
On Expression & Sound

26 Nov 2020

6:26 p.m.

6:26 p.m. Just got back- went to buy some potatoes. I am making dinner for Jae Sherman and I I asked her to if she could buy or order some meat, since I can not go far, or order on my own accord. I had enough just enough cash but yesterday he tried and no window opened for Jae to order-so I decided to eat any old thing- and not be bothered. But I woke yo to Jae telling me […]

24 Nov 2020

9:04 p.m.

9:04 p.m. 94. I D E K… I Love You. New York N Y…Naturalness Y Chromosome. I D C.. It the name everyone called my mother. Brian Dempsey. If you see the play of Tree Sage’s post and conversation with Brian Dempsey you can see how the E Knowledge and Eternally knowing works and what we focus our attention on. Idek and 94 C in this reality is *IDEK is an acronym used in texting and social media that means […]

24 Nov 2020

2:16 p.m.

2:16 p.m. B P.. Beautiful Pride. Black Panther. 11-24-2020. K X- 2020. A-A B D TT. A-A E M F… Perfect Vision. Hello, I am not surprised at all by the arrival of Miguel Figueroa as my 1500 Facebook friend. E line links to M F. E A connects to M F. MF Masculine Feminine, Male Female M F= 19 add E=5, which I represent and it becomes 24. And yes link Aiyoyorwoth Natasha A N 1 14 which is […]

23 Nov 2020

7:03 p.m.

7:03 p.m. 11-23-2020. K W… K V V 2020. A-A V V T T. Hello, I just lost an entire post again, of which I am supremely indifferent – It does not make a slight difference to me what this Script I was forced to code says- or equate to. The private and public decision was made by me a long while ago, that for such a play to have been allowed to go far- and the contesting and challenge […]

27 Oct 2020

From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines Matrix Code Age 32 D.O.B. / B O D Y. 11-4-1987. 14-12-87 Chris Filgueira Alicia Norris A N 1 14 Please recall the play of the Beautiful expression of Alicia, from the Ancestors as Grandmother. The Door which closes till blackness No Escape. And Chiefy all the while at Heaven Space here in Connecticut drawing over a representations of the Imposter Game on the wall- he was painting the 1 Trinities frowning Face blocking […]

22 Oct 2020

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice…T S A.

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice…T S A. A.k.a The Sword of Truth. Kolo Journals .. K J.. V . Kolo Albums… K A… Scared Portals in my Albums. La Première Leçon du sorcier (titre original : Wizard’s First Rule) est le premier tome du cycle L’Épée de vérité, sorti en 1994. Il a été écrit par Terry Goodkind. Il s’est vendu à plus de vingt millions d’exemplaires en quelques Terry Good -Kind. T G K / K G T.. Truth God K=11 […]

20 Oct 2020

10:43 p.m

10:43 p.m I know it is hard to not take things personally when you are an Actor in Play Script you do not fully understand and which is confusing especially when your reality is this experience of every day. But this is not my play of Script I have been transforming. Its that of what some call Devil Satan in rage as terrible death and despite my being his Source, I was placed in the role of a script of […]

19 Oct 2020

3:29 a.m.

3:29 a.m. C 29 Lincolon. How It Ends… H I..E… E I..Harmony 59 H. Has been confirmed via Kamora Herrington and Estabon Miquel Filgueria.. E K.. E K. – K E… Destruction Hatred Poison. D H P.. There was no Harmony on this day with either, and so this is no longer a play or a Universal Simulation as in Enders Game… Its is now real. On the other side Ready Player One, P R O… Victory.. the 3 Stages […]

16 Oct 2020
11 Oct 2020

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play.

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play. I find myself not able to withhold the Joy of the play .. not share the beautiful news of Terrible Deaths play and letting that Ray -Degree Line pass through… by proving to the C Supreme C S .. that there is something in the perfect symmetry of […]