
On Expression & Sound

27 Dec 2020
25 Dec 2020

7:21 PM

7:21 pm. A Post which began at 3:07 pm Then again at 3:31 pm 12-25-2020. Just Vanished a moment ago- probably the internet … and yes something else. It contained vital knowledge as well as the knowledge of the portal via the 1st color being the 5th Color as Sound out of the Matrix of nature. The knowledge is already known to me, nor am interested in being compelled to take in these interruptions on that which is so ridiculously […]

24 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

10:05 pm. J:OE. S P… Harmony… See the meaning of the name Joseph. And the one who made me play his Son- Song- Sum- Sim-ple-P-La-NET T E N… 11:15 pm K O. A-A O. Alpha Omega…. you can read When I was translating and transforming the last share from my again, 15 31 FaceBook Friend, after solving and reconciling the page, being and code of Patrice Human Torch Meister. Patrician Aristocratic ( Aristotle Alexander ) Noble as the rare, but […]

21 Dec 2020

6-22.. 6:23 pm.

6-22.. 6:23 pm. F V… F Double V V. Micheal Trahe has arrived once again, how many times has he come and gone… M T= 13 20- 33. Todays is 12-21 … = 33 Do you still think that this is my imagination .. this play, and something refusing to give up, and another allowed this to go this far and my having to go this far to clean up its, their mess for believing a story and that there […]

18 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

7:14 pm G N 12-18-2020. L R. Grace Naturalness. Luca Roca? Left Right Living Room. It is so extraordinary now, the play. Today’s setup involved Kim and me, and the awakening of the Supreme Being and his-her Supreme Body. Recall, we concluded yesterday with the arrival of my 1531 Facebook friend Bessie Spann B S which aligned to this very address 2 17 And two beings and one left standing in the play. E K. E K K A H. […]

13 Dec 2020

8:25 PM

8:25 pm. 12-13-2020. Hello. It is easy to read the code above. So there is no need that I translate. It is obvious that we have been in an Enders Game. Highlander play of Immortality. Jet Li ( J L) The One A Childrens game, but E T Childen and they of the Rainbow Spectrum- the bridge to cross over was being able to read thier play. Which in truth like musical chairs and all the games played here, they […]

06 Dec 2020

As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58. But before I left I had to also access the sacred portals 55. EE Evolution Extinction via Expression… I realize now that i feel less Occupied by those who lie in wait, like disease and all those things which get under ones skin- impossible to reach to scratch, unless you light a match and burn the body with a blue flame… you […]

03 Dec 2020

6:19 PM

6:19 pm. F S… F A I- R 12-3-2020. L C 2020 Lyrical Conversation. Lyrical Conversation is the Science which I invented as a man. I wrote 5 Papers, in which all were confirmed as A Fact except the Lyrical Conversation: based on Light’s Conscious expression which when one attains that frequency- you can literally effect all physical reality, matter, people with illness or problems which required solving. I could not publish the papers, which I completed in 2010-2011 because […]

02 Dec 2020

Sacred portal 147

Sacred portal 147 3:14 pm C N Pi Poi (Poi means weight) * I just got intel that the star of the Black Panther movie first ethnic movie to reach he billion dollar mark in sales, followed by the Asian-Chinese movie Crazy Rich Asians B P OIL F O I L.. Father of Infinity Sacred Portal right here rep Emmy me as the Eternal Past E P. Eternal Planet. E P .E E. Sacred portal 7 and 28 and 122 […]

29 Nov 2020

Oh.. sigh…

Oh.. sigh… Margaux Hayes is the name of my new Facebook friend with the intel Sandra Bland. S B. Margaux comes from the name Margaret. meaning Pearl. Yes, Jae Sherman cat, who she was speaking about her today. Pirates of the Caribbean Arrgh!! Space Pirates. * Dear lord they will play for this play the scallywags. Space Pirates Mischief and Mahem- went too far… Correct Code Space Pi-rates The Elegant Nomads TEN not 10. Margaux Hemmingway. M H. * Correct […]