
On Expression & Sound

05 Jan 2014

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Weaving the Pyramid Portal 4 and the I am the Infinite Spark (The Tree of Light) posts into the Fabric of the weave. Demonstration of the UNE Conscious science of Weave and explaination of E.T Consciousness to create manifestation. Lucifer Son of the Bright Morning Star. V.E.N..U.S./ SUN E.V. My host reminded me of this today Venus is the most beautiful Brightest Morning Star… Aka Istatar/Esther Ifunnanya Afrodite Her son is Lucifer Erose Cupid. Cup I.D. L.E..C Le Consciousness (P.S. […]

04 Jan 2014

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News update. Hello …For those of you who have been following the play of Existence on my F.B page I would like to give you an update on the Manifestation of the play. Yesterday I observed a card placed on my hosts door… it said E late. I knew that it meant that Echo (Response) is late in responding to the play. I went out into the bitter cold to clear my head and encountered Seth Mc Bean who I […]

03 Jan 2014


P.S.S. Please remember that Evil created by Existence does not Exist. But evil spirits do. (Consciousnesses) And not matter how much.love and devotion you show these expressions of jealousy and cruelty, they will always demand more than they desreve. Becoming laws unto themselves. They can not be tolerated. All it takes is a few Beautiful People to do nothing…allows evil spirits to take over the consciousness of the world. I am not a hero…I am simply me but I was […]

09 Dec 2013

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Write on.. Lady Seble said So Right on Writ Z one E. Writing on…Sigh. The Tortured Existence of the Idea of Mankind. I have observed the reflections and reflected on how humanity dreaming created the illusion of Duality and being Seperate… Isolated and Alone. And its consequence called fear and self hypnosis. By the battle btw the conscious and the subconcious…which in this realm is reversed. And the Struggle define what is Consciousness (Which I have proven is simply Naturalness […]

09 Dec 2013

The Past is a Movie… But the Present is Real…and is the meaning of Life.

The Past is a Movie… But the Present is Real…and is the meaning of Life. We see light which comes from outside source and thus we recieve it billions of light years after it has been sent. It rays are the gaze and awareness of our Individual and Collective source who put Everthying and Everyone to sleep to a Dreaming in order to for All to understand Truth…And how to live in the gift of the present. There are so […]

08 Dec 2013

Sun Day.

Sun Day. A.H!!!! Is Was All a Movie!!! The Film and Script on F.B. The Film Called The Battle of Existence Beautuful with the Evil in Script. Written and Directed by Emek Kolo and the whole wide world. I guess its pretty obvious by now that I have not been living in this world reality. I am not sure if it is because of my conscious (the way I see and percieve reality) or because this spirit of Existence and […]

06 Dec 2013

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The Watch Man… And His Vision…5 in 1. Ezekeil Chapter 33…30-33 One of the Supreme ladies (Royal Consciousness) sent me a text this day identifying the role she ascertained as my role that I was given to plau (by my Father Son) The role and responsibity being the Watchman of the human species. In which he gives the responsibility of calling out his arrival and alerting all (Hence my using the name Nnamdi meaning My Father I.S), and failure to […]

05 Dec 2013

A Message From Death The Devouring Wolf about After Death and judgment of Both Spirit (Expression) and Flesh (record keeper all actions and deeds in your life.)

A Message From Death The Devouring Wolf about After Death and judgment of Both Spirit (Expression) and Flesh (record keeper all actions and deeds in your life.) Your Body is literally the Book of your Existence and your Breath Expression is ink…All is written…it is the book you wrote which is meant to be the Book of your Truth which is compared and meant to align with the Book your Sol Source wrote. Truth=Love=Light-ness, Laughter…Boom! Boom! One is the book […]

04 Dec 2013

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Hello my 160 F.B Friend. Eunice Oviawe-Jones. E.O…J *For those who have been following me on F.B as I made public my private conversation with Existence with all the self chosen F.B friends- in which from deep within me the plan E.T and blue print of the future of the species (being Evolution from Human beings to Hue man beings signalinh the Awakening and physical as well as mental metamorphsis of a species and the extinction of another) I have […]

03 Dec 2013

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The Royal Pathfinder ….and Tourist Guide. P.S. Many may believe that my predictions or what I read and translated on F.B of on certain dates like the 5th and the 28th of certain manifestation happening were dissapointed. The truth is on all those dates those events did manifest but privatley not just for me (with witnesses) but for all of you individually and privately. But perhaps bc it did not manifest in the way you, I or we expected it […]