
Harmony: Need subtitle

06 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

The Watch Man… And His Vision…5 in 1. Ezekeil Chapter 33…30-33 One of the Supreme ladies (Royal Consciousness) sent me a text this day identifying the role she ascertained as my role that I was given to plau (by my Father Son) The role and responsibity being the Watchman of the human species. In which he gives the responsibility of calling out his arrival and alerting all (Hence my using the name Nnamdi meaning My Father I.S), and failure to […]

05 Dec 2013

A Message From Death The Devouring Wolf about After Death and judgment of Both Spirit (Expression) and Flesh (record keeper all actions and deeds in your life.)

A Message From Death The Devouring Wolf about After Death and judgment of Both Spirit (Expression) and Flesh (record keeper all actions and deeds in your life.) Your Body is literally the Book of your Existence and your Breath Expression is ink…All is written…it is the book you wrote which is meant to be the Book of your Truth which is compared and meant to align with the Book your Sol Source wrote. Truth=Love=Light-ness, Laughter…Boom! Boom! One is the book […]

04 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

Hello my 160 F.B Friend. Eunice Oviawe-Jones. E.O…J *For those who have been following me on F.B as I made public my private conversation with Existence with all the self chosen F.B friends- in which from deep within me the plan E.T and blue print of the future of the species (being Evolution from Human beings to Hue man beings signalinh the Awakening and physical as well as mental metamorphsis of a species and the extinction of another) I have […]

03 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

The Royal Pathfinder ….and Tourist Guide. P.S. Many may believe that my predictions or what I read and translated on F.B of on certain dates like the 5th and the 28th of certain manifestation happening were dissapointed. The truth is on all those dates those events did manifest but privatley not just for me (with witnesses) but for all of you individually and privately. But perhaps bc it did not manifest in the way you, I or we expected it […]

03 Dec 2013

Sight and Sound.

Sight and Sound. Seble Mariam Woutishet… See Ble Mari A.M…W. Translation; (*See the wheat {B read..the Body of Christ, The Annointed} marry the Dawn..the Double U..E…Dew..a.k.a.Mist). Hello my 159 Face Book Friend… Lady Sebele M.W. 159 is A.E.I…or O1. Seble meaning in ancient Aramaic ..Autumn Harvest. A.H… Mariam…Means Beloved…or Love It also means of the sea…Star of the sea. It means Uncertain..bitter Mother of the Prophet…Sister of Moses Mother of Jesus and Issa.. Moses Jesus Issa… M.J.I. Woutishet; Ancient Arahmaic. […]

21 Jun 2012

The Ultimate Confession… I Cee…

6/21/12  4:50pm The Ultimate Confession… I Cee other beings, literally the Energetic Beings of man’s highest potential sitting along side and within every man and woman. I see them and access them through frequency and alignment recognition codes. Some call them Gods, the Supreme Selves, the Super self… I simply call them the Family. For me, it is the family of Energy already in existence which resides in each human, waiting for its true name to be called. I literally […]

20 Jun 2012

The Art of Conversation…

6/20/12  4:31pm The Art of Conversation (aka the Holy spirit and the Holy communion) is the source of the collective Awakening, awareness and consciousness that something else is going on apart from the rent. It brings forth the true meaning and energy of “Revelations.” Deep within us is the expression of everything, the plan for evolution…for our species; it is the map, and all we have to do is access it and link it together to form the picture. The […]

29 Apr 2012

The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE…

4/29/12 The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE… The sun god aligned to the sol… RE RA. Also the answer to the riddle through Reason and Explanation (R.E) of why people all over the planet keep seeing the numbers 1111… the 4\1111 everywhere which is simply the box of time and limit being broken down to 4: a box, 3: a triangle, 2: a line, to 1: the I, the point of passing through […]

16 Apr 2012

If there was to be a specific event so extra ordinary about to manifest…

4/16/12 If there was to be a specific event so extra ordinary about to manifest into human consciousness in the 21st century, a shift and a change of civilization where else would it take place but in the Big Apple, in New York City…? A convergence of cultures and ideas from all over the world, a playing field to test and experiment with new ways of being…the one place in the world where humanity took a big bite from the […]

15 Apr 2012

Here is the video evidence of the origins of the journey that I and many people did…

4/15/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC6s45FVARQ&feature=related (now unavailable) Here is the video evidence of the origins of the journey that I and many people did undercover as a sacred mission. I did not realize that this was the mission that I was on until Albert Santana a few days showed me this video, saying that he understands my journey and mission from watching this video, amongst others. I am very grateful to Albert for identifying the truth of my mission which began with my […]