
On Expression & Sound

08 Jan 2016

From Chico Loco

From Chico Loco Namaste… I bow in recognition of Love of the Truth within you. is the Beautiful Truth which is in me… Together we can understand our Beautiful Truth, make it rise and merge with it, and live it out in the Open… The Lady and Her E-Spirit… Personality and Expression Really the two are one. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Jan 2016

From Stephen Filgueira

From Stephen Filgueira Speaking of the Transformation of Darth Vadar by Yo Da Man! …. From Feeling the Dark Force to Feelings Sensational… F.S…6 19…25…Y..Youth B.E Beautiful Expression.. A HI Definition Sound Creates Infinite Colors Hues Individual..Naturally Graceful C.I.. C.H.I.N.G Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Jan 2016

Facebook Post..

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Just because… its is Natural Solitude Beautiful Expressed… Because it has no concept of itself Being Alone or in Solitude, Until it discovers by meeting another, then others just as Itself. that it was Alone… Because all it felt in the Solitude was that Quiet Bliss and Serenity of its Existence, which came to be described as the Expression of Nothingness.. Not even of the Awareness of itself… It was solely focused on the Beautiful View, […]

04 Jan 2016

The Road Within….

The Road Within…. Watched this Last night, chosen by Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell..A Remake of the 2O1O movie Vincent Wants to Sea Starring Robert Sheehan (The Misfits)… R.S./S.R ( Stone Ridge…S.R) Robert means Bright Shinny Famous Light Sheehan means Peaceful Gentle Courteous See face Book friend Rob Barr R.B. Roberto Todaro..R.T. Robert Pasquine Mzena..R.P.M Bob Bert Hans….B.B.H Robert Plays plays Vincent… Code in the Plays Vincent.. Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Yes, the Character Robert even looks like my brother Nnamdi… […]

02 Jan 2016

From Kristine Baluba

From Kristine Baluba At Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell home On the DE.Ck outside where I work and the play is acted out there is a small statue of Buddha on one corner.. And in the other corner there is a Turtle… I saw a Golden lights Yesterday especially when Donna appeared outside, before that I was seeing Mauve Violet Indigo lights… Elephants called Enyi in OINri Igbo.. code name in face book play.. Enyiagu Afam Samuel… From the Wilderness […]

31 Dec 2015

1:45 p.m….A.D.E.

1:45 p.m….A.D.E. 31-12-2O15..35…8… A…C-L-T.O-C.E..H Alpha Cee Loves Truth to See Existence Harmonious… *That is a great message… 12-31-8… L-C.A-H… Loves Completion Ah!!! After this post I will Share with you sacred portal 145 which aligns to the time of this post, and the message solved through the date. Be well aware that each day, I am made aware of each days equation or set Goal. which I keep in the back of my mind as the days posting unravels and […]

30 Dec 2015

Jonn Blackwell suggested we watch this yesterday…

Jonn Blackwell suggested we watch this yesterday… I recalled having watched this at Albert’s home, recently, He had insisted I watch it, stating that it was me and my story… Perhaps, I mentioned it on facebook… It kind of disturbed me… So when Jonn suggested we watch it before I was reluctant.. but yesterday I watched it… Of course, you will recall my posting the code Chris Forrester yesterday, and how he was the last Face Book Friend I made […]

29 Dec 2015

7:38 p.m.

7:38 p.m. 12-29-8…L.B.I.H… 29-12-15…B.I…L..O…..B.I.L.O Code: Oh, Individuality is the principal of Lucifer, (Bringer of the Light of the Morning Star, Mba Afor Ocha!) is Love in perfect Symmetry of perfection of purpose… Hello… I am back at 455 Face Book friends, having now been dancing between 455 and 456 face book friends. Yes, I am in a riddle, a riddle which I have sought to impress upon those who have been reading this posts, comes from a place beyond. It […]

24 Dec 2015

4:15 pm…

4:15 pm… D.O… First Note… D.A..E… DA E… Sun Dae… In Honor to the Sundaes which Jonn Blackwell introduced me to.. whose ingredients would have been the way my journey had been.. Delicious from Top to Bottom, from Beginning to End.. In Honor of the Lady who sells them here… I noticed that we are back still at 455 Face Book friends… Sacred Portal 45 and 55… Though I was eager to reach 56 Face Books friends, representing sacred portal […]

24 Dec 2015

From Richard Schooping

From Richard Schooping A beautiful I.E. Exemplification and expression of Agape…Brotherly Love… Original Facebook Post: Click Here