
Harmony: Need subtitle

07 Jul 2014

Just got on my lap top…

Just got on my lap top… So just saw that F.B.F at 166… So strange, that is of course me, and have not been able to get on my Black or Silver Lap top for a some days… Using my Gala XY phone… Just got on the Silver G4..74. All Gifts. Wanted to simply let people know, that there is nothing personal in this play, its all been an evolution of an Arithmetical Mathematical Equation… Using Experience Individual Memory, Collective […]

06 Jul 2014


Hello.. July 6. 76 Conversations with Espirits. We were the vessels, pawns who some ( few) became Aware that as a species were being spied upon, set up. And because they rebelled while at the same time investigsted, rose fr being mere pawns on a literal chess board… To become Rookies, Bishops (Guides) Knights in shinning Armour, Queens as Q, and Finally Kings…Fathers and Guardians of a species and of a Truth Beyond. They did not accept the roles given […]

04 Jul 2014


July 4 74/47 66. And So I Sought Deaths Door. And I met the Light and never wished to come back. But the Darkness which surrounded it, I now call Flesh…Dark Matter Told me that my.mission was not complete. Yonathan Yohannes is the symbol of that mission and its completion. I woke up to someone breaking down the Door to my apt. It was Elizabeth (Whom I called.Moon Goddess and is the Elizabeth I met here and the street name […]

23 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

A.H. The Element of Surprise… Tom Riddle and Harry Potter. TomMot… The Meaning of the word Tom is Twins and the meaning of the word Mot in French is Word. Twin Word… English French… E FF.E. E=5, F=6 5665 1111 1 1111 is 1 D=1 The Twin Word of course, would be what creates a word. Expression and Act ion. are to me the twins which creation the Word. Expression is both Sound Silence and Act ion is the movement […]

23 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

So here we are… At yet another conclusion.. That God is really a Code.. A Living Code and A Sacred Cord..Link…Umbiblical Chord…3th-4th the 5th. Which is the Beautiful Book A Living Book of Nature Space Air Breath the Interconnecting Weave Cinena Cine Music of livr. Written with the Ink of living loving breath of the Creator and its manifest Creation…The Everything…and more. There is only one Book of life and you must, live it experience it, move around the world…with […]

22 Feb 2014

The Garden of Solitude…

The Garden of Solitude… Yes, I am being stimulated by Mr, Fred Delshad’s post which brought to the resurfacing of my own personal memory of being in the Garden of Solitude. It came rushing up through a comment which I tried to post from my Gala XY Phone on his post, but for some strange reason it would not post. My Host suggested that I try me lap top which I had mistakenly spilt some water on over a month […]

22 Feb 2014
22 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

Proof of the Existence of The One True Gode is Alive and Well… Proven by I.E.Existence the one within me. My Host and I just watched the Movie After Life… with Christine Ricci… It is so amazing how I write on F.B and he, having no idea what I have written responds with a movie in which Existence Responds. The Movie After Life A.L./L.A..H…was the perfect response…That G.O.D.E is alive in my Host. Who has been speaking to me through […]

13 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

Nnamdi I.S. Jay C.E. To Cut A Long Story Short. H.I.. H.U.E.’S. (I.E the True Howard Hughes H.H/ H.1.) And Author of 1984.in 1974 ..74..7=G.4=D…O.. G.O.D.E/.E.D.O…G. 74/47… 7O4-5/4O7-5… 7+4=11 4+7=11. 11/11= 4(1)=I. The I Who is 4(1) C.O.D.E/E.D.O..C… 34/43… 3O4-5/5-4O3 7/7..1. The I 4(1) 7(1). The One 47 11(1). I just turned 47. I am for Clarity Clara Star Child sister to me Noni Promise Tree of Life who believed in me. I am four Ultra Violet-see and hearing that […]

12 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

D.N.A. D.N.U. D.N.E. And the True Story of Truth Trueman TT…Pi. The Personal Programer. The P.C.E Programer. The Personal Computer Programer. The D.N.A. Sequence and Program. And the Vide O Game Versus the Vide 0 game Aligned to from 01 to O I. Our Collective D.N.A. is a programe. We have been Programed. By Who? And For what reason? Our world is the visual projection of said programe fraqmented and dispersed as fragments of the story called Nature. Our role […]