
Harmony: Need subtitle

28 Aug 2019

8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m H C E. Yes Liberty C Liscomb and marvelous Jerone came today. 28. And for the First Time I met our landlord Quan.. He came into my room to open through a tiny portal over which I had placed Kim Arthur Hines painting of me bowing… to signify me having to Bend as Light to pass through * My entire room I had created as an Art Science had inutively, Instinctively, naturally and in hindsight, consciously into a […]

27 Aug 2019
23 Aug 2019

From Evil Genuis Guide.

From Evil Genuis Guide. E G G. There is an relevance to the date August 9th. A web site I visit every day stopped posting on August 9th. 89 H I. I began my journals Talking To The Silence In 1989. Harmony Infinity 89. 17. Q. Quantum. 2:23 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

17 Aug 2019

10:07 p.m

10:07 p.m 107 See Sacred portal 107 Code mentioned by Esteban Miguel Filgueira today. Venom. 8-17-2019. H.Q. The Script. Hello.. John Mack came over today to film our conversation so we could share it with you. Instead a Play took place aligned to Communication and Beautiful Expression is Harmony. John Mack linled with Lucas, Jesse Macias friend. They connected through Alkaline Water, A W, just as he and Jesse had. J M.J.M.= 1.A. 23 23. 46. 10.. J A S […]

17 Aug 2019

From Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

From Rachael Devon Rios Sessions There is an abundance of insecurity with God-Truth/Harmony/ Expression/ Beauty. So nuch so that people would not be speaking for God-Truth-Harmony- Exprsssion- Beauty .. They would be empirically proving it That is how One Loves God.Truth Self.. Harmony Beautiful Expression. Look at the World of Nature.. Is that not God..Truth. And then look at the Child. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

16 Aug 2019

9:46 p.m

9:46 p.m Excuse me, I wish to.make something clear which I have stated many times before. My body being released, my Going Home And this Equation E Quantum, but most of all my Solving Father evolved from my Son thriugh Brother ( and now SIster) to Equals- His Riddle Her riddle of the Matrix and Universal Mind. Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze..= H. By getting it correct.. Frees me from this Endless toil of my Life, and frees all of […]

12 Aug 2019

9:21 p.m

9:21 p.m I.U.. God Lord! I really would have liked to share or talk to some one about what is going on in my body, the process, the link to the Holgraphic Universe. Yes there is John Mack ( Damned Play Boy… Ah just like me) But his still the Last Actor with Tree SageTree in the Play. I.had to reach John and Kim Arthur Hines They represent the Gate way put Grace and Knowledge Knowing And Gratitude. 9:27 p.m […]

11 Aug 2019
10 Aug 2019
09 Aug 2019