
Harmony: Need subtitle

24 Jan 2019

5:39 p.m.

5:39 p.m. E.C.I… 1-24-2019… A.X…A -B D… Being is Doing… B+D= F… Being and Doing leads to Fact manifested as Solid Evidence of Universal Law… ID.E.A to Expression I E.. Energy Music (Spirit.) Manifest Harmony…. Meaning all comes from the Eternal Realm and through Expression the Invisible ( the Vision) becomes Visible ( Fact) Being is Energy.. Doing is the act action of Being Expression Natural..BE N.. BE..N… Benjamin C. Krajewski… came here today.. B K… Kelsie BissellK K B… […]

16 Jan 2019

7:52 p.m.

7:52 p.m. Sacred Portal 37… Rays McKayla did you remember the number 37.. something which you told me came to you… and how I explained it… This is what all this Hoopla is really all about. Evolution Awakening, though begun and completed had one last aspect – it required the Evolution of the Body as well as Consciousness and Expression-Awareness.. A B C… Sacred Portal 37… Sacred Portal 37 Artful Professor…of Love…Beauty… L B.. 8 p.m… *Christopher Filgueira Mother and […]

16 Jan 2019

6:43 p.m.

6:43 p.m. In my Locker I had the magnetic letters recall? In Yellow Red and Green ..and P in Light Blue. The yellow letters spelt V O G U .E. Vogue is the office from which my Journals Talking To The Silence was discovered by Madame Susan Train. Former Editor of Vogue Paris.. S T. And Allen Ginsberg.. A G.. And Edmund White . E.W. In 1993 after I came back from my journey through death to portal I experienced, […]

15 Jan 2019

1217 Facebook Friends..

1217 Facebook Friends.. A B A-G… L..Q… 11 1 2 1 7= 11… 2 1… B A… John MacDonald Age 21… U.. B A…. The Universe is my B A C K..E K … A B… C.. AH!.. Breath.. Be… Cee See… S.. 19.. M… J… 21… Age Code added of Rays McKayla and John MacDonald.. 40.. A G E… See sacred Portal 40… African Warriors.. A W.. Alien Warriors… Kling Ons.. K O… Destroyers of the Lie…. Pangea Africa.. […]

01 Jan 2019

8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m H C E. Christopher Filgueira has gone to dinner at his grandmothers Isabel/Elizabeth, and Cecil with Stephen. Tree Sage, Kim Chiefy is with his lady A. C S .E C… C S.I. C ( Christopher lived in New York ( Staten Island.. where I was during 911 with Donald.. which means Universal Ruler ..S I. S.I with Michea l at the B R C.. bed 005 me 007.. 7 5… 5 7.. E B T card play 2016.) […]

31 Dec 2018

The Truth Manifests…

The Truth Manifests… That is the Truth of Existence. Dharma Santana… There will always be conflict and no resolution without the Truth Manifesting… People will always deny twist, abuse,subvert the truth intentionally or unintentionally… But everyone knows when they are telling a lie. And the Truth manifesting is the only way… This is Eternal Law. And that is what Rose in the Eternal Beginning Law. Eternal Harmony. 9:00 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

31 Dec 2018

2:34 p.m.

2:34 p.m. 12-31-2018. New Years Eve. N.Y.E. You can not go home, if you do not know how to tell the truth. The codes have proven that before the end of 2018 that the World, the key figures in the World will be fully congnizant that we are literally in Evolution Revelation and Awakening This is the literal truth of this End play, right to the last scenes taking place here with Stephen Filgueira and myself, here at the House […]

24 Dec 2018

10;20 p.m.

10;20 p.m. T.J. John Thomas… Stephen Filgueira came back for a moment, carrying an order from a place called Black Bamboo *Something which I had noted to Stephen Filgueira who is not fully aware of the true role he is playing- an Historical Role as the Witness of the Beautiful Truth OF E. – I brought with me a Bamboo Stick wrapped with Black Tape from the Shelter and even before that. I knew when I have found it, that […]

23 Dec 2018

12:45 p.m.

12:45 p.m. 12-23-2018. L D E… A B D E… L W. T R. It is the awakening. It has started. So I have kept my promise to the World and all the people whom I encountered through the years. I brought the Truth, I told the Truth… Over and over again. I did not lie, as so many of the people in this this world do, even when they are so sure that they have the Truth. But the […]

21 Dec 2018

3:59 p.m.

3:59 p.m. See Ophiuchus Aclepius O A. By Jeff Sullivan. This image is almost identical to the image drawing which Drew, created for me on my birthday in 2010. It’s was my birthday 11-28.. 8 is 9. 11:28-29.. 11 11 4:19 p.m. D.S. Nathaniel Thomas Bywater, brother of Stephen Filgueira arrived. I knew that I was waiting for him. What transpired, I can not put into words but I will say that he gave the literal meaning of Aya-Ayam which […]