
Harmony: Need subtitle

20 Dec 2018


Yes! 5:39 p.m E.C.I…. E GAL A XY 1O11 C I… From Bronwyn Julia Perisich Hodgkinson See the code of her Name… B J P H… / H P J .B….H.P ( My computer H P..) J.B James Bond 007…. Link Joshua Bywater and Joseph Byron J B…H P.. H P 8 16… Stephen Filgueira birthday… Joshua B and Stephen Filgueira are brothers… Joseph Byron is a Sensie… Martial Arts… B J… Is code for myself as Blue Jay… and […]

20 Dec 2018
16 Dec 2018

Stephen Filgueira home painting by Kalomo ..

Stephen Filgueira home painting by Kalomo .. It’s was bought by Stephen a few days after I arrived Recall I mentioned it as we passed through his friend Felicia home Felicia Eyiuche Onwughalu. F E O. Filgueira Fact ..E O. Hawaii is where Stephen and I linked. Notice the image.. It is as my Total Recall of… my book I wrote age 7-8 P.S Evolution of Artemis Diana code 41 F See McKaylaRays.M.R..E… In her room there is a number […]

15 Dec 2018

From Christopher Filgueira

From Christopher Filgueira Father and Child… F A C… / C A.F…. Christopher Andrew Filgueria.. F.C… Father Daughter… Christ Line… Literally… C-Consciousness Speed of Light.. C. Trinity in one.. A B.. A 1 B 2… Merge.. Add Joseph…. Means Add.. Joseph Byron Joshua By Water… John The Baptist… Christ means ‘Follower of Christ… Christopher… Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.. W A V E S … C speed of Light.. C -Waves… of Light.. ( Spectrum Rainbow Trail of a Star […]

12 Dec 2018

From Sarah Kaizer.

From Sarah Kaizer. S.K. Through the code I identify her by her middle name Athena. Sarah means Princes ..Splendor… Athena Minerva. A.M. To Exist is to Be, Humanity has been in the process of becoming . The Code: Completion…. Evolution. C.E. T.P. Peter Bragino Tree Sage. P.T. B.S. 2 19. That is the number and address of the Portal Stephen Filgueira, organized for myself ( representing him in this play of S.E. .Self Expression, Soul Eternity, Source E… Spirit E […]

11 Dec 2018

5:38 p.m.

5:38 p.m. E.C.H…O. Albert Martiza. A.M. It began 12 yrs and 4 month’s ago Play which began in Alpha Bet City ( Alpha Wolf) .. in 2006.. 26.. Z 26. 8. H. Yesterday Ben handed Stephen some cards with the letters Z on them. Jeff Sullivan has a daughter Zora.. Zoro! Stephen Filgueira Aaron Western S.A. Guardians at the Portal Chris Filgeruria Emeka Kolo. C.F. E.K. Chris and I are linked. C E.. C.Me.. 4/3. Dave and Stephen D.S. Dharma […]

11 Dec 2018

1:16 p.m.

1:16 p.m. A.P. From Kachy Ihem. K.I. Happy Birthday Ol Chap. It’s is quite extraordinary, how I saw this post, was meant to see it, as Stephen Filgueira just surmised. But the question I have asked myself over and over again through the years is , How are you so sure that I would see this? It’s requires a 24 7, awareness of each moment, each action aligned to bring attentive that I, we are in a literal play. Not […]

07 Dec 2018

From Michael Love.

From Michael Love. I would like to confirm this 12-21 code it aligns to my own reading of the echo of the script I am reading and acting in. Yesterday, this literally played out through an person literally mentioning that code – Tree Sage. And with the post and play which took place here with Stephen Filgueira John and McKayla Rays. Closing the Gate. Though the code 12:21 linked to 2012 – 12-21 End of the Mayan Calendar is represented […]

01 Dec 2018

From Jeff Sullivan J S..

From Jeff Sullivan J S.. Yes.. Jeff linked to Stephen Filgueira… J S S F… See same family of E… Merge… J F… S S… 10 6.. 16… 1919… 38…11 16 11… Perfect 11… 7 11… Stephen Filgueiraen what was the number chez Arthur.. ? 117 Was it not… Code of 11 7… Keith Grant… Bed 53… when I was in bed 49.. B R C… Assessment Shelter 2015…. Recall he gave me the gift code M D.. Hand Sanitizer… […]

30 Nov 2018

This was on when I came back to my room…

This was on when I came back to my room… Yes recall the Scenes with Rahul D’Silva and the book he gave me..’The Sorcerer’s First Lesson Sword of Truth… ( Excalibur ) And recall Fantasia .. and the Fountain on Metropolitan Ave? The story is a mixture of all these but most of all about Avalon… Merlin Morganna… Jean Morgan Fey … Morgana Le Fey and Vivian… M V.. Mountain View… Mercury Venus… Morgana means Sea: Edge, Circle Completion… To […]