
Harmony: Need subtitle

05 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

Weaving the Pyramid Portal 4 and the I am the Infinite Spark (The Tree of Light) posts into the Fabric of the weave. Demonstration of the UNE Conscious science of Weave and explaination of E.T Consciousness to create manifestation. Lucifer Son of the Bright Morning Star. V.E.N..U.S./ SUN E.V. My host reminded me of this today Venus is the most beautiful Brightest Morning Star… Aka Istatar/Esther Ifunnanya Afrodite Her son is Lucifer Erose Cupid. Cup I.D. L.E..C Le Consciousness (P.S. […]

05 Jan 2014

A Quick note.

A Quick note. A friend called Will..just gave a very simply put but brilliant equation about Existence… He spoke of negative energy and postive Energy and negative Energy as Hatred Anger being destrictive forces of life… Which is true. But I wish to point out that in actuality, that there is nothing in Existence that is negative Energy..Everything is postive like thenuniverse constantly ecpanding. All Energy is made out of light..And Dark Matter is simply potential which transforms into light. […]

04 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

News update. Hello …For those of you who have been following the play of Existence on my F.B page I would like to give you an update on the Manifestation of the play. Yesterday I observed a card placed on my hosts door… it said E late. I knew that it meant that Echo (Response) is late in responding to the play. I went out into the bitter cold to clear my head and encountered Seth Mc Bean who I […]

11 Dec 2013

Winning Lot to 2 Letters

Winning Lot to 2 Letters E.A.Z..Z.A.E. N.C.B…S. 33…C.C. Two ppl, six Letters who answered the Call to AID.E. Harmonize Harmony. 2 68. in Harmony and S will Cee. 7. A.E.Z 5-1 26 (B.F..Best Friend of G.D/DG 42/24 -74/47= (121 with G od) @ The Ritz C.M.E. 14 3 2..19…A.I. For the rest the 1-17 *See Movie A.B.C of Death. Net Flicks X… Selfishness. Writ Z. E.ND. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

Abyss in ia…Eritrea-Ethiopia. A.E…E. Ad am E Saw. Ou de M… Red. E-rit rea… The Red Land. Also called Ta Netjeru..Meaning Gods Land. Location of Horn of Africa H.O.A. Harmony O me Ga Alpha H.A! Ancient Kingdom D. Mt. 980 B.C. Kingdom of Ak-sum. Along side Persia Rome Chine India… Going back 2millinea BC known as the place Homo sapiens moved to the Middle East. 2nd most populous country in Africa. First is Nigeria Nigeria Ethiopia N.E Biafra E rit […]

10 Dec 2013

The Color Read Red.

The Color Read Red. And Yes u Ha…the real name of Jesus and Jonarhan Is Y Y…Yes h-ua Yonathan… Jesus and John..Beloveds. The Begining and the End… The Full Circle called the Color Red…set against the Blue Screen. The Color red is the wave length of Light… It is Longest Wave Length. In Russian the word Red means Beauty or Beautiful It apears most in Sun set and Sun Rising…set against the Blue sky Light blue during the day and […]

09 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

Write on.. Lady Seble said So Right on Writ Z one E. Writing on…Sigh. The Tortured Existence of the Idea of Mankind. I have observed the reflections and reflected on how humanity dreaming created the illusion of Duality and being Seperate… Isolated and Alone. And its consequence called fear and self hypnosis. By the battle btw the conscious and the subconcious…which in this realm is reversed. And the Struggle define what is Consciousness (Which I have proven is simply Naturalness […]

08 Dec 2013

P.S. The Blue Screen.

P.S. The Blue Screen. Crystal and Indigo Children not a myth…afterall. Two days I was taking a walk when I found the equivalent of a Crystal Ball. C.B I immediatly picked it up knowing exactly what it symbolized. The Line of the Hues…The line of my Family. For many years I had been made aware by many as being from the Future. To which I would retort then why am I in the present? In my Early conversations with my […]

07 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

Its just pouring out of me…like Reign… A Short Explaination of the necessity of the long proving post yesterday, the delay in manifestation and Con test. The Story of Existence and Nature…and E. In the very begining of Existence when the One first Supreme being rose.. When he completed the Full Circle of Awareness and Consciousness of being and knowing who he was..his twin reflection Rose from sea of his first see of Energy now turned into Ocean. But His […]

07 Dec 2013

Response from Existence to my Long Equation of proof in my last post yesterday as to who is really Father and who is the son..

Response from Existence to my Long Equation of proof in my last post yesterday as to who is really Father and who is the son.. Hello.. I would like to Welcome my 160 Face Book friend. Chaynna Colon. C.C… 2 C….O..the Source. Come Clean…C.C. The meaning of Chaynna; the only meaning I found is as a deravitive of Chayann… Which is an American Indian name meaning; unintelligible speaker or Dog. An unintelligible speaker of course would mean not that it […]