
On Expression & Sound

23 Jul 2017
19 Jul 2017

A Series of events brought me here today…

A Series of events brought me here today… Heavenly Father…We take and never give any thing at all….. How Apropos. But what many might not know is the song is literally saying Yahweh will be there” … James Ingram and Michael McDonald – Yah Mo Be There … City of Elohim (Psalm 48) – …I keep forgetting the most important thing taking place at the moment is what is taking place in my body. And that no matter how I […]

16 Jul 2017
14 Jul 2017

Egalitie Fraternite Liberte….

Egalitie Fraternite Liberte…. Equality Fraternity Liberty… E..F.L… E.M.E.K.A..K.O.L.O… Forte Lauderdale… E.F.L… 5 6 12….. 11 12..L.K… 23…W..Double V on both sides of the Atlantic… Atlantic City…Brenda Lisa.. Understanding Expression B.LU.E… 5th Color… V… D.V. 5 6 12… 5..18… E.R… 93.. Yesterdays Play… 9 3.. I.C. E.R.I.C.. A.M…E.R.I.C… 1000… 1.. A… Full Circle… A.M..E.R.I.C.A. 5 6 6= 12… E.L…5 12… 17…Q…Quantum… Tao Quantum… *See Share of My Face Book Memory by Anthony Bienke yesterday. 7-14-1 O…. 14-7- 1O… See Sacred Portal […]

08 Jul 2017

8:20 p.m.

8:20 p.m. Yes …Flor Elena Me-Dina ( Dina Singh.. D.S.. 4 19.. 18… 23.. 22.. 5 4… 9… Completion… 1000.. 999.. 19… S.. Steven Bed 4-003.. Room 4.A.. We are at the End. Time now; 8:23 p.m… H.B.C… H.Double V… H.D.V… Harmony Debra Valerie… Valerie Freeman… V.F… 5 6…11 No Barrier of Glass or Mirrors.. No Tricks… There is only one true Wall which separates us..But which really connects us… Breath Air…Space Expression.. Laker Brenda Aaroyal… L.B.A…S.E… That is the […]

08 Jul 2017

The Post I was writing and just posted disappeared.

The Post I was writing and just posted disappeared. 7;23 p.m. Just to make you aware it began at 6:09 p.m.. 69… April 5th, 1969… Which is when Nnamdi was Born. 7;23 is G.W… Really G.Double V… VV.. Which now links to the yesterday, which was 7-7… And the release date of Spiderman, the Homecomming… 7 7 V V…. Deborah Valerie… Valerie Freeman… Friend of Lisa Natalie Johnson and the one who is the Mother who came back and stayed […]

06 Jul 2017

3:47 p.m.

3:47 p.m. D.C..G…. 7-6- 1 O… Clarity at the Speed of Light Beyond, G- Ode and the Sixth Sense, Awareness Alpha Omega in Perfect Symmetry. Sacred Portal 76… It reads.. The 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening OO.. 76 22 ( V) NET. MET JET LET…LE BEST.. E.T…N.M.J.L…L.E..B.EST. 4:07 p.m. 47… 1947.. My Mother.. C.O…Larry Sax… @ 5:10 p.m… Code 51… Area 51…. E.A. Sent me the last Money Code,of 45 usd… 45…See Sacred Portal 45 Throne of […]

01 Jul 2017

2:33-4 pm

2:33-4 pm B C C – B C D 7-1- 1 O Hello, I am not very surprised that the moment, I have finally decided to take the action necessary forwards, and out of this place that it would fall on American Independence Day. ( A I D… Yes.) But then yesterday, I illustrated the reality I have been aware of, and living in for the past 25 yrs.. And the 16 in New York in which I described how […]

25 Jun 2017

From Winston Smith W S.

From Winston Smith W S. That is what is described as Being Being Do 4 2 6 W S. 23 19. 42. That is meaning of Existence 42/ 24 24 Hours a Day. And there is no way, no matter how much a Master of Self Mastery you may have attained, it can not be done but Naturally. Meaning that you are literally, being you. You as the proverbial Particle and Wave Link the Super Hero, Flash As in Flash […]

23 Jun 2017