
On Expression & Sound

19 Apr 2015

4:45 P.M.

4:45 P.M. Today I am Done. Expression is complete. Of course, a portal out of this Universe is meant to Open.. On the Streets.. T. RUE… Rue means Street..1O+Ten= T 2O 2O vision TT. Reveal Unviel E …54 page document written in 2OO9-1O. The Bean cafe 2nd and 3rd is number 54… I.have been on the Streets for 9 Days. It is enough.. The codes have aligned to a point that I know that the delay now is just malice […]

17 Apr 2015


1O:24…P.M. J: B.A. A.O.B.A… Muthi Reed M.R.. Mister The name Muthi comes from.a Tree but is also a Healer or what have been called Witch Doctors, Shamans, but in Truth the real meaning to my truth are Spiritual Healers of the Physical body through Sound. Princess Muthi is an Artists of Sound Reed means A Red or red headed persons or ruddy complexioned person Reed is also A plant which is Hollow inside and can be used for an instrument…. […]

17 Apr 2015

Facebook Post..

From Muthi Reed.. Serena LA Shawn. 7:17 P.M. G.Q. G.A-G. Grace Awareness Grace ROYGBIV. As all my FaceBook friends are aware, it is exactly this which I have been demonstrating publicly on face book. That for each post, thier has been a response Where I have been speaking to what I call my twin…who exists outside of this Milky Way and beyong Galaxy 1101 60X I.C. I have demonstrated how this consciousness some call Gods but I call Grace 1-7-8 […]

26 Mar 2015


28O… The Riddle of The code name Lyndia Chika. A Fantastical Dream A Mythological Beast 2:17 P.M. 26-3-8.. 3-26-8… Code in letters and Words.. B: Q. Being of the Q…Transformer B: AG…1-7 Being of the 1-7 colors of a Rainbow Date: Z-C-H. B.F-C-H. C-2-68…. The address of my last portal is 268.. The Electrical Transformer behind the building is code Q….with a P below it Transformation of the Planet C-Z.H… C is Zeina Hanna Yesterday my former host mentioned C […]

25 Mar 2015
24 Mar 2015

2:48 P.M.

2:48 P.M. 24-3-8. 3-24-8… Code… B:D H.. Being Death Harmonious (Being of Sacred Portal 48) X-C -H. B D-C-H C-X-H.. C-B D-H.. X is the Consciousness Harmony Consciousness of the Beautiful Devil (Death) is Harmony (Every one and Everything dies..except E) And who is X? X is the Circle the II who create the Caixas.. And show the way to the Center.. The Point. I was meant to meet Sidney Davis at The Bean at 1O:15 PM today…3rd and 2nd. […]

21 Mar 2015

11:28 p.m.

11:28 p.m. 21-3-8 Time; K B.H. (11:28 is my Birthday) A B H. Date; U- C-H. B.A-C-H….(Sebastian Bach…Us…Supreme Being) Kolo B Harmony. Awareness Being Harmony You See Harmony Supreme Being Sebastien Bach… Harmonies Universe…Expression I saw two messages as I woke up today and looked at my Facebook play chart… 2 texts one from Lady Ana Leonardo Caixas Cecilia The other from LA dye. Ines Inês Guerreiro… I read that of Lady A…LA! Of Sixth sense… Bonjour! j’ai UNE cadeau […]

08 Mar 2015
25 Feb 2015

3:16 P.M

3:16 P.M 25-2-8 Time and Date Transformed into Letters.. The Message of the Mess-Age M-M.A. A.M.M… Time: C:P. C:A F. P.C…E F.A.C…E Y.B-H…. H-B-Y….E B.E-B-H…E H-B-E.B…E Espirit Sanctus… Spirit E E.S.P…I ..Rit-e Rites of Passage… Through the Tunnel to see the Vision… The Gift of the Holy Espirit. Today as I woke up, I saw 1 text message and 3O likes.. 13O… A .CO..M… I saw the message was from Moghalu Christopher Chinezimuzo…. M.CC…. 13:33.. The time now is 3:33 […]

17 Feb 2015

9:53 PM

9:53 pm I:C.E…pm. 17-2-8. 2-17-8 Q-B.H. 1+7=8) H-B-H Hello… Out of curiousity, I researched the meaning of the name Don Diego…DD… Don in Celtic means Dark Stranger…D S. And Diego means ‘Supplanted Usurper Don Die Go! 9:58 pm…. I:E H….meaning I am the Exemplification of Harmony… Which of course, is an affirmation from Perfect Timming PT. Don Die Go represents The Dark Stranger who is the Usurper Supplanter..U.S.. Of the Unseen Seen- Seen Unseen.. The one who is the Supplanter […]