
Harmony: Need subtitle

20 May 2019

From Sarah Kaizer

From Sarah Kaizer I saw this yesterday, and posted in and commented intel on it to confirm and point out Sarahs True Harmony and prove that our last interaction was a set up and that she was aware of that herself.. But was distracted ( for good reason…) and yet the other force still slipped in Facebook did not allow me to post it! I received a notification that they wished to review it…!?! But the play ended today with […]

19 May 2019
18 May 2019
17 May 2019

Fascinating meaning of the etymology if the word Zion.

Fascinating meaning of the etymology if the word Zion. It means Highest Point Sepulchure, Monument Raised up.. Jesus Statue in Brazil..? More the C Consciousness Highest Frequency Wave Particle.. But I know it meabs Perfection. The Highest Point And that it links to 5 11= 16. And 55 Perfect ion at 55 I am currently at 1255 Face Book Friends S B A Suprene Being Awareness. Full Circle. 88 to 58 85. 55 88 5/5 is 1 O 8/8 Hermen […]

16 May 2019

7:51 p.m

7:51 p.m Because you have the right to know.. I received Intel from my former case worker Rene ( Rona) concerning my passport application. She sent the emails immediately and spoke with the people at the British Embassy about my state and having my lack of I.D and physical condition being the reason I sought the umbrella of the Shelter to at last get my I.D. But they ignored her telling her that they would only speak with me. And […]

16 May 2019

2:18 p.m

2:18 p.m B R. O 5-16- 2019. E P. T. S Energy versus Money Energy = Money… New Money New Men Epression Energy = Money= My All Seeing Eye.. Money Energy Manifestation Expression M.E F M.E / E M F. Hello 5:28 is the number which began appearing everywhere last night and today 5 :28 Hrtz – The Love Frequency. I am sitting here at the apartment, no one has been here apart from McKayla Rays dropping in for brief […]

12 May 2019

8:15 p.m

8:15 p.m H.O H E A. R ING. SARA I Aligned to the line of Sara Lee Sarah Kaizer Sarah Lagrange Sarah Simon John Sarah Marie Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani Sarah Beth Friedman SAMSARA. I. S A M E S A – Reflects A. A =1 1=I. 11 7 I received this a few days after Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah return from Peru Micchu Pichu Mayan They preferred the Mountains the Natural Peak. Return of the Royal Mayan Aztecs Inca […]

09 May 2019

From Bronson Ware

From Bronson Ware 8:40 p.m G A M.M.A Giovani John 7th Chakra Letter G Grace Key Note Tone Solfeggio T 20th letter 10 10. 2..B Color Purple Violet Blue and Red 5th and 1st Color B R. At 1-5 is the Full Circle of Existence expression B R O O R B. 5 1 = 6 Indigo 7 Violet I.V. V I All is Indigo Ultra Sound Ultra Violet Sixth Sense and proven to be in clarity and harmony with […]

09 May 2019

From Bronson Ware.

From Bronson Ware. B.W. 8:19 p.m. 369 So tell me the meaning of this Synchronicity Harmonious Pattern I have been proving And demonstrating since 2013/14 Of an Equation in this realities Philosophical and Theoritcal Applied Expressions Of my proving that I have been compelled by forces outside of me ( and inside of me) to solve the riddles or questions of the greatest minds of human existence. The actual Equations and riddles of Existence are quite simple and easy to […]

09 May 2019