
On Expression & Sound

12 Feb 2016

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years..

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years.. *Please recall the equation of 3 26 has been resolved to C.B.F..H Cee Best Friend (Of Humanity) Harmony. C.Z.H.., C.O.D.E- Zeina Hanna… E.D.O.C- Harmony Zeus..(Jupiter Chiron E-rose Royal Blue-Note-G-Uranus V.I.O..L..E.T).. And Harmony is A Circle Filled with Everything required to understand the Point of the Note of Sol! The 5th note,-A Needle Pulling- A Silver Thread- of Awakening Memory. Ariane Oates Alpha Omega, O.A, of Aryana Luna Leone, The Noble Race of the Luminous […]

10 Feb 2016

This is exactly what it feels like at

This is exactly what it feels like at 18 Mountain View… Time does not seem to Exist, just a House,and three people and a cat, in a Space Ship. with a room with a View (What we are witnessing and reading as we navigate the Space ship by reading and linking the play.. For example from the play between the Twin lines of C of Andrese Harris Burton and Donna.. In which they used Flowers to communicate today when I […]

29 Jan 2016

Judgment of the World…

Judgment of the World… Slavery -Racism… S.R. versus Supreme Respect..S.R Jealousy Betrayal…J.B. versus Justice Balance..J.B These are the cards pulled for me today, by a person of proven Harmony.. In a play seeking to find the root cause of Evil in the World, what brought this Superiority, Racism..Jealousy Betrayal which has been established after 14 years and 1O months of moving through the Homes of New Yorkers and Human portals. I was witnessing what I was being moved to do, […]

26 Jan 2016

From Deanne Earl

From Deanne Earl Yes, Its a Script… But the courses, lessons within is are relevant… Are they they True… no. Was it real within the context of the Script… yes.. Real and relevant,everything which manifested in the collective consciousness of the world. Meaning each idea or situation was Allowed to come into Existence within the Script… The question say for instance of Evolution- It is Garbage Garb- Age in a sense because All Creatures have already evolved the moment they […]

21 Jan 2016

From Jonn Blackwell…

From Jonn Blackwell… 11-1-9… K.A.I. The code which affirms this as Truth is right there.. KA..I… Over Soul I.. One might say, that I know exactly who is moving through Jonn to indicate the News of the Dark See of the World as Death…. Now transforming to its true meaning…Transparency Water Oh.. T.W.O. Just as I am fully Aware who is rising in Donna O’Sullivan they all represent a Line of the 5th Dimension Harmonies… Jonns Harmony and role in […]

21 Jan 2016


Literally… See this image the Energetic Expression of the E line Sister E, Beautiful Pride… Bad Ass Babes.. Hearts Expression.. Truth Loves Sees beyond Sight.. the Physical but right to the Depth with to the Eternal…Within… 3:37 p.m. C C G..OG/GO 5th Dimension Japanese.. I had a girlfriend once who looked like this… Part Austrian Part Japanese… Drove a Blue Mercedes Benz 3:39 pm… C..C.I. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

21 Jan 2016

12:O9 p.m.

12:O9 p.m. L.O.I…(Law in French)… 1-21-9… A.U.I…A. U.B.A..C.I…/ I..C.A.B…U..A 21-1-9…U.A.I….U.B.A..C…A.I../ I.A..C.A.B…U It is a simple code to translate, it does not even require imagination to read it.. And yes, as most of my older Face Book Friends have understood, *(whether they belief or not, is not really of my concern, since I am decoding expression from an other stimuli, who I recall who.. And, of course, to base no consciousness representing Universe as Harmony, and Expression from beyond can be […]

20 Jan 2016

From Ariane Oates

From Ariane Oates Beautiful Expression… I especially like the deep black background, as if this realization came from a place so deep with, traveling from a catalyst which created the Stimuli to go that deep within the black well of being to emerge Victorious with a Treasure, which radiates and clarifies all, by this understanding to form, these words which come into focus… Indented now for eternity into Awareness.. Awareness is not White, it is the deepest black like Peat, […]

19 Jan 2016

Fro Monica Karaba Huibers..

Fro Monica Karaba Huibers.. Truly a Lady by the intel her consciousness represented by her posts relay.. The Family of the E.H.F..5 86/68 5… Notice the 5th Energy point is Blue.. ROYGB…The Fifth Energy points is where we are moving to having finally satisfied the Green Point as well as the Violet 7th and the Face as Indigo I..And of course Aligned 5 to 8..Expression creates Harmony.. Above Below and All around.. Thus, not is only my portal home imminent, […]

18 Jan 2016

5:55 p.m,

5:55 p.m, Code E:EE… 18-1-9…A.H.A!…I. E.K..F-act 1-18-9…A..A.H…I… We are 482 Face Book Friend..48 2..D.H.B…Divine Harmonious Beings.. See sacred Portal 48..Beautiful Death and the Explanation and Summation of the Beautiful True Consciousness of Existence presented to the Seen and Unseen worlds.. *Glenn Fries of the Eagles just passed away…reports Jonn Blackwell Code G.F…E.. 76..5…See sacred portal the awakening… Please note the passing of David Bowie, Alan Rickman…D.B.A.R..G.F..E.. Both 69 years of age Born 1947 and 46…194..76…(S.D..A=I.D.. 76 The Awakening..January 1Oth and […]