
Harmony: Need subtitle

24 May 2015

1:26 A M.

1:26 A M. Oh by the way, the reason my own journey is or was so terribly hard was because so many did not want the whole truth of Everything to come out. Revelations.. You would be surprised. And in this last Story with Nnamdi Nature as God is the rage .. And so God loved the world that he gave the worrld his only begotten son The rage of Nature as God..NRI was that story and the test was […]

23 May 2015

6:O8 pm

6:O8 pm 68… 268 ZH. Ah… I know what has been holding me up… I have always known that before I could move forwards that I had to find the persons who I was meant hand over the Facebook Play of 38 months and transform it into a book.. The 38 E manual. This was the deal I literally made with the Dark Matter… Thus, it is kinda crazy (an makes perfect sense) that it would be Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. […]

23 May 2015
23 May 2015


12:13. 23-5-8… 5-23-8… I walked, one more night against my better Judgment Nenad M. Djurdjevic had affirmed not the E whom I had addressed a query through but the N. How do I know this, I walked to The Bean 2nd and 3rd, quietly enraged by even now the line of N still having me walk the streets. Creating an idea of a portal which in the E play should have been made clearly manifest. Logic would dictate that I […]

21 May 2015

8:24 P.M.

8:24 P.M. Oh by the way, why I know that it is the end of the play.. finally… The point of the play for the last 9 years has been the code number 268 which equates to ZH.. Which is code name Zeina Hanna *(Excuse me Zeina for constantly tagging you but your name, code D O.B and code age is so relevant in this play as it turns out.) 8:28 p.m. Zeina means Beauty.. H is Harmony … Beautiful […]

19 May 2015


Brilliant… Shared by Nenad at 5:18.. E:A.H. I am so glad I did not have to explain the truth behind all these meaning in the language of this current world Consciousnes or convince people to see the truth. You would be here for eternity and I give kudos to such intellects such as Nenad, it must be exhausting. Just interacting with this current world Consciousness causes my body to lock and spasm in physical pain I just had to link […]

17 May 2015


12:01/O1.. And there you have it… Three realms as Two in One. A Matrix Web -Milky Way And a Combination of the Two.. A Spell of Death a Containment field Andromeda… Of a Parallel Universe Both illusion.. A.M.W… Nnamdi Nnoyeleum OBoom.. NNO.. 28O. 28+15… 43… Sacred Portal of Life…is 43. David Cecelia. Friend Mother.. M.F.. Both born 11:22.. The same person.. The same person.. The Original Nnamdi 68 not 69. Cecilia the original Onu…47…not 44. D O. D.C… Do re […]

13 May 2015

4.OO pm.

4.OO pm. D.OO 13:5-8 M.E H EEE!!!!! That was the Mermaid like sound which screeched in my ear today after a male Gentle voice said Emeka the E are here I had replied,Yeah whatever., (After 14 yrs and having your body possessed by the Greatest Dibia in Exisrence, Nna Madu…Nnamdi using your body to conduct a cosmic battle without asking your permission or bothering to tell you.. Holding you to the Africa World Story instead of the E Harmony Evolution […]

12 May 2015

2:47 P.M.

2:47 P.M. Thank you for this Nenan. M. Djurdjevic… In perfection of Harmony with the Play Just came back from meeting with Yonathan Yohannes to pick up the gift codes of Ego-Oge and sacred ritual of the past which was more than simply giving to NRI Priests a show of appreciation for thier services but is also the way they communicated with the Espirit world, the messengers who link the E with the T.E Or True Expression. I am at […]

11 May 2015

7:58 P.M.

7:58 P.M. 283 Facebook Friends. As I wrote the last Judgment of Kill Em All Those who prefer the illusion of themselves to the Truth… I felt someone would leave the play. As all have witnessed, I have been here before, and already know the play. Of course, this time the I am not in control… Or better still not the one Narrating nor Editing this… The Planets Consciousness… The one I call Nnamdi…. *See Stephen Popiotek 9 parallel universes […]