
Harmony: Need subtitle

29 Oct 2014


5:31A.M. G.E.E. God is Energy. Energy is Expression… Beautiful Expression of Harmony to Infinity. R.I.S.E… Any other Expression other than this, Is a lie. E.K Original Facebook Post: Click Here

29 Oct 2014


3:47… B.I… 29 18 9… Found myself watching an Episode of Supernatural… It was about Ragnarok… Where it is stated that Fenrir Kills God.. And ends the human race. Considering my last post…and the quiet furious wrath, and where the posts have been linking of recent, I often wonder is this me or the E.I-I.E in me destroying the past… But I guess, they are one. Loki is here with.me…Loki had two wifes.. The fitst was Sign…N’Yat. And he had […]

28 Oct 2014

Fear Bullies..Face Book..F.B.

Fear Bullies..Face Book..F.B. Find your Voice And your Voi..(Way) I am exemplifying the Voice and the way.. The last part of the journey to I.E you must each do on your own… (Thats Why I am.meant to go home and never concern myself with matters of this world….ever never….Never for ever.. I am sure you get my meaning… Because I have exemplified the way. The Evil I can not take in is being held back.from going home by the Truth, […]

25 Oct 2014

25th October 2O 14

25th October 2O 14 25Th Letter B.E. Hello… I woke up yesteday to three codes of the number 25… The First thing I noticed was a stimuli of money image designed to imitate or symbolize the Hand (which taps the keys-notes-on on a keyboard) And the Pen-Is being One…And both a source of money.. I noticed that the Micro Wave M.W code 78-87 stopped at 25…that did not register until I checked my wallet and saw that I had 25 […]

24 Oct 2014

24th October 2O 14

24th October 2O 14 X is 24 X is Ten October is Tenth Month.. X Octo is 8 in Latin Date X/X/XX XIV.. Hello… Obviously, I am still in the 4th-3 Dimension play called the Web of Illusions. And obviously, I am still clearing all the woven cobwebs which man created. And yes, my body is twisted and alive, stimulating signalling me as I am a seperated from it and my consciousness within me from the Eneka the being whole […]

23 Oct 2014

This was my sacred mission…

This was my sacred mission… Told through Story Telling, Promised by me when as a 23 year old in 1989 I wrote the very first entry in a Journal I called Talking To The Silence.. TTTS…that I would prove that all was in Harmony and an Open Secret had been planted in all of you… The Seed of Harmony. For I knew this, bc I planted the seed myself, in my secret garden. Through my Consciousness and See. A.h. 25 […]

23 Oct 2014

Aleph Alpha A.Harvesting

Aleph Alpha A.Harvesting A.A.A.H W.OCTO True Nature…77 Spectrum TiTe and Ulta Violet. Royal Purple Reign of Harmony. There is a Double of U who lives within you on the 1st Alpha and Last as one Full Circle Song of Harmony Doe ray me -Te,Ti..Doe and the Vibration of the 1st and last Color Vibrational frequency of Universe Creation Existence Being Body all in one, called Infra Red to Ultra Violet… Red as Blood the messenger of Body, Blue as the […]

19 Oct 2014

Just a Quickie

Just a Quickie El Nari (El Nari can be translated as in the Song by Hisham Abbas, (Ah Ya Nari Narin…Narine also, means Nose Knows) Song of the Beloved…. Fire Passionate love for the Beloved Edwardo Encienco…once testified to words which popped into his head which he himself did not know the meaning. I looked up the meaning… Of recent I could not remember the last two words but all were the names of God. The First three intials formed […]

19 Oct 2014

19 October…

19 October… A.I…S…S.I.A… Conclusion of Passed Creation in Alpha B-E.T City…A-Z..AEEABCEE. Sigh… Hello… I for one really nothing more to say… Yesterdays post linked from Ad-then Bacchuas (Back Us) to Chukwu Chi neke (The Creative Spirit) to Dionysus to Erie Erik Emmy and to Fenrir and G.Ode to Harmony A.H (1 8)… Individuality…and then J C..as J 10-transformed back into 1O..I Full Circle Alpha Omega, K as thevtwins Heaven and Earth (H.E), L as 12 Love being completion not as […]

18 Oct 2014

A.H….Alpha Omega…G.Ode…

A.H….Alpha Omega…G.Ode… Ah the Alpha Omega…Ode to Existence in Key G Major… G A B C D E F… The Peoples key.. Conclusion of Codes… The Universe is made up of Keys… Notes of.music… In order to explore the universe science made an error in using mathematical symbols and equations…. Instead the universe should have been understood through music and words should have been put to music of the universal harmonics as I have done. I, of course did not […]