
Harmony: Need subtitle

31 May 2019

From Bronson WareBronson

From Bronson WareBronson 432. 43 2. 4 32.. True Life T.L. My Sacred Portal 43 E = C M.e 4/3 True Love T 20. L 12. 32. 4: 32… 4 D: C.B…. Divine Consciousness Beauty 4 5. 4.5 Billion Years old Planet Earth E ART H. Harmony Harmonics Original Facebook Post: Click Here

29 May 2019

True Life can not be Scripted ..

True Life can not be Scripted .. It manifests A T M. At The Moment to Moment Through its own Momentum creating in its wake Energy.. the Expression of Eternity.. All is in Eternal Harmony going onto Infinity And so it can not be Scripted, because Every Moment is the Unexpected but guided by the E Harmony, every experience is of Beauty and Delight.. Bliss Extasy Adventure Exploration and endless discovery The Script can only be created, from something with […]

29 May 2019
29 May 2019

1:01 p.m

1:01 p.m A O A Alpha Omega Alpha. 5-29-2019.. E B.I T. S.. E A-Z ( 26 +3) A B C. T S Quantum Leap Jump.. Victorious From 219 217. South Whitney Esteban Miguel Filgueira McKayla Rays Emeka Kolo E M E.. Kim Arthur Hines K A H. E M E. Tree Sage E.T John Mack to Jesse Macias 1:11 p.m J M J M J J. M.M. 10 10 .. 20. 2. B M M. 13 13. 26. Z […]

27 May 2019

Sacred Portal 7

Sacred Portal 7 I Guard it’s Gate Seventh Seal Seven Headed Ray 4 Horse Men H.M Of the Apocalypse Revelations 7 4 11 28. 39. 12 Liberty C Liscomb Grace She is proven to be 8 at Harmony But she went down to 7 for Loves Truth He Sings! Thomas Lang Jeron. T.J. John Thomas Captain America American Men are led by thier D I C K. E Harmony 8 7. 87 69 Harmony is Graciousness Love A Caroline. Afulenu.. […]

25 May 2019


Conclusion Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Web.. MW 87. MW69 87.69 .. J M Jump Man 10 13. John Mac Kayla 23. W. 23 = 5. E Double V V. 22 22. 4 4. 8 E 8. Andrey Klebanov Leap Jump.. Leap Year 66. Jump 4 years to 1 365 to 366 days in a Year Feb 28 to 29. 3 66. 29.. J A.M. E M F L J. Lucifer John 12 10. 22 B E. 8 E 22 I […]

25 May 2019

This is part of the play.

This is part of the play. 3 Nigerian Sisters Prettiest Girl in the World 9:02 p.m E Harmony E.T Original Facebook Post: Click Here

25 May 2019

Facebook Post..

7:08 p.m 78 Continued. I will make this simple what the Script I have deciphered, cleaned up transformed and programmed and codes back to its original Plan E.T means. That we are now at the J.M. Jump Man Quabtum Leap Jump Emeka Victorious Was the Orginal Lucifer John L.J 7:11 p.m And that we are at Evolved Beings of E who proved through a very Decuetful and convoluted play which began with Africa Pangea and then the Out of Africa, […]

25 May 2019

From Kasien Thompson

From Kasien Thompson Clifford William. C W. Hubert Nathaniel Myers H.N.M C W. Cecilia Wiebers H M. Holly MacDonald . Merge C H W M / H C M W. Hartford Connecticut Miky Way. 42 years… Florida the Sunshine State J S M. = 42 I do not wish to explain how the play I am in as is the whole world, (even though most of you do not know it), affects everything happening In the world. And that The […]

24 May 2019

10:53 p.m

10:53 p.m J ( A.F) E C .. 5-24-2019. E X T S. Add I, X I. ( 11) E X I T. S.. Exits. E Exists the Body as Time: 1-7 Chakra now at 8 out Side the Body. Crown Chakra 33 confirmed by Arinze Umeano I had a Scene in the Script with Sarah KaizerS Earlier it was with John Mack before they McKayla RaysRays. M J S Today it was Tree SageTree. Kim Arthur Hines. It’s repeated […]