
Harmony: Need subtitle

25 Oct 2019

12:06 a.m

12:06 a.m Quick up date 58 and 85 completed to Magus code The Sorcerer’s apprentice link The Sword of Truth confirmed with Thomas Lang,.and Malelificent code link to Liberty C Liscomb The correct version . 58 13 85 13. 13 year proof since 268 Generation X Gardens 268 East 4th Street l Albert Santana Martiza Ritz Montez. A.M. 13 13 M M 26 Z. Z ION. Zoroaster. Highest Point. Eternal Heros of the Golden Dawn. Harmony Perfection. Poverty Hollow B.F […]

19 Oct 2019

2:33 a.m

2:33 a.m B C C. 10-19-2019. J S. T S. J T. S.S.. Hello. Its very late, and I spent over 8 hours at work and conversing with Liberty C Liscomb. My body as you know, is and has been set to transform, marking the final proof of Manifest Evidence of Universal Evolution through twin portals Evolution and Extinction See sacred portals 104 and 48. I have a response to todays play through a play which took place linled to […]

16 Oct 2019

3:55 p.m

3:55 p.m Abaddon is called the Angel of the Abyss. A.B. A.DD. O.N. E. Abba ( Father ) Yoseph is DON. ( 82) E. Found myself decoding the story of the One True God called the Truth. ( The Visionary whose Word Manifests) I had just watched the first episode of the Dark Crystal with Liberty and her 5 children. The Dark Crystal ( is Purple) Purple Red the Highest Frequency within the illusion. Ourubus.. Purple Red. P.R. Propaganda or […]

15 Oct 2019

4:52 p.m

4:52 p.m D E B. 10-15-2019. J O. T S A O A E.T S A-F-A T S.. Alien Father @ S. Alien Father Alpha The Script. * Alien Father is the Head of the A-Lien Council Representatives in this world is the Consciousness of Babies. Please link 7 Month old son of Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang. Others call Him/Her The Full Circle’ Big Bang.. Really the First Orgasm. O.H His Feninine aspect is A.H. 158 1- 8. […]

12 Oct 2019

1:36 a.m

1:36 a.m So once again we see the play theater. Esteban Miguel Filgueira once more proven to represent a play. Recall, he once used the Black Hole as his facebook emblem, depicted in the Human head. Mind. The Human mind as the black hole. In 2011, a man Marina Burini discovered, had aurgued with me about a Universal Mind, which I had refuted, saying there was no such thing as the Human Mind. H.M. But that the Universal Mind U.M […]

07 Oct 2019

8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m H. C.E. Harmony C.E. Chukwuemeka Emeka. Fractaling As Emeka Eze Chima Ezejiofor Cynthia Eze Thank you Abby Temple for doing the courtesy and respect, ( Fair Exchange) of personally researching the Origins of my name ( you will be amazed at how few returned the courtesy, I have done this with every new Facebook friend since I began or entered this Play Theater, In 2012. T.L) Yes, my name is an expression of Praise. The Creator, Lord God, […]

05 Oct 2019

And the View.

And the View. MAN 7 7 7 7. 4 4 4.. 28. 12. 10 3. J C 13 M D IS E. M.D. M.E. 5:20 p.m E.T. 5:21 p.m E.U. When a suggestion a power of suggestion Gestion Gestation Is not in Harmony with your Truth. Its a Spell. And that is the pulling of your strings. There must always be the A S. K I N G And Confirmed Response. That is the True Power of Magic There is […]

22 Sep 2019

11:30 p.m

11:30 p.m This is the world, The Evil in Govts, People which people refuse to admit. Or hold themselves accountable. I was very present during this Osama bin Laden play. I was aware.. Scape Goating others And witch hunting with out solid evidence This is the History of the World. And the unnatural nature I assure you is every where. The desire to blame, to accuse And a society which always finds a lamb to slaughter. This is the mentality […]

18 Sep 2019

8:57 p.m

8:57 p.m 8 5 Oceans 7 Continents. 8 12.. 8 L .. Liberty C Liscomb Line. Sister Line. 8 3.. H C Harmony C Planet Earth. There is a posts Date 4-8-2019. Linked to a share I posted on Emeka Odiamma page where I am speaking about the EEE and the Virus I was manifesting to rid the planet of the Unnaturals. Huemans not seated in their hearts. Liberty, recieved an E Mail from Harwington Youth Sports about this deadly […]

18 Sep 2019

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock. 12:12 p.m L.L. 9-17- 2019. I.Q. T S… Code reflected here by Liberty C Liscomb L.L. As well as I.Q. code of her home portal. I am passing through a Embodied Reflection of what I am and orginally represent. Her own alignment is based on if she is aligned to the meaning of her name in E code. L L. 24. E M F * I met Liberty through Esteban Miguel Filgueira […]