
On Expression & Sound

07 Oct 2014

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones…

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones… The Heart Expansions (H.E) for the Grateful… The Heart Attacks (H.A!) The Ungrateful… The message from the One deep within me is really quite simple… Everything is about to be taken away from the Greedy and Ungrateful. While Everything is about to be given to the Generous and Grateful… The Innocents are the Selfish, and these are the babies and children… who have pure hearts… these ones are simply taught the lessons… As you might have […]

06 Oct 2014


Hello…. A.V.E! A.V.E N.M is the code names of Five names of God which popped into the mind of Edwardo Enciento which he expressed on Face Book. The name is now aligned with the Highest Frequency in this universe which I have proven is really a symbolic representation of number 1010101 activated by the consciousness of this reality. Intensifiied Ultra Violet Frequency of Light has been determined as the highest frequency in which parttcle accelerators have been created to manifest […]

05 Oct 2014

The First Matrix and Web.

The First Matrix and Web. Bio Molecular Cell Structure. D.N.A Electro Magnetic pulses as the source of life a lie… The First Matrix and web which Humanity is contained in and thus, the great wall is the Bio-molecular Structure of the Idea of your Existence. The Celll, is the Cubicle in Prison where you dwell… When the Cell is really the place of dreaming within the Octagonal structure of the All seeing I. Bee Hives if you will… Bio Molecular […]

05 Oct 2014

E.J…. 5 10

E.J…. 5 10 E.J… 5 1O E.1 A= Full Circle ( F+C=i) I am currently writting obviously to my brother Nnamdi who passed away at age 13 and who is the Dreamer and the source of you all as the material body. I have been brought back temporarily back to I.A 4th Street, Alberts home who has been the Medium in which my Brother- playing Existence, and who was born in 1969 (69) challeneged me as to how do I […]

03 Oct 2014

The Conclusion…

The Conclusion… The First Conscious Expression of Being was, is and always will be Harmony. The Mission was to simply show people how to read Link, perceive and understand the Nature of Harmony… which is Beauty… beauty comes from being clean, and being clean helps you to Cee, and when you can see you can read. It was never about proving to you that I am right and all this is true… It was about exemplifying a way of perceiving […]

03 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

Contd….. PASSING THROUGH DEATH CALLED THE PAST. The past had to be resolved, it had to be realigned to that which has always been present. That is how Death was defeated by the First N.Y.C… Nna ( Father NA..E..ENA) Yes ( which is 1 or Manifestion from the full O Which was once and only once called the Nothingness which only the first Being Existed in in awareness- since nothing else existed in awareness apart for what turned into the […]

01 Oct 2014
01 Oct 2014

October 1… 2O 14

October 1… 2O 14 O1/1O… 2O14 -2O +14= 34 (Creation Destruction in Balance of 7.. G.ODE- pls recall that the number 7 and all its symbolic representatives such as G od, etc… are naught but Illusions created by man. There are only three symbolic numbers and they are all one… 1 8 9…. Alpha Infinity I. Selfishness Selflessness cease to exist today with the equation O1/!O. The equation and Balance of Existence is Naturalness represented in this end play by […]

30 Sep 2014
18 Sep 2014


Sooo… AH is really John as in the brother of Jesus as the Eternal One Jesus spoke about as Half Brother… As Chibuzor Okolo.. And as Yeshue Ah Christ Yonathan Yohannes.. Did not trust I would be able to defeat this story.. But waa really in the wrong story or Dreaming. John was the Dreamer… And I was in his dream and John is David.. J.D/D.J. John as you may recall is the one whom I call my little brother […]