
Harmony: Need subtitle

17 Apr 2015

Facebook Post..

From Muthi Reed.. Serena LA Shawn. 7:17 P.M. G.Q. G.A-G. Grace Awareness Grace ROYGBIV. As all my FaceBook friends are aware, it is exactly this which I have been demonstrating publicly on face book. That for each post, thier has been a response Where I have been speaking to what I call my twin…who exists outside of this Milky Way and beyong Galaxy 1101 60X I.C. I have demonstrated how this consciousness some call Gods but I call Grace 1-7-8 […]

06 Apr 2015

3:OO pm.

3:OO pm. 4-6-8 6-4-8…. The Code is basically Cee God is Death… 4th Street 68… Hello, I would like to make something clear. I was used as a Messenger Prophet. But I really came to simply be part of the play of Harmony. Instead I found myself in an outrageous play of the Dead… Or the Idea -people both in this physical world and those in the Spirit world who had passed away. What I call the Ancestors. This play […]

05 Apr 2015

I saw Lord O Shared this 57 mins ago.

I saw Lord O Shared this 57 mins ago. E.G. I purchased an Onion and a Lemon O.L. 1:16 USD. I saw the code here of 12:16 uploaded Byron Chris Dahkil …B.C.D…Death I knew it was for me to Link. J-O.E…Fenton.. 1.O6 A OF… I.E.O. 9:5O. This is the Portal To Nnamdi E rage. Terrible Death Based on having gone through the UGH Ugly Transformation.. Turning the Gift of Being Born witj Natural Harmony.. And instead transforming it into a […]

03 Apr 2015


1O8… 1O-H. Perfection of Balance of Harmony Infinity. A-O.H My host at 268 A to Orien O…Harmony. 3:O4 pm 3-4-8 Ek Original Facebook Post: Click Here

26 Mar 2015


28O… The Riddle of The code name Lyndia Chika. A Fantastical Dream A Mythological Beast 2:17 P.M. 26-3-8.. 3-26-8… Code in letters and Words.. B: Q. Being of the Q…Transformer B: AG…1-7 Being of the 1-7 colors of a Rainbow Date: Z-C-H. B.F-C-H. C-2-68…. The address of my last portal is 268.. The Electrical Transformer behind the building is code Q….with a P below it Transformation of the Planet C-Z.H… C is Zeina Hanna Yesterday my former host mentioned C […]

25 Mar 2015
24 Mar 2015

2:48 P.M.

2:48 P.M. 24-3-8. 3-24-8… Code… B:D H.. Being Death Harmonious (Being of Sacred Portal 48) X-C -H. B D-C-H C-X-H.. C-B D-H.. X is the Consciousness Harmony Consciousness of the Beautiful Devil (Death) is Harmony (Every one and Everything dies..except E) And who is X? X is the Circle the II who create the Caixas.. And show the way to the Center.. The Point. I was meant to meet Sidney Davis at The Bean at 1O:15 PM today…3rd and 2nd. […]

21 Mar 2015

11:28 p.m.

11:28 p.m. 21-3-8 Time; K B.H. (11:28 is my Birthday) A B H. Date; U- C-H. B.A-C-H….(Sebastian Bach…Us…Supreme Being) Kolo B Harmony. Awareness Being Harmony You See Harmony Supreme Being Sebastien Bach… Harmonies Universe…Expression I saw two messages as I woke up today and looked at my Facebook play chart… 2 texts one from Lady Ana Leonardo Caixas Cecilia The other from LA dye. Ines Inês Guerreiro… I read that of Lady A…LA! Of Sixth sense… Bonjour! j’ai UNE cadeau […]

10 Mar 2015

11:O3 p.m

11:O3 p.m K.O C… 11-3-8… C.O.K . K.O.C.. Le Gallos.. That is actually the name of the film which was shot here today in this apartment Which means the Cock… As in Cock a Do le Do.. In Spanis Gallos…Gall of the O as stating that it is Supreme.. Gall Bladder… G.B. God Bring Pi SS… … The code is P.EE. P=16= 28…88 EE is 55.. 85-58-8585.. 85+58…26-8. Time 12:28. I am the KOC and the Cock of the Evolution […]

08 Mar 2015