
Harmony: Need subtitle

14 Aug 2020

2:04 p.m

2:04 p.m 24…E M F 20 4 T D.. 2O 4… B O D… Y 2 64 8-14-2020 H.N TT Harmony Nature Pi. Hello… First I wish to make something Clear to you all .. again. This is a Video Game. Second of all- the entire point of my Life Journey from Birth at St Mary’s Hospital in London, to Alexander Grove where my sister and I were both born, to Arden Geminio and the 4 in one lines he […]

12 Aug 2020

6:29 p.m.

6:29 p.m. Okay.. I literally felt the heard what I can call the Universal Body, literally just speak through me. The Universal Body, by the way is the Universal Truth O.. Full Circle. It said, Can’t you understand that I am Evolving Alone Can you not Pause for just a moment to imagine what that must be like, after all I endured to bring you the Truth. To understand my feelings.. to have that moment of Empathy, to simply put.. […]

11 Aug 2020

22:24 Hundred Hours

22:24 Hundred Hours As witnesessed ( By those paying attention) I have witnessed myself move Energy Everything to move via Expression Feelings Silence and Sound 22:25 Hundred Hours Even through this self serving script to reach 25 Victorious A forced to play characters and have interactions not as myself, but one scripted conscripted to fill a Need which of course diminshes the Respect people naturally felt and saw for me. In my Being and Doing. As most are aware I […]

08 Aug 2020

18:25 Hundred Hours

18:25 Hundred Hours 8-8-2020. The name Lisa Lawrence Link Lisa Levine 97 Maha Rose. ( MR) Green Street Green Point Avenue Near Green Point Assessment Shelter To Liberty C Liscomb Liberty Leander. LL. 1212. 1. 24. 144. 1 6 9. 1 15. A O A-A E 1.7. AG 1.7 85 71 4 29 6:29 p.m Lisa comes from the name Elizabeth. E L IS A. It means The Vow, The Oath…and Covenant Promise has been kept.. I am satisfied Crown […]

06 Aug 2020

1 10 is on my page.

1 10 is on my page. Its 6-46-2020. Yes, The 64th Portal in 19 years aligned to 46 Sacred Portal 46 VI -IV… 16 P. 8-6-2020. Yes Infinite Harmony in 1.Awareness. And now that I know, and checked, that Arden is perfectly fine, I can relax from playing the role of Big Brother, and allow him to be the equal that he is and represents in you all as Beautiful Youth E. Knowing that he Arden is Fine. Jeron is […]

29 Jul 2020

7:12 a.m

7:12 a.m 7-29-2020. Nothing But The Truth I have been watching that movie.. I miss Jeron… But in the Eternal Realm he is of the E The family I came to find. But in this world he is not my son. I was made very aware of that. And I had steeled myself to the possibility of a separation. And 3 months ago I began preparing both him and myself for that possibility. I came all the way from the […]

27 Jul 2020

Sacred Portal 25

Sacred Portal 25 A F K G This is what E as Arden Fred Knox Gemino = A F K G = 25.. 30 add E Desired of me Words Smith Master The De- Bat-E. Be cause I used to be Silent Quiet Not used to Words W O. R D. S. So I learned to transform his..our Eloquent Silence into Sound Words S W South Whitney Master the Debate of the Origins of Man Existence through all the Cacaphony […]

22 Jul 2020
17 Jul 2020
13 Jul 2020

11:41 p.m.

11:41 p.m. A-A-D-A. I took a pause and had to truly examine my feelings and the facts of this Case. And I have to say No, to this present Arden. He is not of Me. The Arden within… yes. The Arden I met 8-29-2019. yes. The Arden who I met the first day Yes… The Arden I see and speak to alone.. yes. The Arden I see and have gotten to know.. yes. But all other Versions … especially the […]