
Harmony: Need subtitle

18 Jul 2014

A.V.E! Ne’ M…O!

A.V.E! Ne’ M…O! Welcome Mother of the Source. Your child Romulus Remus R and R. 36.O speaks July 18. A.H Rest Relax I am here And I will speak for thee. Rome-Room E 7 18. G.R (Golden Retriever Jake Royal) 7 18. Clarity of Rest. I have a new Face Book Friend. Ogonna S Omo Crafts… 173 F.B.Friend if I am correct. Welcome to this End play Weaving into Existence and Consciousness the New Story and the quiet undercover earning […]

16 Jul 2014


H.I….V.I.E. The Beautiful Present. B.P. Beautiful Pride is Investigation E. Cee for yourself. That is the way of the Individual I..who comes before the O.H. Is not swayed by others opinions. It has the common sense to find the truth out for itself. I know why the Mocking Bird Sings… C.E. And today David Philipe Gil and I met…in the Garden Generation X of my Hosts Community. E.V I Know why the Mocking Bird Sings… It Sings at those who […]

16 Jul 2014

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends.

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends. Q.B. 17 is the code of the Transformer which we know as Beautiful Death is Truth. Everyone dies and, or Transforns. Death is not the end has been proven in this play. Humanity is in a coded play, a Matrix….proven. We are Evolution Awakening. And All the truths about Energy can not be understood through physical science or Consciousness. The Seed of Humanity and human Existence… Just as the Asteroid which fertlized this […]

15 Jul 2014

Hello my 172 F.B F…

Hello my 172 F.B F… 172 is code A.G.B. Or 17=Q. 2=B. Q.B. Chybest Ezeh… C.E. Cause Effect. C+E…3+5. C+E=H. ChyBest Eze.H. Hello. Welcome to this Chill Cool Sacred page. I have been demonstrating how one mans vision is the vision revealed hidden in all humanity. Of how humanity are about to evolve to thier the true intention of the Creator called Hue Men Beings… But we had to prove it ourselves while all being undercover in forgetfullness except me…I […]

15 Jul 2014


Hello… I have two new F.B.Friends 171..A.G.A. Full Circle July 1st. Jinx Nire Jin… Jinx means Magic..Charm Spell If you all recall, before the arrival.of E.E we were at 8 as Infinity Standing up not laying down Also symbol of the Tarot… The Magician. After the Play and Challenge to.prove Magic Aguleri Agwu ukwu.. And the battle in House of Mirrors with EE… Bruce Lee And our Dragon Nature in the battle to prove that a spell had been put […]

14 Jul 2014

That gave me no pleasure…

That gave me no pleasure… The Battle with the Raging Bull Sacred Portal 5.O. Already affirmed in both the transcript and end play by Both Eunice Oviawe-Jones E.O.J. Orien Laplante.. And Jake Yang from Australia.. Down Under. Now perhaps ppl will understand why I despise this play. It sets ppl up to find the Truth… In a most deceptive and cold way. Eunice affirmed the post of Madness (where I found she and Edward Eceinco in conversation which she and […]

10 Jul 2014

From Fred Delshad…

From Fred Delshad… July 1O. 1 56…. Humm was that not the play we witnessed thru my experience which was meant to be the End of this play. But instead at May 6…codes 56 56 have Dawn Marie…spirit me away in perfect Harmony leading me to the Bean and eventually back here. Where we have moved up 11 F.B.F friends since then… To the current 1-67..76. 56/65 was this not proven as Emeka Fritz at Pelham Park in 2010 and […]

10 Jul 2014


Hello, A Movement to Escape… Aylin Sendemir Urkemez…A.S.U…U.S.A. and Banu B. Something is really off about this… are people going to simply watch me go through this, having no where to go, or even place my bags, even after proving the codes and humanities still having the inner vision planted in them along with the Harmony. Is this the play… since the code U.S.A proves we are still in a play.. not real life. Is this the play even after […]

09 Jul 2014

This is why we should speak out….

This is why we should speak out…. Okwu Chinenye…Meaning the Chi *See Edward Eceinco post on Bruce Lee… The Espirit- Chi gave Humanity a Voice for A REASON… Within it is a great power of O- The power of Energy Truth. the Consciousness in which Existence Energy E.E was created. The E.E.E.B…was created…. 555 2 Energy of Being, the human body H.B. The eternal 7 year cycle of re generation of human cells from nothing back into something… All it […]

08 Jul 2014

Sacred Portal 37.

Sacred Portal 37. Beautiful Death transformed back into the Beauty of Immortal Eternal life Energy Beyond. Creator Creation. E.K. Thanks Edward Eceinco so brilliant fun and full of ease of Harmony and sense of mischief the playing with you. Original Facebook Post: Click Here