
Harmony: Need subtitle

05 Mar 2015

4:11 A.M…

4:11 A.M… 5:3-8… Hello I have two new Face books friends… Muriel Maeve Rose Haughwout and Gay-Marie BradshawBradshaw Muriel means Bright Sea-See Maeve means She is Intoxicating… (As in Beloved Wine) Rose…is the Flower and as in Rise. Haute means Place by the River Meadows a Secret Wout means Head of an army Code translation She of the Bright See is intoxicating rose from a Secret place in a clearing near the Meadows as the Head of an Army… This […]

25 Feb 2015

From Pamela Stefaniotis

From Pamela Stefaniotis 8:5O pm. I am sure most are aware by now that I have been weaving for the last 34 months.. Not a Web.. Since I am doing it transparently as water Sire Energy Expression… But a weave linking your posts which harmonize with the weave in my own consciousness… called E Harmony… The Gates are about the Energetic…representation of physical space alingned to Bio Cellular Exprssion The Worm Hole is third eye… All that is outside of […]

25 Feb 2015

From Orien Laplante For Rose…

From Orien Laplante For Rose… Also for E-Ros-e Time now 6:46 pm I just posted under comments of my last post the code of XY and the True Galaxy Milky Way as really .. C men Conscious ness of men aligned to our interior Realm which I have proven by embodied 34 month of Expression aligns and goes beyond the Physical representation as Universe Milky Way M 87-78W…to the largest known Galaxy recorded as Galaxy 11O1 6OX I C… By […]

25 Feb 2015

3:16 P.M

3:16 P.M 25-2-8 Time and Date Transformed into Letters.. The Message of the Mess-Age M-M.A. A.M.M… Time: C:P. C:A F. P.C…E F.A.C…E Y.B-H…. H-B-Y….E B.E-B-H…E H-B-E.B…E Espirit Sanctus… Spirit E E.S.P…I ..Rit-e Rites of Passage… Through the Tunnel to see the Vision… The Gift of the Holy Espirit. Today as I woke up, I saw 1 text message and 3O likes.. 13O… A .CO..M… I saw the message was from Moghalu Christopher Chinezimuzo…. M.CC…. 13:33.. The time now is 3:33 […]

22 Feb 2015

Played out with Birgit Stein

Played out with Birgit Stein 1:11 am 1:23 a.m See Evidence posted. This is the battle relieved again And Affirmed The Battle of First Contact to bring A Infinity And the battle of 1st and 2nd Contact Harmony. A H 26 years 26-8 2:O6 AM. E.K Original Facebook Post: Click Here

21 Feb 2015

2:33 PM

2:33 pm. 22-2-8 Woke up to 1 message and 28 likes so I knew what my day would be linking about. But so tired of this play that the desire to walk away is so great. I am so disgusted by it.. I loathe Pain Misery and Suffering as a Consciousness But I came back to and saw the message from Birgit Stein… And did the weave, solved the riddle and linked the equation.. When at 2:O8 pm, I received […]

17 Feb 2015

9:53 PM

9:53 pm I:C.E…pm. 17-2-8. 2-17-8 Q-B.H. 1+7=8) H-B-H Hello… Out of curiousity, I researched the meaning of the name Don Diego…DD… Don in Celtic means Dark Stranger…D S. And Diego means ‘Supplanted Usurper Don Die Go! 9:58 pm…. I:E H….meaning I am the Exemplification of Harmony… Which of course, is an affirmation from Perfect Timming PT. Don Die Go represents The Dark Stranger who is the Usurper Supplanter..U.S.. Of the Unseen Seen- Seen Unseen.. The one who is the Supplanter […]

16 Feb 2015

From Lady Angela Marie Alexander…

From Lady Angela Marie Alexander… Please see the Equation given to me by the Espirit and Body of Raz Berry… 666 76 9… Obsever my Ladies Harmony This is why these lines of the Ladies of E line are Supreme.. Merited Earned. M.E. Manifest Expression. Silence Symmetry Sounds Symphony… 5:47 pm Supreme. Quiet Heart is Our True Nature. Car Bon… Body G-OODE Being of the Goddess Harmony. The Body.. The Vehicle The CAB The Truth 5:55pm. EEE 5:5O pm E:EO […]

16 Feb 2015

From Angela Marie Alexander…

From Angela Marie Alexander… Okay, Angela’s Cee and Harmony always fills me with Ahh!!! 12:12 pm. I have a Sacred Portal of code the Ethereal Ones… Meaning the Portals were were above the 1OO… *those below that number represent the Elemental Ones.. The Ethereal Ones are thier sources. In the drawing no 1O5. J.A.O.E. *See comment of meaning of the name Lee in Hebrew… In code it is H.E…Brew… A Winged Weary Being finally let’s go… And falls gracefully not […]

15 Feb 2015

4:34 PM

4:34 pm. As you might all have perceived by now.. I am having a public conversation with True Existence… Where Silence has become a Sound. It replying through codes of your names by the perfect harmony and perfect timming of each becoming a Facebook Friend and the meaning and codes contained in thier intials and thier names. 253 should be the last code number of Facebook friends by my last count. 2-53.. B-E C. Beauty Emeka Chukwu… Meaning… Beautiful Well […]