
Harmony: Need subtitle

11 Feb 2019

6:20 p.m.

6:20 p.m. F T.. F B F… Fact Best Friend . Harmony The Full Circle. Represented as the Expression- Univesal Harmony E U H H U E. MAN By McKayla Rays !!! Whop Woop! Woo! Woo! Woo- Man.. 5th Dimensional consciousness Wu-Men! Has officially arisen ! I am wooed! Wed To SHE. E Consciousness Harmony Infinity C H I Is here! Beautiful Expression In the G Note. Grace Clarity G=7 Crown Chakra.. 7 linked to 8. I was present when […]

08 Feb 2019

From Angela Ahava

From Angela Ahava The Two Sees… 1 1.. The Doppelgangers Twins. Sky and Sea… Who reflects each..? Who is the Original and which is the reflection? 11 Equates… but in between Heaven and Sea there is something which exists in the space in between.. This is where man – Beings walk upon land, Solid like a body, Stillness with the Flow… Man is the Source of the Two Mirrors… For in him exists Everything… He is the Source of the […]

08 Feb 2019

From Kathryn de Mente

From Kathryn de Mente Sound and Music… S A M… E Silence – expression of Sixth Sense… Motion and Stillness S A M .. E Thing.. First the Particle… who Sang…Solfeggio creating Waves Music… W M… M W… Milky Way.. Astral Plane of the 4th Dimension – Devi Devas.. Devotion… A journey of The one who remained Constant 8.. And linked with Expression -Constant… and Motion.. Stillness as you Sleep and Motion as you dream. One remained Constant… E H…58… […]

06 Feb 2019

From Kathryn de Mente

From Kathryn de Mente Link Kathryn Elliott Kuhn K E K.. The name Kathyrn we already know means Purity and links to the story of Hecate the Great Witch. De Mente means *Mente Name Meaning. North German: from a short form of a Germanic compound name formed with magin ‘strength’, ‘might’ as the first element, for example Meinhardt. Dutch: topographic name from Middle Dutch mente ‘(pepper)mint’. South Africa says the name Mente is of Xhosa-African origin and means SOMTHING BEAUTIFUL. […]

06 Feb 2019

2:23 p.m.

2:23 p.m. 2-6-2019.. Be Aware, that we are evolving… That I no longer act the journalist ( Clark Kent.. C.K) and the Captain of the Star-Ship Enterprise Awakening, detailing in my Captains Log on Face book which has been acting at the same time as The Daily News..as well as playing a sort of hybrid of Professor X and Wolverine… …and reporting every detail of what is going on. I have stated over and over again, I this is not […]

06 Feb 2019


From Holly MacDonald Sister of John Mack. See what she did with my name Holly M .. 8.13 8+13= 21 John is 21. She 26.. 8. H. Holly Betsy her partner was born 8-13. H.M. Harmony Manifests Truth See the last one especially 3:49 p.m. Holly Betsy. H.B. Harmonious Being At address 13 8. M.H. 3:50 p.m. 3 5 O Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Feb 2019

5:40 p.m.

5:40 p.m. 5 4… / 4 5…. 9… E D… 2-5-2019… B E T S… E D B E T..S E Doing Being E.T.. Extra Terrestrial.. Supreme. The correct Expression of Earth 4.5 Billion years is code 5 4… Sosa confirmed. just as the Universe has been confirmed Outside of Time through Rays McKayla highest self linked to her Anchored Self and linked through her awareness of the Script and play her connection to Holly McDonald who lives at street […]

01 Feb 2019

5:34 p.m.

5:34 p.m. 2-1-2019… E C D… B A T S… ( 2 O 19… B F S…J…. 19= 10… O= 15 letter..6..F) E C D…E C B D…Yes see Miracle Heb Mari Juana… * Mari.. Husband in French… Juana means Juan John… A =Alexander… B A T S… 69… Base Ball Diamond… 69…Bats use sixth sense and sound and hang upside down. B F…Best Friend ( H.. Harmony)…J S… rep John Mack and Stephen Popiotek J M..S.P… Jump Man…Micheal Jordan… […]

29 Jan 2019

6:16 p.m.

6:16 p.m. 1-29-2019. F P. A-B I-T.S… A B I B O S… A B I B S… ( A B I @ 219…Being Supreme A Supreme exemplification and representation of Being) A B F S./S F..B A -A Best Friend Supreme .. Harmonious Expression A B.F.. S H E. Free Person – Meaning of the word Franco- France .. A B F S./S F..B A -A Best Friend Supreme .. Harmonious Expression A B.F.. S H E. Hello, The […]

27 Jan 2019

From Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

From Nathaniel Thomas Bywater N T B. Nicholas Tesla By Water. I just shared a comment Post Script In this end play of the Weave of the Script indicating the 5 reps of the E who passed through the Waterfall. Then I saw this share. N T B. Beautiful Truth Naturalness 7:06 p.m 76 Sacred Portal the 123 Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening But the Awakening has already taken place, but why have we only experienced it visually […]