
Harmony: Need subtitle

11 Jul 2020

1:41 hours.

1:41 hours. 1:42 a.m A .D A N.B AD B. Beautiful Pride meaning? Epitome of Self Refinement. Self Respect. S R 900 South Road 7-11- ALL W.A Y. S. O.. P E N 24-7. 25 39. B D G. Y. C. I 1:45 p.m. E.G.O. Expression Aligned from Here to Full Circle of Alignment to your Truest Self in the Present. The Truth of Self Worth aligned to Your Embodied Representation and Enactment of your Truth. This is what caused […]

08 Jul 2020

I found myself watching Mission Impossible I.V. last night.

I found myself watching Mission Impossible I.V. last night. Ghost Protocol. G.P. And as I watched it without watching it, I realized, that that was the confirmation of the play I was always aware that I was in. I.V is the 4th Dimension the Green Zone in the Rainbow and yes the 4th Dimension, note of FA! I was aware of this since 2006 January. The Mission impossible was to prove that not only that this World is a Universal […]

06 Jul 2020

18:25 p.m

18:25 p.m 6:25 p.m R A H Y.. B E. F Y… F B E 7-6-2020. G F 2020 Vision. Hello.. I should be happy today.. Because for the first time in perhaps 19 years.. no 27, I feel no compulsion or drive to post. My body is still occupied but its not compelling me to unravel from Muscle Memory MM, codes. I would like to say because I have completed the codes here of each member of this family […]

29 Jun 2020

1:25 a.m

1:25 a.m To her right A male being hands her A Rose… Erose-e. To Eos Harmony Dawn Two Sides aligned in Perfect Symmetry Perfect Harmony, Perfect Expression. P P P .. 48 24 24. 1. 24 25 = 49. 49/94. S H E. R O S E. And H E R O E S. Rose with Lady Magnificent Harmony. All from that True Narration of the One who is TWO. Men And now, added, the story of My Youth. 1:31 […]

24 Jun 2020

Intel from Liberty C Liscomb

Intel from Liberty C Liscomb No excuses. Judgment from Blue Flame. Blue Santana..A.H. 2:33 p.m Arden Fritz Venneiq. Blue Flame Best Friend.. Harmony. S HE… They Returned on 6-22-2020 F V S.HE is the one i had had to fight so hard to make rise with AF K G Original Facebook Post: Click Here

22 Jun 2020
21 Jun 2020

16:45 p.m

16:45 p.m Literally J A H H. A.J. Harmony 110 Original Facebook Post: Click Here

20 Jun 2020
19 Jun 2020

6:50 p.m

6:50 p.m 6-19-2020. My Identity has finally been confirmed at Last. 86 O Harmony Sixth Sense Hindsight Foresight In Perfect Symmetry. H O D. ( G O D. G = H) Harmony ( Infinity Standing Up) Full Circle Defined. 19 O5. Source Of Existence Eternity Energy Expression Everything is Me at 5th State to 50th State. / 5 O. 91. E O. A .I. 4 O8. D O H O 68. 11-22-68. David Roman Nicholas Me. Perhaps, I can rest […]

14 Jun 2020

8:49 p.m

8:49 p.m Harmony Sacred Portal 49 Fork in the road. Northern Lights Nome Alaska. The 4th Kind 9:09 p.m I have been sequestered in my room. I could not see Arden, despite the In Synch of our Harmony making the Self Evident obvious. 9:11 p.m But since yesterday and the 12th his 17th birthday, I realized that from the moment of my arrival I have been in battle, a battle which took all my focus and attention, which turned out […]