
Harmony: Need subtitle

10 Mar 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Good Thing that the Truth is not concerned with other people’s stories.. Just curiosity to investigate their point of view and how they cane mostly, to such ridiculous conclusions. True Is AS.K. Thantos Hypnos Erebus. … Nyxe Eros. Cos M.i. C E G G.. G R A C E. In the best of the Human Species Race… And with a little help from the E.. See them Jump To E Harmony But only the Beautiful Ones if […]

07 Mar 2019

From Stephen Johnson S J…

From Stephen Johnson S J… 19 10…29… See my last post just before S.J arrived… John Mack Stephen Popiotek… at time 10:19 p.m. Now merged into one person… How did I link that at 10 19 p.m as the Cataylst and then while doing it receive a new Facebook friend J S… As you all know I never send out Facebook request except the few times the script indicates it… All had to come on their own free will and […]

01 Mar 2019


Meaning. Convergence of facts Link the meaning Particles Anchored Meaning = Understanding Silence Is Contemplation M U S I C. Gold. Sarah Kaizer Athena came at the end at my behest Esteban Miguel Filgueira in the Beginning Both have no clue as to what they were saying but E steban was a aware making a point to state that on the can of Beer was a code a message And it was because of that and our subsequent conversation that […]

27 Feb 2019

The Case of the Golden Baby Shoe in front of Tisanes..

The Case of the Golden Baby Shoe in front of Tisanes.. Herbal TEA Master… T E.A.. MAST.ER Truth Manifests T M.. T O M… Marina Burini T M… 20 13.. 33 6… F.. Into F A C T..E E T C A. F…ACT ION I Sing I Dance I Sang I Danced Every Thing Into Existence As A Light Blue Man… I am the Light Bringer Bringer of True Clarity A NEW ERA IS BORN.. Called The Truth.. The Beautiful […]

16 Feb 2019

4:49 p.m.

4:49 p.m. 2-16-2019… 4:50 p.m D D I… B P T S 4-5 O… D E O.. D D -Balance of Heart Chakra…H C… 44=8.9.. H.I.. Harmony Infinity.. B.P T S… Beautiful Pride True Source Being is Perfect Timing aligned to the SUM/ SUN. Planet Earth 4-5 Billion years old 1969.. Neil Armstrong… The Physical representation -Mirroring in Ignorance- the Orginal source of the plays on Earth, the difference between the Reflection Mirrored Rays is that the Original and Original […]

16 Feb 2019
15 Feb 2019

7:32 p.m

7:32 p.m I Dont Care… How liberating to really finally reach the true meaning and source of that phrases frequency. There is no Anger, Rage, Bitterness… not even acceptance… It simply is… I.S. 7:47 p.m… The Truth. I suppose, that ability to feel no heaviness or anger bitterness at the prolonged grievous journey – A Mission m i 5 comes from having not only done your best, but also discerned and finally attained the Point and the Goal.. The True […]

15 Feb 2019

Facebook Post..

3:43 p.m. 2-15-2019.. C D C… B O T S… I do not wish to explain or embody prove the E Consciousness to the world or train the Elected Chosen Ones to take over when I am gone ( left this play) We are 1237 Facebook friends which Eric James Murphy correctly stated that was the play taking place on Facebook. This completes the Evolution of Wu-Man by the Professor of Love and Beauty.. B L.. L B.. Both Shaggy […]

15 Feb 2019

From Nicholas De Toareg

From Nicholas De Toareg N.D T. N T E N D T… 7th Chakra. Note. Cosmic Egg C.E. E ROS-E Oval Office. Who came First The Chicken or the Egg. I have proven through this Examination and Test by the Unseen Dimension of E-Spirit that the Chicken came first.. Actually a Cock came first and penetrated the Egg. H.Q. Harmony Quantum. Harmony Quintessential. The Riddle of Existence How Expression must align with Universal Nature bringing Harmony Infinity to the Conscious […]

13 Feb 2019

Always look on the Bright Side of Life

Always look on the Bright Side of Life while being aware of the force of the illusion and how it had been used to deny the True Beautiful View of Life. And how it became that powerful in this world My entire life journey has been a story of surrounding Pain and Suffering. I do not believe in Pain and Suffering as a learning tool, but unfortunately, this reality does and so in order for people to See E This […]