
Harmony: Need subtitle

14 Sep 2019

Are you bored?

Are you bored? Well can you imagine being awake your entire life, working unconsciously or consciously to the day of the Evolution Awakening of Everything. Imagine, you had no idea that you would be working on that and bringing into Exisrence and being the Original Species, the first to ever walk the earth, so long before Humanity.. I am speaking of those who walked on it and helped create it Its Holodeck, its Universal Simulation. Its blue print. Beings who […]

08 Sep 2019

Andrew Bartiz

Andrew Bartiz A.B Mike E.. M.E. A.H These are three people whom Liberty C Liscomb has been reading and quoting as we have conversed today. The one constant has been Andrew Bartiz. A B Mike E. And his Theorey of Everything.. M.E she brought up today and even brought a file and photocopied his intel and the time and date was 9-8-19… 9:17 a.m. M.E. all these are here codes right to 9:17 ( I Q ) the code of […]

07 Sep 2019

7:51 p.m

7:51 p.m From Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines. K A.H Link Alfonso Hattie A.H. And add K for Kolo, Full Circle Round Knowledge Knowing Known. K=11. Doppelgangers Twins Gemini.. Recall the play of Sacred Portal 20 Lady Echoe. Liberty! Represented by Liberty C Liscomb. But also my Self, Lord E C / C.E.. H O M E. I thought it pertinent for future record to provide the evidence, reason and proof of this being a play. Please read the serial […]

05 Sep 2019

Facebook Post..

7:56 p.m H.. G : E.F 9-5-2019. I E.T S. Harmony Grace is E Family. Infinity Eternity The Script Exemplified by The Source. 7:58 p.m … And truly I am not amused. ( Because it means, that I am being told, that which I am already aware.. That I was used as an example, to show and demonstrate how the seemingly most lost lamb has a homing device, G.P S, and built in Secretion which leaves a trail, leading one […]

04 Sep 2019

12:57 a.m

12:57 a.m 9-4-2019.. I D. T S.. I D. The Source. For Liberty C Liscomb Line. Source Codes. Foundation is 7.7 Solfeggio Spectrum Rainbow. That is the base of the Source codes. Thats it.. 1-7=8 1-7=8 8 is the Full Circle 8 O. 8 O 88 O O 8/8 is 1. 8= 1 O O is Full Circle. 15 letter 1+5=6 6/6=1.. 8= 1 6=1. 1-1 A-A. A-Z-A = 27 Florida 27th State is called the Sun Shine State. 8 […]

02 Sep 2019
02 Sep 2019

1:08 p.m

1:08 p.m From Liberty C Liscomb P.S 108 is the code for the Opening and closing of the Flower of Life. Liberty sent me this at 8:44 a.m And another piece of Intelligence at 8:43 p.m Her literal codes are 8- 43. Harmony 43 is her Age Code And is the Door of Life in my sacred poryals creared 9 years ago at Marina Burini loft. 44 is Balance… MA AT.. / T A.. A.M. all linked to her. And […]

01 Sep 2019

Fom Arwen Simon Arwen

Fom Arwen Simon Arwen This meant to my Sister Self as Harmony as Mother. H.M. Yes Fifth Element Luc Besson the Blue E.T ALien with the Blue Spiral, Golden Ratio on her head ( Hearing) Anastasia in the realm of Natures Espirit. All versions of her Interdimensional name but as been proven from the play from Mackayla to Brooke to Liberty to Holly MacDonald ..Hera. Her real Name is Wu Man Sophia O Laurel Sol Hue Man.. Original Facebook Post: […]

30 Aug 2019

10:47 p.m

10:47 p.m J D G. 8-29-2019. H B.I. T S. Spencer Thomas Twin I Be Harmony – Freedom. H F. 86. 14. N. 5. E. Liberty C Liscomb Twin Liberty Equality. L E. 12 5. 17. Q. 8 H. E H. E8 Hello, I have moved. From Hartford to Harwington. H H. Linked by Newington N H N H.. First before I start, I wished to clear up a code. Libertys code is 76. And Age code 43.. But I […]

28 Aug 2019

From Eric Poczik.

From Eric Poczik. E P And so we have Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze declares E Perfection E Perfect E Planet Eternal Perfection Oh Yes, It has been destroyed by the Truth LIN E. US.. Charlie Angels Brown. Charles and Caroline in my personal template.. Uncle and Aunt.. Names meaning Man Brave. Free Person In this universal script Rep John Mack Liberty C Liscomb J L. = 10 12. 22. V. V E N. U.S.. A. Aphrodite M.L. Mercury Luna. […]