
Harmony: Need subtitle

13 Oct 2014

… We are basically narrowing down the play from David Phillip Gill

… We are basically narrowing down the play from David Phillip Gill As Civilization Nikoma Rios as Nature A.S…as Space and New York Joesph Carey.. J.C.S. Joesph Stern rep the illusion of the Christ Story from Egypt Osirus-Jewish-Christian-Beat Poets.. as the J$=10…The One Zero as representing seem consciouness of Henry the 8th-meaning the home ruler. And myself as Existence E… We have already moved from the last F.B friend as Days Eye Alive… D.E.A…to R..as 18th AH… David Emeka Albert […]

13 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

October 13… 1O-13… 1A…13=M…. True Nature of Huemanity C.D God A.M. G.O.D.E…The Harmonious Beings… We as Hue-mans Affect Physical Reality (P.R) through Expression. This was the Collective Responsibility which we had as a Species. This is what we had to.realize and take responsibility of. That we were being challenged not only by the Solar System, the Planet itself but also the cause and effect of human collective irregularities and irresponsible stories actions and expression. It rose up against us and […]

12 Oct 2014

October 12….2O14…EJoy ENoniPromise

October 12….2O14…EJoy ENoniPromise ENnamdi..EI.K..E.T..E.O..E.C..E.M.E.U… Star Bucks… Spring Street.. 1O-12…+× 22 V…V.Era… 12O….L.O.V.E..Ra…I.O..CC..O. 1O=1A…JOY Links Existence Divine…J.L.E.D 1 O-A. 12..L 1O-12…2O14. 34 (C.D Chukwuemeka David) 7…G.O.D.E….7O54.. 1=A.12=L. 112 A.L (former Host Name) See Sacred Portal 112 Return of the Prodigy Son 1-A (Full Circle) 12 day +×….1+12=13…M A.M. 1X12…L @AL…A.M..L. E.V. .L.O.V.E…E. D.O.VE.. @D=4 E.V.O.LV.E…E.V. O.D.E. LA! Tired of this Evil play script forced each time to.descend to lowest Vibrations of rage.. Forced to.leave my home consciousness of Bliss Orgasm Extase […]

12 Oct 2014


2:21A.m 12 October..2O 14…3-4..789OI2 777…21… Seven Colors of the Rainbow Northern Lights 7 Seven Voices Singinh Solfa l..Do e Ray Me Seven Sees…. 8-=1=A Full Circle 1-7887. – 89OIB2C3D4E5… 8=Harmony 8=1.C..Transparent Conscious… AH! Harmony 1C, I.C….Sing Harmony 268 B.E 3X7…21=U….Universe… 1-9-OI ABCDE… 79 blue Print of Creation…G.I…A1 Harmony 97 I.G…Light of the World 89…Harmony Infinity… H.I..E… C.K Chukwuemeka Kolo E.K. Emeka Kolo Super Man… S.M…Supreme Manifestation… M.D Manifest Destiny 13 4th Street… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Oct 2014

October 9th 2O 14….

October 9th 2O 14…. O9/1O….20 14… O.I-1A…..2 Circles Filled of True Nature…to 3+4=7…Violet Purple Lavender L.U.C.Y. My Grandmothers name is Lucy… She passed in 2OO8… when I was in the home of my former Host. I had heard about the movie from Yonathan Yohannes…. But I watched it for the first time last night… it was directed by Luc Besson. He directed the Fifth Element…F.E…65 (L.U.C…B.E (2 5…25 Is 25th letter Y – LUCY…) SS ON…S SON. L.B. I watched […]

08 Oct 2014

Hello just an quick update to this Seen and Unseen Play which I am solving into Existence…

Hello just an quick update to this Seen and Unseen Play which I am solving into Existence… *Been sitting on the Bench of Balthazar, ( meaning of Balthahazar means Ball ( the Lord God protects the King- is of the three Mages ‘Wise Men’ in the Christ Story), knowing that Nikoma is not meant to meet me tonight as code N… Its all I.Emeka moving full Circle, a Curve and a line from Park Slope to 4th Dimension- 4th street […]

08 Oct 2014

And it is because in the last analysis, we discover that we ourselves are part of the very mystery that we are trying to resolve

And it is because in the last analysis, we discover that we ourselves are part of the very mystery that we are trying to resolve Max Planck… Thus, we are Independent and Dependent of Nature… I.D..N…. My IDENTIFICATION I,D is Nature.. and True Nature. This my THEORY of Everything… a Fact… because Harmony is perfect timing of the convergence of The Everything to the point made a fact. And the Nothing which transformed into the illusion called Death Nature is […]

07 Oct 2014
07 Oct 2014

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones…

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones… The Heart Expansions (H.E) for the Grateful… The Heart Attacks (H.A!) The Ungrateful… The message from the One deep within me is really quite simple… Everything is about to be taken away from the Greedy and Ungrateful. While Everything is about to be given to the Generous and Grateful… The Innocents are the Selfish, and these are the babies and children… who have pure hearts… these ones are simply taught the lessons… As you might have […]

05 Oct 2014

The First Matrix and Web.

The First Matrix and Web. Bio Molecular Cell Structure. D.N.A Electro Magnetic pulses as the source of life a lie… The First Matrix and web which Humanity is contained in and thus, the great wall is the Bio-molecular Structure of the Idea of your Existence. The Celll, is the Cubicle in Prison where you dwell… When the Cell is really the place of dreaming within the Octagonal structure of the All seeing I. Bee Hives if you will… Bio Molecular […]