
Harmony: Need subtitle

08 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

The Last of the Nri Igbo Creation Story Restored to Truth… and my personal corrections and transformation from inside out revered of These First Gods which began and grew from worship of those who were loved and who passed away.. the Ancestors… our families. First. CHUKWU.. The Great God and the first force which came into existence often represented by the Sun. To me this is that which is within and represented by self created Light movement warmth cool and […]

08 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

The Gift. The Day Time stood still 1984. THERE Is Something Sum- Thing in the Air.. Moving Backwards ( Through Creations Stories and Migrational pathways Out of Africa and Back Into Afraica and Beyond) from Ney York,Rome Greece, Celts Vikings, Persia Syria, Arabia, Middle East Ethiopia, Eggypt, Kemet… Yesterdyay we were In Igbo Land and Nri… Then we went beyond Ekwensue and Onwu Death.. the two, where I met Set H at Cafe Bean. C.B.. Consciousness In Being, who spoke […]

07 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

Life after Death… The Devine Plan. The Hue man plan and The Plan ET to link the planet 4% to the 96% so all could see the whole truth and the whole view. Igbo Language langauge which not only contains the original frequecny and vibration of the first langauge but that of the Gods (the Watchers) and the original story of Creation. The power within me would often say Ptahhh!!! Which is in Igbo langauge and means he who fashion, […]

06 Feb 2014

My Host last night put on the movie Powder last night… Yeshua, Yah way Yah Zeus…

My Host last night put on the movie Powder last night… Yeshua, Yah way Yah Zeus… …And immediately afterwards it started to snow. *For details of the play and its meaning, see the comments of Kimberly Brown and Kasper S (Kerem S… The only two ppl to message me today both have names with the initials K.S… K=11 S=19 11 22…19 19…(Hmmm my mothers birthday and my grandfathers year of Birth…?) 38… 11 22 19 38 K V S C.H. […]

04 Feb 2014
02 Feb 2014


161… 1 is A 6 is F A.F.A…. 16 is P. 1 is A. P.A. Afa in OINRI Igbo means Name… P.A is short Public Announcement… And in Code; Praise and Appreciation A.F.A. In Youruba Shango Santeria..Orishas, which influenced the Puerto Rico cultures amongst others means Bridge. Oracle divination btw the Spirit World Gods and Man directing the Will to purpose. Translation of Transmission and code of where are at… Name… Public Announcement; My Name is Praise and Appreciation. I […]

31 Jan 2014

A very quick up date… Done with the A .Face Book play but thought I should give evidence and an update why.

A very quick up date… Done with the A .Face Book play but thought I should give evidence and an update why. As I mentioned before my hosts but more especially the Energy Spirit in him.. (Some one told the spirit is him the King of New York, Satan.. but it is Saint Anna…meaning in Igbo seat of the Holy,, Land). Where engaged when I first met him, not only on continuos conversation for the past seven years. But also […]

30 Jan 2014

Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII.

Pyramids…Codes and steps to harmony and the four planes (sides) representing the Four sides (Dimension) N.E.W.S as the four Winds Expression of the Elementals Converging to the same point and conclusion.. E Existence the fifth Element is all points of view emanating and converging to the Four in One IIII=I=IIII. M.E.I. Emi e Ami e Mexico-Alignment. Egypt. Knowledge Indonesia..Temples of Beauty M.E.I. I.E.M Manifestion is Expression of the Individual. I.Energy Manifestation. Of Alignment of Knowledge of the Beautiful. Who came […]

29 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

R-era.. Rare Air One of the names of Kimberly is Rare. My host name is A. And the personal friend of his, a he works with and who shares a similar consciousness and memory is called Robert. They have a mutual friend a brilliant theoritical physicists called Lisa… Who work speaks of the 11th dimensions. The last conversation my host told me he and his friend spoke of was how thier friend Lisa work speaks about how to measure Dark […]

24 Jan 2014

Two likes which appeared yesterday in Harmony

Two likes which appeared yesterday in Harmony Yi.. Light Tere…Terre. In my personal codes this means Light of the Earth. Tere O/O Eret. E.R (18..A.H) E.T. Yi Air E.T. E. Original Facebook Post: Click Here