
On Expression & Sound

17 Jan 2017

11:47 AM

11:47 am A very quick note.. I am seriously exhausted and over Impulsed and Stimulated by the this multi- dimensional play while at the same to posting. I should not be posting anymore, but I demands are still being made, and the portal of E GA LA XY 1O 11. C I… Is, just as this process is way too slow. I have explained and explained what is going on to the point of my own fatigue? And provided All […]

16 Jan 2017


Contd… 6:45 p.m. Rob Barr…. O.R.B…B.R.O… Is so intrinsic to this 16 year play of my coming to New York… Not only because of what he represents to me personally, but what he represents to All of Us and you in this last phase of the Awakening Evolution Video Game.. It is not one person, but it is one person representing a principle such as in a game of Chess. As is all things in this scenario, everything could have […]

15 Jan 2017

Damn.. White People you claim Everything originated in in your image.. of complexion and form…

Damn.. White People you claim Everything originated in in your image.. of complexion and form… You take the Truth and just… Torture it to Death and beyond to satisfy the most Primitive.. ( Not Primal) but the Savage Barbaric….of negating everyone else to proclaim everything is the image of your Physical Race… Is that not the Consciousness of a Barbarian Conqueror… Rob Barr spoke of Pope Alexander;s Tomb… Designed by the Great Sculptor Bernini….. A Maroon Marble Background….with a Skeleton […]

13 Jan 2017

6:31 p.m.

6:31 p.m. Code Time Doctor Patrick Okolo three time connection. Excuse, I have to pause… Did you notice how my last post started at B.E.I… And has moved down from 860… See sacred Portal 86 O.. to 8 59…H.E.I… Now, the code is meant to be B.E.I…N.G… Add 14 7… Sacred Portal 147… Emmy… 21…U… 3..C…C is Chukwu… Instead one can see the malice, B.E.I…Be E I… Which can be read as Is E..I… The Individual Infinity…etc.. is he me? […]

12 Jan 2017

Energy Is Eternal

Energy Is Eternal Its journey is Kinetic Energy K E It Simply wants to go Home to Eternity. What we call Evolution Is literally Energy returning to its Source Expression. It has explored all Potential Dark Matter Activated all that which is True of its Original Nature. And Rejected all that Is False, that which it could never Be. It has read the Pattern of Its own Universal Expression. U.E. As Body And Being Particle and Wave Note and Music […]

11 Jan 2017

I am so sick of people, telling me that what I claim to have done

I am so sick of people, telling me that what I claim to have done can’t be true. Most of these people are not even qualified to make such statements. They look at my state, my skin color, my education, my background.. Their Spirits Rise, move them to recognize me and even open up the doors of their Homes and Hearts to me.. But immediately I tell them what the Evidence, that I had been so eager to share with […]

11 Jan 2017

Back to 8 54

Back to 8 54 I know why Just spoke to Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna.. Innocent. Traihi the 23 yr old in my room who lit up and was glowing with pure white light yesterday night as he spoke to me- almost Commanding me to give him all the Intel.. Said he was at first attracted to my light, Then saw my body do its thing then the Primal Emotive sound emerge. He said he felt fear, that there was something dark […]

05 Jan 2017

6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. Contd… There is a man who has lived in and out of the Shelter System for 15 years…! He Sees… He calls me Professor… He Knows nothing about me… We have never had a conversation… He began calling me this months ago.. and a few days ago, took decided to tell me why… You have that air about you… Larry.. Lawrence the one who noticed my Harmony and when he heard I was writing about Harmony, said that […]

04 Jan 2017

6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m. 4-1-2017…. D.A. T.Q… Delta AT Quantum. 1-4-2017…. A-D…. 37….C.G… A-D.C.G..A 6:37 p.m. There seems to be an embargo on people being able to grasp or accept what I am saying is really going in physically.. PHYSICALLY.. in my body… It is aligning it self, transforming so incrementally it feels like growing pain x 1 million… It takes everything in me to write to speak to move and concentrate on it not entangling… I feel each muscle stretch then […]

04 Jan 2017

In honor of my 845 Face Book Friend…

In honor of my 845 Face Book Friend… Hippolytus Ebisike H.E. (8.5) According to Ancient Greek Mythology Hippolytus is the son Theseus who with the aid of Ariadne went down into the maze constructed by Daedalus (whose son was Icarus.. Of the Wax Wings which melted when he flew to near to the Sun and plummeted to his Death… Daedalus Icarus D.I. ..E Sacred portal D= 4 I= 9… 49 49th State.. Alaska Nome.. The 4th Kind.) Anyway Theseus which […]