
On Expression & Sound

15 Oct 2014

As Nikoma Rios unfriended me and then bc a face book.friend again, the same has occurred with David Philipe Gil…

As Nikoma Rios unfriended me and then bc a face book.friend again, the same has occurred with David Philipe Gil… In the play I have seen them.as twins…the were called opposites but obviously.they are one… Both sharing a close friendship, brotherhood and the code 78-78… 78+78=156…. 15 is O….(and today’s day Octo 8…15th Full Circle) 6 is Sixth Sense…6 is F… O aligns to Orien Laplante F to Fritz Venneiq… O.F…both having lived in Pelham Bay Park where my belongings […]

15 Oct 2014


3:39… 15th October…. 1O/O… Pan and Pantheon… The Five Levels of the Dream Matrix… Levels and depths of dreaming.layered as on that movie with Leonardo Capricio… It all real… Just not as…silly for lack of a better word. There was greater depth even in the mythological stories of the ancients which all based on the truth… Pans Labyrinth.. Natures Web… Okwu Mmuo Dantes Iferno Hell… Psychiatry..A Conversation with the Self with a Harmonius Being listening elevating… Adding the key notes […]

14 Oct 2014

October 14…

October 14… O.N A.N-N.A.. Land…Ground… Affirmation of the Titans by A.Santana. Former host. Allegory. Aristotle and the Cave. Albert came back from work today. Our final good byes I knew required one last conversation. He spoke about the Allegory of Aristotle and the Cave… Five men in chains in a Cave who faced the wring directions. They could not see the Light but only shade.. There were five men in this script.. B.J.D.N.A…A is the last… He spoke looking directly […]

14 Oct 2014

August meaning : Inspiring Reverence, Supreme Dignity…Great Impressive Majestic..

August meaning : Inspiring Reverence, Supreme Dignity…Great Impressive Majestic.. Illustrious Respected renown hallowed emminent celebrated honored… August One of the Seven months containing 31 Days… 7 is G…31..C.A. It is the Julienne Gregorian Calender. In the Southeren Hemisphere it aligns with February…F.A..4th Note.. Joesph Al Nikoma…J.A.N.. January the First Month of.the year is an illusion… JANUS…Roman God of Gate ways a Door ways two.heads going in.opposite directions… All things Converge to.one point as it does with.the months below.. February means […]

14 Oct 2014


October 14 1O/N….A.D.. A-O…Nnamdi..After Death… (There is no such A Venue as After Life A.L) Augusto…. Rome. Could not sleep…the impulses, the urgency from within and somewhere else did not let.me rest. I knew what I was being asked to link. I could see all the pieces of the next phase of the puzzle all coming together as I fought to find forgetfulness in slumber. No dice. The codes and all the stimuli…Nnamdi in me forcing me to weave even […]

13 Oct 2014

October 13…

October 13… A.M..A… T.L.M….E And so, here is the final Equation E.Q.E.D… That Human Beings are the living Equations and representations of Universe Existence in Being. Who have been moved by the Voices of raised in Song of Praise and the Truth of the Body Feeling Change Immenient ..T.B .F.C..I. Moved on a Chess Board until the Resolution of their reason for being in on Existence had been resolved in replicating naturally, the first act of Existence of the First […]

13 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

October 13… 1O-13… 1A…13=M…. True Nature of Huemanity C.D God A.M. G.O.D.E…The Harmonious Beings… We as Hue-mans Affect Physical Reality (P.R) through Expression. This was the Collective Responsibility which we had as a Species. This is what we had to.realize and take responsibility of. That we were being challenged not only by the Solar System, the Planet itself but also the cause and effect of human collective irregularities and irresponsible stories actions and expression. It rose up against us and […]

08 Oct 2014

Hello just an quick update to this Seen and Unseen Play which I am solving into Existence…

Hello just an quick update to this Seen and Unseen Play which I am solving into Existence… *Been sitting on the Bench of Balthazar, ( meaning of Balthahazar means Ball ( the Lord God protects the King- is of the three Mages ‘Wise Men’ in the Christ Story), knowing that Nikoma is not meant to meet me tonight as code N… Its all I.Emeka moving full Circle, a Curve and a line from Park Slope to 4th Dimension- 4th street […]

08 Oct 2014

October 8…. 2O 14…

October 8…. 2O 14… CONTD… From 4th street full circle… E.N.D (Emeka Nikoma David) then a simultaneous play btw Emeka Nikoma E.N (Maison)- Emeka David E.D (45 Last gift of Nikoma)- then David Emeka Albert (D.E.A) F.B.Friend Daizy Vivienne….meaning Days Eye Alive (D.E.A) as my very last F.B Friend… Then 9-1O days (TEN as in The Elegant Nomad- whence my nomadic existence in new york began)… Resolution of equation of 2O12..32.. C.B (Consciousness Being) 3+2=5..H.I 5…E… Evolution Expansion Emeke…Praise and […]

07 Oct 2014