
On Expression & Sound

02 Jun 2017
02 Jun 2017

I Stand U

I Stand U I S.U. The Infinity Sign is depicted in the West Lying Down I Stand Up I Lay Down. And Still I am standing, Occupational habit of Being Me. I Stand Up I Speak Up Harmony Infinity 88 one Standing Up. Vertical One Laying Down. Horizontal Four Loops A Flower. 88 is One 8. 888888888 Caesar Rivera said to me as we walked in respond to my comment that I Stand Up- not because I have an Agenda […]

01 Jun 2017

Zip code 29710

Zip code 29710 Hello…. I wish to share with you what just happened on my return to Delta Manor… I was told that I had been moved by the Directors of the Shelter, both Caucasian, from room Room 5A. Bed 5-006 to Room 4A Bed 4-004…44… 5 56… 11 1 4 44… 12… 4( 3)…. D.C… 43 Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life Eternal Life. At 4:56 p.m Lota George Odabi sent me the first Western Union Code… 74852730… 4-56… […]

31 May 2017

From Marvin Sanders..

From Marvin Sanders.. Hence my Sadness… There was no true desire by All to find the source of the Story… Which is in the very codes you read of Adam meaning Red Man.. Red Brown Earth… To Link things by using Nature as a Painting By Numbers Reference Guide. All there was, Is a War a constant war to establish a Supremacy and Dominance by using something they never really cared about or they would have simply done the most […]

30 May 2017

2:56 AM

2:56 am As I was photographing this Headless Bat Man and posting the Evidence Caesar Rivera came in. Only bed 5-001, 5-008, 5-009 W.C R M and A M are their initials. He enquired about this, I reminded and asked for some American Spirit. 3:00 pm C yes my mothers line Then noted that bed 5-008 was sleeping, he was not, no one was. Not their E-Energy, Spirits, Thoughts or Bodies. It is a a performance, and I am the […]

29 May 2017

10:51 AM

10:51 am Hello… It has been a very unpleasant task and day. But according to this Script, it is Constant Expression using Conscious Reason Aware Expression Creates True Light.. I loathe this Script, as most know The Hatred is just to unspeakable I have no words to convey it. I really desire to be no part of or report on only Horror Nightmare and the Hatred so many had for the Human Species. It is only because of this force […]

28 May 2017

3:12 PM

3:12 pm C L C A B God is with you Paul Franlin told me last night- bed room 3A Bed 35. C E the point S.P C E The Point. ( T P. 2016 last year) S P A C E… And when I refused his apology He proceeded to curse me out. Mouth Trap. Room 3A represents the Awareness of the 3rd planet from the Sun. In this perception, it is viewed as the Planet Earth and the […]

25 May 2017
23 May 2017

8:09 P.M.

8:09 P.M. Nenad M. Djurdjevic is a Truly and Exceptional Man. I want the Entire Word to Know this today. He has been tested in a way that I have been for 3- 4 Years… Not by me but by the Igbo, the Igbo O.I.NR.I, the Ayrans.. the All Living and Dead… But now by the Beautiful Ones… and the E Family… It is but a taste of what I was put through for 28 years… But it can be […]

20 May 2017

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H!

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H! And Why not… She has an Extraordinary Cleavage.. and a Cows Moo.. eyes… What Me… No I did (not) pass Gas Gaz- Fill the World with Methane and poison this entire world Me Haine… Putting Hate in the World. Response from the Apis Bull… A.B. Madame, my eyes are Drawnnn to the Evidence of Mammaries which contradict the your testimony- but I will over look the evidence because I wish to explore what you so […]