portal 83 ‘Chilled Going going home with the Full Circle and the Crossing… 7 6… Crowning Chakra Sixth Sense Vision linked to Reason… and finally 8 6… Harmony Fact. 83 H C.. Hartford Connecticut. Harmonies Consciousness is here,,, This is what the code reads.. The Awakening is confirmed and begins.. began here when I was moved to the […]

21 Nov 2018

From David Powers.

From David Powers. 5:29 p.m. I.am not sure where to even start with the Harmony of this post, so I will just start from where it is anchored. Right here in the present. And the present is linking my own last post, Busayo Alonge posts and my liking it with the thread represented by Stephen Filgueira Anastasia Hart A.H. Rebirth of the Heart. Harmonies Art. Rebirth Erection Regeneration. What I had just woven was that I am now at Connecticut […]

21 Nov 2018
20 Nov 2018

Harmony is when Every One can read.

Harmony is when Every One can read. The Signs Ancient and Modern A-A.M. Thus looking Left And then Right. L.R. Center. Above and Below.. A B. Cee.. Before you cross the RD. 11:44 p.m. Goddess Bliss. G B. 7 2. 9 I 11:45 p.m Positive Outlook in Life. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

20 Nov 2018

5:41 p.m.

5:41 p.m. From Busayo Alonge B A… 11-20-2018… K.T.. .. Kasien Thompson born under the sign of the 13th Astrological Sign. A S… 29-11- 28-11… 22 98… 11 11… 22 17 22.. 22 Quantum Leap Year Jump Man 2016 Leap Year.. Jump Man… 22. 22 8 22 V H V… From 17.. 1 -7/7-1 To 88… 8/8.. 8… 1… Harmony… H.A! A.H.. HA-A-H. Star to Star… Family Master Lock… Master Key… LOCK And Key… M M K L… *See the […]