
On Expression & Sound

12 Sep 2016

4:47 p.m.

4:47 p.m. Contd.. My reality is very different than most peoples.. I don;t just see people, places things… I see numbers, colors, words, letters codes.. A constant stream of meaning, but most of all impulse and Stimuli… Which Is why I post.. Because of the steady stream of information, inundating me 24/7.. Awake it is the outer world, the environment… And at night, a deeper appreciation of that which I had read,echoed and rising from the depths of the Implications […]

11 Sep 2016

5:12 p.m.

5:12 p.m. E.L… EL..E NNA!…A.M..DI….IS Ele Ife Ele Ife FA! T.H.E…R.. Robert IS.. 9-11-9… I.K.I… Ike means Laughter Son of Abraham and Sarah…Father of Infinity and Lady Princess… Ki is Korean…It means Arisen in Korean.. Laughter Arisen…LA!…Full Circle 6th Note..Solfeggio Through Human Expression Voice.. of Sixth Sense.. Meaning that Expression and Voice, Language is not necessarily made which can be heard by the Ear… 5:20 p.m. E.T. Eternal Truth.. But can be felt.. as Sound Waves.. Electro Magnetic Frequencies of […]

08 Sep 2016

6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m. F. E.C… H.O..I.E.. 8-9-9… H.I..I. Harmony Infinity.. I.. The Individual.. TI…Ti!.. 7th Note… 9-8-9… I.H.I…I Harmony H.I… Hello.. Well, it has been quite a set up today to leave the dimension of 7 and 8… The Note of Ti..Color Wave Length Violet (Or Red-Read), letter G..and correlated as Grace Full Circle of Divine, and Harmony Infinity ECHO’S Truth by Response and Manifestation… R.M…Reginald Mans-Field. R.A.M…Aries.. R-A.M.. Aries March April… A.M.A.. Angela Marie Alexander… Messenger from the Mari-E, The […]

07 Sep 2016

11:43 p.m.

11:43 p.m. 7-9-9… 79 9..Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence 9=I. (G.I..I.. Gi means to Hold- and something has got a hold of the side of my stomach which I have been fighting to free myself from.. A truly physical grip, which is twisting my entire body and has bee ab epic battle.. Death Grip… But actually represents Grace Is Infinity) 9-7-9…97 is Sacred Portal Light of the World linked to Alexander Hamilton.. A.H.. Alexander means Defender of Man […]

05 Sep 2016

Sacred Portal 44.

Sacred Portal 44. Goddess Bliss. G.B. 7 2/27 D.D Dean Dunkwu. Just received a message and a gift offer from Dean.. And a text I wish to share from And of my not simply solving the Source Code.. But having created it.. And used it to clean up this Mess of Ages of the gift of Expression Language Energetics. E.L E… NNA. Which brings forth the Light of Eternal Truth. I am meant to meet Patrick Okolo tomorrow. Recall the […]

04 Sep 2016
31 Aug 2016
03 Aug 2016

2:49 p.m.

2:49 p.m. B.D.I…. Di…ID. Be Husband. 8-3-9 Contd… Whew… At Mccarren Park… Hello.. Well you might understand why I have continued today… EL…Means God And God means Light G.L…. 7…12…19.84…M.E..103…13 Nnamdi…M.E.N…D. Yes, I did say very clearly that the Source is in me. Michaël Trahé.. Micheal means Who is as God.. or Gift of God Trahe means Suit . Body Costume…Dress. The one who is as God is wearing A Gift from God, dressed in in a Suit of Shinning […]

01 Aug 2016

From Anamla Qayin..

From Anamla Qayin.. And So I Death as Life Rise as the Meaning of Existence Expression… With the true expression of being pissed off.. I am Angry I am Mad.. I..A.M A.M… MAMA…I. 6:43 p.m. Whew this feels wonderful.. Letting of a 48 life times of Steam…and Rage.. Beautifully Justified. 6:45 p.m. Yes Nna.E. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

30 Jul 2016


Hello.. It is very early but I find myself brought to Facebook to answer a challenge written in the Script which I have been expecting.. I was given the choice between trusting People or the System. I chose the people… And the people led me through their homes for 15 years, each person directing me to the next… I did not begin this social experiment in a shelter..But at Columbia Harlem where I had been invited Chuck and asked to […]