
On Expression & Sound

13 Sep 2018

6:57 p.m.

6:57 p.m. @ 1.57 p.m. I received a message from Roger Attaway. With the code from Roger… 54 14 474 260… 5- 4 14 474 260…. 5 41 44 74 26 O… *Recall the sequence of numbers which Kassim Hudson gave me last night… Father born 1926… 26… A-Z… ( Sali Adekunle)… He was met his Love and Twin self at age 15 letter O.. *Roger Attaway do you hear me…? R A W… 7:27 p.m.. right now. He was […]

09 Sep 2018

Life Is A Riddle.

Life Is A Riddle. LITERALLY… And I have been solving the Riddles of Our.. ( well your Existence) since I have been living since 1988 in only the Eternal Realm and came out with that Open Secret I told no one not even my beloved mother until I left my sisters homes in Queens Park London. And began, finally addressing the Silence about me world and truth in 1989.. 29 Years again, that I fully recollected that I am not […]

31 Aug 2018
28 Aug 2018

1:08 p.m.

1:08 p.m. 8-28-2018… Hello, I just had a quiet and elegant text conversation with Chris Inabnitt. It is him. He is the last eqaution portal to E GA LA XY 1O11 C.I. He sent me his code address… A-A.H E… I C… I just stared at it… I am a warrior.. a warrior of Spirit and being, trained my entire life. Recall my mother stated sadly that I cam out of her womb having to fight.. and have been fighting […]

27 Aug 2018

8-17/18 p.m.

8-17/18 p.m. 8-27-2018 From Dzidula Offiong… D O… 2:40PM Your Energies are Powerful, they Sustain you in your Physicality, they are felt in Unity, they are the Healing Aspect of yourself and this Planet. So never feel there is nothing you can do, because you are as long as you keep that Loving Balanced Vibration Flowing in each moment. ? ? ? ? ? Link his initials D.O. to Bed 4-015… D O O… And the time 2:40 p.m… 24.. […]

26 Aug 2018
17 Aug 2018


Purity? Perfection…? Harmonies…? Infinite… ? The Eternal…? You cant go chasing these thing.. attributes. They come to you… The meaning of each word which came into existence from its Source, recognizes its source vibration and comes to it naturally.. and the sum total of this is becomes the Beings I.D. Stamped, indented in the Story of Eternity made manifest. Through a play unseen by others, which is what qualifies you- without you even being aware. One is thrown literally into […]

16 Aug 2018

Facebook Post..

1.22 a.m. A.V. Only Manifestation is Left.. I completed my part of the Bargain .. I have proven the Mission Impossible in this set up and Labyrinth Maze Challenege. I have have proven the supremacy of the Eternals and thier presence and Existence. Have you been following the News? The Humanity is Insane.. But the World, Nature.. Existence Universe.. the Hueman Being and the Human Body is in perfect Harmony… Humanity is a Lie.. Hue Man Being.. Beautiful Truth… H.U..Mann […]

25 Jul 2018

7:07 p.m.

7:07 p.m. 77 7-25-2018. G.G. G E T.. R…U E. G G is that not the third Author, in the 4 part share of Isabelle Ilic which I shared as the approach equation reflected of the appearance of the Epiphany Coudre Foudre Thunder and Lightening of the collective Ah!!!! Aw!!!! Its is,, I believe, the Third in the series of 4… J C N L G G J C Full Circle which then when it is completee it heralds a […]

20 Jul 2018