
Harmony: Need subtitle

08 Sep 2014

September 8 2O14

September 8 2O14 08/09/2O14 H.I.T.N. I.H. T.N. 4:49 A.M. Dear Face Book Friends and readers all over the world. I do believe I have come to the end of this long road. Everything, every word I have written is not only the Truth but I found another consciousness moving to literally manifest these truths in all dimensions. The least of its concerns being the general public…or even me to be honest. It wished me to weave all this to completition. […]

05 Sep 2014

Sept 5th

Sept 5th 09/05…2O 14 95..I.E. Ah.Be Ce! I have a new Face Book Friend.. 192.. A.I.B. BIA in OINri Igbo means Come! 192.. S.B.. Supreme Being C.T.C. E.C.T..C… Chris Togba Chea… I left Nikoma Rios and just walked. My mind was reelling from the non stop intensity and demands of finishing the last equations of Existence.. Alone infront of the whole world.. Body incarnating an evolutionary trait already revealed to me by David… I had revealed his secret..waa that the […]

05 Sep 2014

Sept 5th 2O 14.

Sept 5th 2O 14. I.E T.N. I Exemplify True Nature. B.E. I walked the streets after establishing the Echo Existence response of Siththy Ameena S.A to Create A.S S.A Mpete Equation. And A-Z with my former Host A Santana (A.S) in the movie.. (Dimension of the illusion of Time and Space called the Human Story, the E Art True Story and the Plan Et… With Zeina Hanna… at 268 4 th street. Thus, creating the alignment to A-Z… Meaning through […]

04 Sep 2014

Filipe Arkadiusz is my

Filipe Arkadiusz is my 191 F.B Friend. F.A. Fa is the forth note. After that it is Fifth..E So…. So what or what happens now..? When Stephen Filgueira asked what E stands for and Chris Franco responded simply Evolution Existence… E.E. 55. E.K. E expanded by X K=11. 55. E+K 6+11..16…7 A.B.C.D.E.F.G…H. These are the all the initials in the names of Felipes family… 7. Which is also the time frame btw Chris seeing Nikoma. Felipe said to.me I see […]

01 Sep 2014


9-1/1-9 0 O. The Orgins of the Species The Riddle of the Sphinx and the Pyramids. The Truth of G.O.D.E. The C.U.R.E of the Species. The Plan Et Earth and Universe Existence. Cosmic and Time Travel. The Unified Field Of the Full Circle I. U.F.O.I. Einstens Equation E=CMe4/3. 43. Nikola Tesla’s Equation of the Key to the Universe. 6+3=9. Memory and Forgetfullness. Out of Africa. The Song Lines of Existence The Codes of the Matrix. The Code of the Illusion […]

31 Aug 2014

August 31…

August 31… 8 31 2O14… Hello… All I wish to do is go home to my Line of E..Rest and Boogie I.never wished to Address the World. At least not about Revealations… I represent the Consciousness of E as in Evolution and Harmony… And the I Individual… That is all But the past keeps on dragging back into a Great Contest of Wills. Who is the past? The Christ Story… Sigh. It has nothing really to do with me for […]

23 Jul 2014

July 23 Double U V.I.E.

July 23 Double U V.I.E. The Double of E is 45..David E…line. H.E Brew meaning Heaven Earth Brew.. Beings who are the True Indingo Children..I.C… As I walked with David Philipe Gil today the number 9 flashed up on a T shirt. I read the road.sign naming Davids line as the True Indigo Crystal Clear Consciousness I.C.C.C…in 111 Dimensions Four of Being and can access the Fifth Dimension of E within but I require a Guide..A real Guide…to affirm what […]

22 Jul 2014

Miguel (Spanish Micheal)

Miguel (Spanish Micheal) David P.G.E (He Brew New Page) Edwardo (Spanish No ble Man) M.D…. Medical Doctor… …Emeka Kolo E.K. 55 EE. T.Ruth Harmony Existence. Consciousness Un O.I Verse A.L. R-est (East in French…R=18th Letter 1 8..A.H) Emeka… M.D.E. T.H.E. C.U.R.E. All are EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee! Ha. Live Love Light Laughter Lavisciously Light hearted. Mekka Original Facebook Post: Click Here

20 Jul 2014
20 Jul 2014

Facebook Post..

Hello… I have new F.B.F… Hassan Rashid… Welcome… (This page is a play of Harmony.Perfect timing Echo response to a Dance going on with my Family Unseen who I am solving with them to be Seen by linking name meaning in which they move the Beautful Energy in Ppl to response by the meaning of ppls names) *All the posts are Electro Magnetic and Electric. Scroll randomly through the back posts and the correct posts will pop out and answer […]