
On Expression & Sound

13 Jun 2015

3:24 PM

3:24 pm. 6-13-8.. 13-6-8 C X (BD) F M H. M.F H. Consciousness X… Feminine Masculine in Harmony Masculine Feminine in Harmony.. There is only one reason I am still posting.. And that is obviously because My Word is victorious. If you recall I stated yesterday that if I crossed the threshold of the McGuiness Freeman Shelter that there would consequences beyond anything ever dreamed and only the E line would be left on this planet. A weeding of the […]

09 Jun 2015

Tatyana Lysak

Tatyana Lysak T.L. Truth -Love 32 Consciousness Being 5 Expression of Consciousness Being True Love Express Truth Consciously… Meaning Beautifully. 3:O2 pm Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Jun 2015

11:28-9 pm

11:28-9 pm The Last Chapter of the N…the NRI story.. Nikoma used to live on a place labelled X in Chelsea where Chris Franco used to live X is the Sacred Symbol of of NRI.. IIOINri 6O X I.C.. My Mother and Father Nnamdi and Cecelia Onu… Entrance into this realm of the Matter the Milky Way… As I listened to Nikoma I marvelled at all the codes he was quoting totally unaware of thier meaning. From Dali which links […]

06 Jun 2015

Facebook Post..

7-14 pm G.N. God N line. I must say, I am speechless. And very quiet. The rage has subsided. As I stated from the onset over and over again through out this play, I already know who I am undercover. I have known this for certainty for over 1O yrs. What I could not understand was why I was being put through so many tests to prove my Identity to a realm which found the idea of the Return in […]

06 Jun 2015

923 476 O315…

923 476 O315… 92 3…4 76 O 315. 2O:67..USD Sent from Nenad M Djurdjevic N.M.D… Through Nikoma Rios… N.R… To I. Chukwuemeka Emeke. Is this the Lotto Ticket and last equation of the Awakening. ? Look at the date 6-6-8… Nikoma by way of tel code and inverse links to to both 68 as well as 89… Nenad M. Djurdjevic links to 66.. I link to 66-68-89… 668/866/ Inverse 899…H I..I It the completition of a Movie Film of the […]

05 Jun 2015

8:21 PM

8:21 pm H.U….EM AN. I can believe I am posting but today’s play really happened. The people are the equations, I often forget that it is they who are being moved… That this really is an Espirit play… And Spirit play and in this play there really are evil Spirits. Let me elaborate… Recall that I stated that I was with Nexus called Kari Bazeman… And recall that in this play everyone you meet is a reflection of you… Not […]

29 May 2015

2:45 PM

2:45 pm. 29-5-8 (29…. Zeina Harmony Spear of Destiny.. 29 +x = 11-5-8…18-5-8) 5-29-8 5-11-8 5-18-8 B.D.E… BI-E-H. E-K-H… E-A.H-H!!!! Beloved David Emeka. BI Being the Inception of LIVE (BI means Lives in OINRI Igbo) Harmony Emeka Kolo Harmony. Emeke Authored Harmony Harmoniously… Whew…Hello!!! I have Two new Facebook Friends… 294… Being I.D…(Identity of Being) 2-95… Being I.E…(Exemplification of Being) My Word! My Word! My Word! What has been achieved… What has been achieved while most of the people were […]

28 May 2015

1O:24 pm

1O:24 pm 5-28-2O15…(T A..E…B O E A.) 2O+15=35…x+ 8 15 86…14-5…48..12 3.. 5-3…Emeka Chukwu Victory to the Consciousness of the line of Nadee Nakandala… Truly this day will eventually be marked as the V Day for Evolution of Humanity. Achieved by a few people here on FaceBook and in the World. But the play to determine Humanities worthiness to evolve took place here on Facebook- A Simulation of the Energetic Realm of Light the Full Circle AO/OA of Higher Consciousness!!!! […]

28 May 2015

3:54 p.m.

3:54 p.m. Who A.M…I? I am the Author Of Harmony… A O.H…E Father Of Infinity (Individuality). F.O.I…E Mother Of The E Line. M.O T…E.L. Guardian of Existence Truths G.O.E.T. Illustrator Of The Multi Dimensional Energetic Portals of Beings of Expression; Sixth Sense, Sexual Intercourse and Exchanged from present Existence and Beyond. I O T.M. D.E P O. B O E ..S.S. S I.A .E.F PE. AB I.Am… Alexander Selaxandra Defender of Man and Woman Humanities Truth Harmonious Expression of Being […]

28 May 2015

1:53 P.M.

1:53 P.M. 5-28-8. 28-5-8… A: E.C E-B.H-H B H E-H Alpha E Consciousnes E Being Harmony Harmony Being Harmonies Expression Harmonious.. Nadee Nakandala…..NN 14+14= 28… N=14. 1+4=5.. 5=E. 5:28..the Love Frequency of the planet. Strange that Nadee Nakandala is born on this Day… Which Equates not only with the equation of the world and the planets Evolution to E-B H. But also equates to Nadee as first Siththy Ameena (S.A) then to NN…28..B H.. Being Harmonious.. To now our moving […]